Why is U.S. Bringing Back BATTLESHIPS For War With CHINA?

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🚢 Since 2010, the urgent need for a larger US Navy fleet has been undeniable, especially with China's naval expansion. But amidst the strategic tug-of-war, is there room for battleships to make a comeback in modern warfare? Join us as we explore the potential return of these iconic vessels and their role in countering emerging threats. Dive deep into the discussion and share your thoughts in the comments below! Don't forget to like, subscribe, and check out more military analysis content! 💥🔥

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I served in the US Navy during the Vietnam conflict and have seen most of the ship types used by the US Navy including the entire Amphibious fleet as well as the submarines, Aircraft Carriers, destroyers, cruisers, and the USS New Jersey BB-62.
Hands down and you can this to the bank, there is nothing more impressive than a Battleship. The aircraft carrier is always very well protected with it's carrier group of ships.
The Battleship is a different animal. She comes onto the scene to fight and has no intention of running... and has no escorts... no battle group. She is the battle group.
I had the opportunity to watch the New Jersey perform Naval Gunfire Support late one night towards the end of 1968. I was on a US Swift Boat bout 1000 yards off the beach and the New Jersey was on her firing line and out of visual range. The sky would light up and several seconds later you could hear that deep 'boom' of the guns.
If you had hair on your head it was standing straight up... nothing like a big Battleship working out with her big guns. And to this day, I feel the Iowa Class Battleships were the most beautiful ships the US Navy ever brought into service.



Title is misleading. No proof the U.S. Navy bringing back the battleship.


They may be old, they may be maintenance-intensive, but any ship that can shoot a shell weighing about the same as a VW Beetle 25 miles, and get said shells within 50 feet, has my respect.


Probably not feasible or practical but an updated battleship with modern weaponry would be stupid cool!


A Battleship without big guns is Not a Battleship. Period.


Try this idea, Take our decommissioned Aircraft carriers. Replace the flight decks with missile silos. both interceptor and offensive. Old carrier can keep up with new carrier and protect it. allowing other ships to spread out fleet while reducing the carrier task force footprint.


I watch battleship new jersey Channel. I highly doubt the battle ship will ever come back unfortunately.


The U.S. Navy is NOT bringing back any battleships, and there are no plans to do so in the future.


A modern battleship design would require a substantially smaller crew than the 1940s models. The Iowa class battleships originally had a crew of 2, 700 but that was reduced to 1, 800 when modernized in the 1980s. The Cleveland class cruisers of WW2 had a complement of 1, 255 while the latest Arleigh Burke class destroyers (about the same tonnage as the Cleveland) have a crew of about 300. This suggests a 2020s battleship would have a crew of about 650. And before you ask, nuclear power doesn't increase crew requirements. New Virginia class attack subs, about the same displacement as an Arleigh Burke have a crew of about 200.


In a modern electronic environment, guns seem outdated. . . Until the enemy drops an EMP. We always need to have a chemically operated system as a back up.


When I was in the navy in the early eighties, they were bringing out the battleships. I drove the assault craft when I was in active duty. It would be very nice feeling to have something that's got your back going in to the beach.


Billy Mitchell was the "Man", with massive foresight, and to be treated unbelievably bad was a terrible shame.


I remember, one day I had read an article about how the Battleship could return in the navies, underlining its advantages and its challenges. It was very interesting, and I really hope that we will find a way to make them come back.


Always good to hear about Billy Mitchell. One of the most unsung heroes of his time. Especially the story around getting the chance to prove his claims by sinking the Ostfriesland...


As a Support and Bombardment platform, the Battleship has no equal. Expensive to crew and maintain, yet can stay on station and lay down immense firepower at far less cost than missiles or drones.


US Battleships and other American vessels can now be re-supplied, repaired and docked in various naval bases and ports in the Philippines.
If they operate near the coastlines of the thousands of islands of the Philippines, they can be protected from enemy missiles and drones by land based Anti-Air systems placed on the islands. They are also safer from sea missiles and drones as any possible attack would mostly come fro the opposite side of the coasts.
The significance of Philippines' pivot under the Marcos Jr administration towards the US cannot be overstated due to the proximity of the Philippines to China and its strategic location in general.


The majority of large naval battle simulations I watch end with ships running out of missiles .


I have been telling military people for years we need a new battleship class. With modern gun technology we can make them far better than ever.


A lot has to be said for a large, heavy, thickly armored ship that can lay down intense, high volume fire of large munitions, take a beating, and push other ships around. Many situations we face today and during the Cold War have involved ships getting into pushing and shoving matches without actually shooting at each other. A battleship would excel in such close in melees.


I served aboard the USS Kirk (FF 1087) in the early 1980s forward depolyed to Japan. We had the rare privilege of steaming in formation with the New Jersey....I can tell you this: This Battleship was most understated underway, riding very low in the water. And while the waves rose and fell about her, she did not move with the seas; plowing forward like an axehead.
