Neville Goddard's Out of This World (with Discussion)

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Here we check out one of my favorite writings by Neville Goddard's Out of This World. It may be better than feeling is the secret. This wonderful writing talks about thinking in a fourth dimensional way. In this writing you really learn the power of assumptions and how to change it. His language is poetic and beautiful. I believe this is the closest we get to Neville talking about Parallel Universes. Here he introduced us to the concept of the serial universe.

I learned a lot from this particular lecture and I really wanted to share it with you.

The video is an awesome 3d Mandelbrot.
Video created by Maths Town:

The music is one of the best soundtracks yet by Mettaverse.

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Music by Mettaverse

Through the haze Ambient blade runner tribute meditation 582hz
777hz deep relaxation
Tibetan singing bowls rain and thunder 432hz
Sea of Samsara Karmic Clearing
111hz the language of light balancing the light 444hz
Love the universal constant 111hz 444hz tuning
111hz The Heart of True Being
Into the Omniverse 963hz pineal gland activation
768hz throat chakra inspire creativity

Intro: 0:00
Lecture: 0:42
Discussion: 1:14:31
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This is an incredible teaching by Neville I thought you would like it

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I can not stop crying. You have absolutely captured Neville's spirit, I know he is proud of you. You are bringing his words to life. Please keep doing what you are doing. IT IS CHANGING THE WORLD. Thank you soooo much.❤


I’ve listened to this about 20 times and keep coming back.


I have gone back to the beginning of the Neville teaching on your channel. This is a must listen... it needs to to be listened to every day like I have. It is life changing, I know this was 2 years ago but The RR needs to listen to this again and again. Thankyou Brian for introducing Neville to us, he was in a different league in teachers, there is no one like him! Thankyou for focusing on him and delivering in your unique way as I listen to him in his own voice a lot. You deliver his word perfectly and I'm sure everyone here is grateful as am I. Thankyou x🙏


Man this is intense. I'm deeply paying attention like my life depends on it. Brian you're an amazing teacher. Everything feels so alive right now even the words I'm typing. AWESOME thanks for helping us really go deep with all this knowledge.


I manifested a free trip to the beach & to see friends who had moved South! I so longed for their company & the good times we had & was as Neville said...he had a “haunting desire” to Ab to return home to Barbados! It was the same for me! I had a great longing...very deep to be with my friends & be at a beach at the same time! I’m in New England, both friends moved to SC! I imagined several times how the sun used to feel warm to hot upon my skin at the beach! It was so vivid! I smelled the ocean air, saw seagulls soaring in my mind (which later yielded a perfect shot as 1 swiftly flew by me!) I felt my toes digging in the warm, but soft beach sand! I heard the crash of the waves! I LOVED this Day dream! I went over & over it not really knowing where I would end up...but hoping to end up on a beach! As I was doing this...I also thought of my friends & of all the fun we had! They are my 2 choicest female friends!
Imagine my surprise when one in N Myrtle beach says, since I’ve not been able to get to visit you up there in my travels, I would love to bring you down here to visit! 😃 she paid for my 2-way ticket & I paid for the petsitting of my cat! Then...once I to, d my other friend who worked in S. Myrtle Beach, she wanted to spend time with me & asked if she could save the other friend the trip & she would pick me up in S. Myrtle Beach at the airport & we had a BLAST! (I thought my friend was going to have to cancelled my flight due to the evacuation from that flooding hurricane 2 summers ago! (I could see the flooding from the air.) She said “nope!” They had to evacuate & she didn’t get the chance! She just got back a day before had arrived! She lives in a community that jets out into the water & they have their own lighthouse, which I loved! I stayed for 3 glorious days, lovely times with both friends! They got to meet & really got along very well! And it was SO PEACEFUL...I was able to fall asleep in 5 minutes every night! It was my BEST manifestation to date! I really hated to come home, but I loved the beach, and the sunsets I imagined...were even BIGGER & BETTER than I imagined! Even the weather was PERFECT! And at my friend’s condo on the beach...they even had a fresh water pond with a water fountain where turtles would swim over to you & greet you! 🐢🐢🐢
And while the Ladder Exercise did truly blow me away! This was over-the-top WONDERFUL! It was September & the ocean was like bath water! LOVED IT!!!! I am so blessed to have had that experience! 🏘☀️🌴🌴🐢🐟🐬

