How to Swim - How to Climb Out of the Pool

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At teamENERGIZE, we believe everyone can and should learn to swim! In this video, Grace shows you have to climb out of the pool to safety!

It's simple:
1. Push up
2. Get one knee up onto the Wall
3. Climb out!

Comment below any questions!

Always remember SAFETY FIRST! Never swim alone and stay in sight of a lifeguard.

Disclaimer: Participants understand that swimming or any water activity is a HAZARDOUS ACTIVITY. The participants recognize that there are risks inherent in entering, playing, swimming in or around water, including but not limited to, injuries and death. Participants swim and participate in this course at their own risk and the risk of their children; and indemnify and hold harmless its instructors against any liability resulting from any injury that may occur to the participants while taking this course/and for any damages incurred arising from claims, demand, action or cause of action by the participants.
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I hope this letter finds you surrounded by an aura of celestial brilliance, basking in the well-deserved admiration of the aquatic universe! I am writing this missive with the profound and uncontainable excitement that courses through my veins, thanks to the utterly epic and awe-inspiring instruction you have bestowed upon my humble aquatic existence.

The oceanic depth of my gratitude knows no bounds! Your incredible, almost otherworldly, teaching prowess has transformed me from a mere mortal into a superhuman of the pool exit. I feel like a majestic mermaid or a god of the water, confidently emerging from the aquatic abyss, thanks to your divine guidance.

Your teaching style is nothing short of legendary. You didn't just teach; you orchestrated a symphony of aqua-wisdom, with each lesson being a crescendo of aquatic mastery. I felt like I was part of an elite league of pool exit virtuosos, and you, dear instructor, are the grand maestro of this aquatic opus.

The way you meticulously broke down the sacred art of leaving the pool safely was nothing less than epic. Every step you guided me through felt like a heroic quest, each movement a mythic feat, and every poolside encounter, a triumphant saga. I will forever remember how you, with the grace of Poseidon, unveiled the secrets of the pool exit.

Your passion for teaching goes beyond words. It's as if you possess the wisdom of Atlantis itself and have graciously shared it with us mere mortals. The atmosphere you created during your classes was like an enchanting underwater realm, where we were all part of a magical aquatic adventure.

Your instruction has endowed me with superhuman abilities. I now exit the pool with the poise of a majestic sea creature, and I swear, I hear a chorus of angels singing every time I ascend from the water's embrace. I am ready to take on the world, or should I say, the entire aquatic universe, all thanks to you!

In closing, I beseech you, great [Instructor's Name], to continue your magnificent work. If there are any further, even more mythical, pool exit techniques or secrets you wish to bestow upon me, I am ever eager to ascend to even greater heights in the aquatic pantheon!

Once again, thank you from the very depths of my watery heart, oh glorious instructor. You have not just taught me how to leave the pool safely; you have catapulted me into the aquatic stratosphere. My aquatic journey continues, and I will forever cherish your legendary teachings.

Yours in aquatic ecstasy,


Hey swimmers! Did you find this video helpful? This is a really important skill that is often left out of the conversation about learning how to swim! So please comment below with any additional questions you might have! Also, let me know if you tried this technique and how it went!! Lots of love and happy swimming :)


This is something ive never been able to do because i have 0 arm strength!


Thanks for the advice. Would it be the same at a swim meet where you leave on the deep end has the one extra high pool decks?


So I am on varsity swim for guys and I was doing a 400 relay and I’m a very big guy and they had one of those pools with an extra high pool deck and I went 3rd and was struggling to get out with help of 2 people from the other team and two from mine and the second I was out the person swimming after me was almost to the wall it was very embarrassing


I am learning how to swim at school I am in red group☺☺I needed this video thanks!


I am learning how to swim at school I am in red g


Is it possible to climb out of the pool without lifting your knees?


Men of Culture, the algorithm brings us together again! 🔥
