The Narcissist Push/Pull Game

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Music by Alan Walker, provided by No Copyright Sounds
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My gosh I’m so happy I woke up from this bloody nightmare and I’m out of the cycle and I am no contact and time is healing me. Thank you for the truth


Spot on.. These Terrible beings are not deserving human contact period..


I used to call it a 'fix' when I got pulled back in. I haven't been a drug user, but I imagine that's similar to how it would feel. There were virtually withdrawal symptoms from the lack of attention.


I thought for the longest time this one person is my twin flame and kept on forgiving how she hurt me. She says she doesn't want to hurt me but she has hurt me more than anyone. I'm just done... She is very narcissistic, hot and cold, left me so traumatized I had to go to mental hospital, all she has ever done is made me doubt myself


When you want her she doesn't want you, when you start pulling away from her she wants you, it's a vicious cycle that never ends. The narcissist will always play games and push your buttons. They will also speak to you indirectly using social media, they may post something about negative people or stay away from negative people when they are only mirroring their own behavior.

After I finally broke up with a narcissistic female she went into a rage, she started talking to my sister and my mother about all of the bad things that I did during the relationship. I asked my mother and my sister to stop communicating with this person yet they continued, I call them the flying monkeys. The narcissist will use the flying monkeys to continue to stay in the picture and get the attention they need and that's when the smear campaign starts. The flying monkeys now become worse than the narcissist because they are siding with them.

I know this is hard for any of you to hear but if you have to turn your back on your own family because of a situation like this then that's something you have to do. If your family doesn't respect the fact that you didn't want to be with this person for whatever reason, they don't respect you.

Narcissists are emotional vampires, they are mentally ill, they have the emotional mentality of a five-year-old. You can't fix a narcissist. Here is an early warning sign that you have met a narcissist. If they start asking you personal questions right off the bat then run. If they ask you about your childhood, if they ask you about what you do or what your family is like, they are sizing you up because they are targeting you. Run, never look back, there is a 99.9% chance that person has NPD.


This is very accurate video. Sometimes they do it even in the love bombing phase on short periods just leaving you wait to see how important are they for you. Something like cancelling date at the last minute or stupid excuse that they can’t plan anything because of their busy schedule. I am not saying it’s impossible but if turns into habit then there’s a problem.
In my opinion it’s one of the strongest but yet invisible red flags. It conditions you for the further addiction and abuse by raising the threshold of your tolerance and making you more willing to justify their abusive behaviour. And if you try to address that they will blame you for being clingy, make you feel guilty and unsupportive. They will never try to talk and understand. Here comes the first glimpse of their lack of empathy. They can never understand other people’s needs and emotions because they don’t recognise clearly their own. Nor having the capacity to express them. After all you can’t express something that you even don’t understand. For them usually the physical attraction is “true love” and the sadness is “hate”. Basically they are emotionally immature people and you can’t expect healthy relationship from teenagers in adult bodies.


These people are soulless demons walking around in human bodies. They are not a full human. A full human has empathy and does not get off by attempting to tear people down who have been nothing but kind and respectful to them. That jealousy and hate is totally unwarranted and uncalled for.


This sounds so much like the guy I was with and loved so much! He fed off my efforts! I finally managed to leave ... but I am wounded and broken after all of this.. like waking up from a nightmare 😓


Narcs hide their weaknesses as strengths


I think I misunderstood the meaning of your previous video. This one, however, cleared it up. I've always referred to this kind of behavior as "running hot and cold." One minute they're all up in your face and in the next minute they're telling you they don't want to have anymore to do with you. I've stopped investing in people that can't make up their mind.


This game has no effect on me.
The power is in MY hands.
I call the shots.
Do I wanna buy into it or do I recognize that I'm in control and I can withdraw anytime I like ?
Narcissists are no match for me.
They will never be my equal EVER.
My supply to them is like a drug, years after, still can't forget me.
Hoovering and hoovering * yawns *
They won't forget me, ever.
The way I see it, once I'm done with you, YOU'RE done-zo! I don't seek validation nor do I need your permission to leave.
That's in MY hands.
They don't love me. They're obsessed with me.


A female cerebral narcissist ruined my life and permanently damaged some areas of my brain. And all that after just 14 months of our "relationship".


U are on point I experienced all of this with a female covert narc and it was a TERRIBLE!!! experience. Easily the worst of my life. I would rather go thru marine boot camp again than have another experience like that!!!


The Narcissist not being able to process their own personal emotions is so true! It's like they are missing that part of humanity.
However, they can darn sure see and identify our personal emotions.


They Love to play tug of war with your emotions their need for control to feed their ego regulates their sense of importance without it they feel like their drowning and gasping for air, they are addicted to people without us they don't exist!


I dated a narcissist and I still love him but I know this the games. The lies, to a of ton of criticism, I want to get him out of my life, it's been so unhealthy, I just. Advise if anyone sees these red flags please run, this guy is on point!!! If someone loves u, u know it. Give and take equally, talking about how they feel, but keep in mind those. Important qualities ur looking for, if ur not able to talk a out things, or it partner makes u feel less than, run and don't look back, I wasted yrs on someone who didn't luv me, and I held on cuz my heart is too big and I thought well if nothing else I kno y hes acting certain ways but he will never change and neither will any other narcissistic person, I love these videos they make me feel less alone and give me the strength to change my life and put my needs first again, so thank u!!!! Please keep these videos coming


Hi David, I love your videos they are very accurate. I recently had a YouTuber named "Toxic Free" posting comments on a video of mine claiming that I have been "buying subscribers". I have never spoke to this person before or seen her channel. I replied stating that I have not bought any subscribers. She threatened to post evidence in the comments and I told her to do it, since I haven't bought any subscribers and didn't even know that was possible until she mentioned it. She then proceeded to say how she has seen analytics on Kedoo and believes that it is impossible for my channel to have grown as quick as it did in 3 and a half months. From there, she then said she was going to remove her comments because she didn't want to be trolled. I later received an e-mail from her saying that she's going to be doing a video about "bogus channels" based on my analytics. She also said that she has reported me to YouTube and got other people to report me too. She claimed that a few "concerned people" had e-mailed her regarding the false claims that I have been "buying subscribers". She said that they will "remove your channel", so I'm assuming this is her goal, to have my channel removed.
For someone who has a YouTube channel named "Toxic Free", I found this quite shocking. I then went on to her channel and found that she has been doing videos about you and another YouTuber Kim. At this moment I am very confused, wondering if she genuinely believes I have been buying subscribers, or if she is envious because I almost have as many subscribers as she does. Whatever the reason, what she is doing is very wrong. Even if I had my suspicions that someone was buying subscribers, I wouldn't make it my responsibility to get their channel shut down. And the "evidence" she has doesn't prove anything... how can she decide what is the rate that a channel should grow?


You are spot on. I cannot do this anymore.


Absolutely. I'm getting this on a 2/3 day cycle, but because of your videos David (and my stubbornness) I am not paying attention to good guy/bad guy game. Have also contacted a lawyer to start the divorce procedure which has done a lot for my mental wellbeing. Many thanks David.


Hello David I love the content on your channel has been a big help for me personally. Nearly 11 months narc free.
