What if Iron Man CREATED the Separatist Droid Army

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What if Iron Man Created the Separatist Droid Army? Let's explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Tony Stark watches the new arrival in his hospital room. It's only been a week since the Battle of Manhattan and his only visitors so far were the other Avengers or Pepper and Happy. This man wasn't anyone he knew, but he wasn't a reporter either. He was an older man in fine robes and a hooded cloak. None of this hides the great power he radiates.

Dooku: Mr. Stark, I must commend you on your remarkable technological prowess. Your suits are truly a marvel of engineering. Few can stop the Chitauri.

Tony: Thanks, but if you're here to pitch me on some business deal, you can save your breath. I'm retired from the arms game.

Dooku: Ah, yes. A former arms dealer turned humanitarian. A noble path. But surely, you must see the potential for your creations to serve a greater cause if they were mass-produced.

Tony: The last time someone mass-produced my tech, it ended up in the wrong hands and a lot of people got hurt.

Dooku: That was without your supervision. I need an army capable of liberating my galaxy. Surely you of all people understand my position. I read your record with the Ten Rings. What I propose is no different. The Republic of my galaxy is rotten to the core. As people starve in their homes, the senators gorge themselves in feasts, safely away in their capital city.

Tony: And you think creating an army of Iron Men is the answer?

Dooku: It seems to be your answer to Earth's problems.

Tony stiffens and looks at the count, narrowing his eyes. The Iron Legion program was something he had considered for some time now. But it was still in its early forms. More importantly, it was something highly classified and only he and Pepper knew about it.

Dooku sees his confusion and chuckles.

Dooku: I have my sources. But I offer you the opportunity to make this project a reality and to keep it under your control.

Tony: Pausing and considering. Do you believe you can change things?

Dooku: I do. But I need your help, Tony.

Tony: Alright, Dooku. I'll help you. But we're doing this my way. No shortcuts, no compromises.

Dooku: Agreed. Welcome to the CIS, Mr. Stark.

Dooku departs without another word, allowing Tony to recover. Once he is discharged from the hospital though, he announces he's taking an extended vacation. In reality, he heads to one of his secret labs and begins work with Dooku and his foremen.

Tony immediately begins developing the Iron Legion. He uses his suit as a base, creating an army of independent suits that can be controlled by JARVIS, each one specially designed to handle a certain role in the military from shock troops, commandos, snipers, scouts, and medics.

Dooku provides Tony with advanced technology to help them further refine the designs and make them more effective. The designs they develop are superior battle droid designs both in their capabilities and command and control. The problem is they are more complex and expensive to create so the Iron Legion will only make up a portion of the planned droid army.

Still, they are good enough that Dooku immediately orders his allies to begin their mass production. The timing is perfect as just a few years later, the Clone Wars begins with the Battle of Geonosis.

During this battle, most of the Iron Legion isn't present. Those units that are there manage to distinguish themselves by being the only units who face the clone troopers on equal footing or even take down Jedi if grouped. This success is far from isolated as in the ensuing battles, the Iron Legion proves to be some of the CIS's best units, managing to punch far above its weight class despite being only a small portion of droids in the army.

They soon become a terror throughout the Republic Army, wiping out entire units and being the spearhead that secures the CIS countless victories. Even the Jedi fear facing them after seeing their capabilities. With the Iron Legion as their vanguard, the CIS makes steady inroads across many fronts, pushing the Republic back and taking countless worlds. Even with its larger industrial base, the Republic struggles to mobilize and deploy it as they are pressed in too many places.

The speed of this success takes even the CIS off guard as they struggle to keep up in controlling newly conquered territories. At first, Dooku orders the CIS to honor his agreement with Tony. But as they continue to advance, they struggle to properly administer and pacify these planets. This allows resistance and isolated Republic units to wage guerilla wars which are far more effective at chipping away at the Iron Legion.

While this isn't initially a serious issue, it grows to become a problem later on as the Republic shifts its strategy. This allows the Jedi to play to their strengths and win back support.

00:00 Intro
00:15 What if Iron Man Created the Separatist Droid Army
39:45 Outro

#starwars #starwarswhatif #starwarstheory
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A CIS Iron Legion would be insane. So many possibilities Disney could do with a What If Series... But don't worry, I got y'all. What do you want to see next?


The republic would get clapped so hard if Stark was in charge of creating the Droid Army


I like how you acknowledged the fact that Mace Windu and Nick Fury have the same actor.


Ok that “ Director fury” was hilarious.


"Director Fury?"
to a jedi that sound like a sith name "Darth Fury"


I can't see the Separatist lose now.


What if Carnage bonded with Darth Maul? (Day 3)


Love how no one used the force to restrain someone other than Yoda


If Tony creates a robotic army it would mean him soloing all armies in Star Wars and even fight off the Yuuzhan Vong.


i love how accurate the Characters are


What If Doctor Doom was the Emperor, in command of the entire Empire, with redesigned Stormtrooper armor, weapons, ships, Tie Fighters, etc ?


Dooku wanted to get rid of corruption, yet here he acts like a corrupt politician! Breaks his promises and justifies it, then tries to back stab his partner! I had hoped he would see this and change his ways, but I don’t see that happening.


What if Tony Stark/iron Man was hired to design armor for the clones?


I love these kinds of What If crossovers. I wish someone would make one with The Boys tho that would be insane. Like imagine if Vader was able to get his hands on some Compound V, and imagine if The Deep met Admiral Ackbar, would be crazy man.


The most elaborate / best of these crossovers so far! - THANKS!!!


First Vader and now the CIS. Maybe he should consider cutting his losses and leaving the galaxy.


In reality, he’d never get the contract because he’d make them too expensive.


What if the Jedi somehow got involved with the avengers during Captain America Civil War? Would the order find themselves taking sides with either Iron Man or Captain America or would the Jedi cool tensions and prevent the Avengers from fighting with each other?


Tony: "This was never part of our deal!"
Dooku: "I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it further"

Can't believe you didn't use that


What if darth vader resurrects mother talzin and asks her to fully heal him.
