Islam Fulfills Prophet Daniel's Vision in the Bible | Dr. Ali Ataie
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This Friday sermon was delivered at the Muslim Community Center - East Bay (MCC East Bay) in Pleasanton, California on July 9, 2021.
Ustadh Ali Ataie
Ustadh Ali Ataie is one of the foremost leading scholars in comparative religions today. He is currently a teacher and researcher of the Islamic Sciences and specializes in theology and biblical interpretation. Additionally he is also the President and Founder of Muslim Interfaith Council and he has been heavily involved in interfaith activities for the past 15 years.
He earned his undergraduate degree in Accounting from Cal Poly State University in 2000, during which time he served as the President of the Muslim Students’ Association. He has been both a guest lecturer and guest instructor at several colleges and universities such as Cal Poly State , UC Davis , UC Berkeley, and Cal State East Bay.
He studied various Islamic sciences under local Bay Area scholars and has dialogued and debated with several Christian scholars on a variety of topics ranging from the historicity of the resurrection of Christ (upon whom be peace) and the Prophethood of Muhammad (upon whom be peace and blessings).
He is a graduate of the Badr Arabic Language Institute in Hadramawt, Yemen and studied at the prestigious Dar al-Mustafa under some of the most eminent scholars in the world. He holds a Masters’ Degree in Biblical Studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, (the first Muslim seminarian in the 143 year history of the school to do so), and is working on a PhD in Islamic Biblical Hermeneutics.
Muslim and Christian interfaith leaders conclude that both groups of believers agree on the follow-
ing statements about Prophet Abraham
(‘alayhi as-salam): (1) We find our theological foundations in him; (2) Abraham provides an example for us to worship the One God; (3) We recognize that God sent him to be a blessing for all people; (4) We are related to all faith communities, but have a closer relationship with each other through Abraham. We believe in his fatherhood; (5) Abraham obeyed God and was His prophet, friend and righteous servant;
(6) We share common Abrahamic narratives that include Isaac, Ishmael, Sarah and Hagar. The outline of the story is more or less the same; (7) We see Abraham as a model of how to walk in God’s ways; (8) In his compassion we find a great example for our relationship with all human beings; (9) Our traditions give prominence to both of Abraham’s sons, Isaac and Ishmael, and both of them received God’s blessings; (10) God tested Abraham by telling him to offer his son, and his response shows his ultimate submission; (11) Abraham’s life is an example of faith and submission; and (12) We recognize that we share him with the Jewish community.