Just last weekend in Massachusetts where I live, it was unseasonably warm...on the weekend it was 60*, 70*, respectively! It made me think back to this wonderful memory & while I was thinking of being at Myrtle Beach...I hear another tenant park her car & talking on her cell phone! She said, “it’s so warm here it’s like being in SC—Myrtle Beach!” I had to laugh to myself & thought, “What are the chances she’s talking about the same place I’m thinking about at this very same moment?!?!” 😁


8 days ago, I prayed to channel God....My entire life has completely changed....I look back at what I see as me and I send her love and light, but she is a stranger to me now. My complete awakening and shifting in to another being is because of your catalyst. Namaste....Brian. 💓


For those who saw ‘What the Bleep Do We Know’, remember Marlee Matlin is at the movie theatre and she sees all the potential possibilities? She is there alone, she watches a happy couple, she sees herself with someone, all potentialities in the field ✨✨✨


Just wow. I will be listening to this a few more times. There is so much here. So inspiring and fills me with hope. Thank you Brian ♥️


BEING...not wanting to be. HAVING not desiring to have. Experience it in the present tense- and act accordingly- or at least keep imagining it and revel in the imagining...disregarding the physical world. The physical world is something that we created earlier- it's like looking at and reacting to a stale old creation that we created in the past. Take your focus away from the already created...and placing it on the creating of a NEW reality....and doing this until it solidifies into reality <3


I cried how much depth u made me realise with the imagination creates reality.pliz more Neville.God bless you


Brian you do Neville like no one else, before getting to know your channel I had read Neville directly by myself years ago but I just couldn't latch on and I have also listened to other podcasts but the way you do it is so simple, easy to understand and accesible. I think I was still seeing my desires from a third person. Assuming the state is still elusive, Neville was a master though, I wish I could be just like him, he seemed to do it so easily. Thank you for all your effort Brian.


I'm pleased to have come across your channel. I have read and listened to many of Neville's teachings and I particularly enjoy your examinations and discussions as an expansion of this. 
"Out of this World" is a wonderful teaching, and I especially enjoy the connection between what Neville speaks of (beginning at min 57:16) with what Joe Dispenza describes as heart and brain coherence. This connection is mind blowing when Neville describes ". . .in meditation, when the brains grow luminous, I find my imagination endowed with the magnetic power to attract to me whatsoever I desire." (57:29 - 57:42). It is exactly what Dispenza's experiments have confirmed: seeing people's brains light up in scans as their brain waves enter a gamma state during meditation, and from there these same people create their desires. And even more so, they awaken.


Sorry you will probably get about 100 notifications from me cos I keep commenting on all your videos but I'm spending all my quarantine time looking at them all 😂 Thank you for all this. Honestly you are helping so many. I always love repetition and as you said if we drift off and don't prune every day.. weeds will grow... 💓💓


I have worked in psychology for some time and I learned of a man called Emile Coue, I was surprised to learn he was an inspiration to Goddard, there is much truth in imagination and imagining what we want in vivid sound and colour and emotion. I am happy to find Goddard work as it put a missing piece into this picture for me, we stand on the shoulders of giants x


Wayne Dyer talked about Neville and this idea in his book Wishes Fulfilled. Thank you for bringing forth Neville’s work - I am fascinated and in love with it - it resonates so much!


It's funny how Joe Dispenza is teaching the same stuff today! Neville was a very advanced soul.


12:30 You would not have sought me if you had not already found me
-Morpheus 💊


This is so powerful as I choose a path to what I want.
And that triggers things I long held dear to fall away. 💕


I have experienced my thoughts projecting out and creating new experiences. Not dimensions, but the word dimensions, or parallel lives helps to make the idea clearer. Now I've studied philosophies for years since I have been having these experiences, and Neville Goddard's understanding is the closest one I found to the one that I am being taught. I thank you for readings.
