Nurturing Your Husband Using Biblical Femininity

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Today I am sharing with you how to better nurture your husband using biblical femininity.

#femininity #christianencouragement #christianity #biblicalwomanhood #submission #homemaker
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Not sure how I landed here but have to say my wife does all those things. Never puts me down. I married a better person than I am and would die a thousand deaths for her.


I love this. ❤ I feel like belittling, and being patronizing towards our husbands is all we see on tv and in movies these days. Women forget that they chose their husband, and made that covenant with them. Love him the way you want to be loved.


My wife and I have been married 54 years+ now and at year 27 we started to seriously pray together each day. During that 1/2 hour there is an approximately 5 minute period where we swap prayers for each other out loud in each other's presence. We thank God for bringing us together and we describe what we like and love about each other. We also bring each other's needs to our creator. I would not trade those 5 minutes for any other daily activity.

Thank you for doing what you do so well!


Girl I needed this! My husband goes above and beyond to provide for us where I am able to stay home with my babies. And this just really encouraged me to honor the Lord by treating him better. Thank you ♥️


As a husband, I often miss the mark God has called me to and I am so grateful for my wife’s mercy and understanding. She helps me to want to be the best husband and father I can be and to sacrifice for her.


Anna i can remember when my husband was alive and we shared 33 yrs together...
There were times we degree with issues or spoke the wrong words to each other
But we always got on our knees and prayed for the answers and ask Forgiveness to each other...when you really Love your mate your truly one in spirit and strengthen each other everyday...iam so Thankful God gave me 33yrs with a Godly man ..
So i would say to all you young wives remember to Love your husband in all respect of life because you certainly miss them when they're gone ... but let me say he left me the best part of himself with me the 5 children and grandchildren and now greatgrand babies...iam blessed thank you Anna for this video Love to all ❤


It's refreshing to see a woman with a biblical perspective like this still exists. God bless you and family.


Thank you Anna, I recently had my second child and I have been feeling overwhelmed lately and I feel like I don’t get enough help. My husband is gone 8 am-7pm most days, and I should be lifting my husband up instead of dragging him down when he gets home, because my toddler had many meltdowns between 5-7pm. By the time he gets home I feel like dumping all my frustrations of dealing with a toddler and newborn on him, I just want someone to listen. When in fact, I should be resetting my mood so he wants to come home and be with his family. I should be seeking more advice from my mom friends for solutions, so hopefully, I have less of a need to rant to my husband about common toddler issues. I should just be enjoying those precious few hours we get with him every day. Thank you for giving me the talk I needed the last few days.😊


Younger guy in a beautiful relationship, wanted to leave my gratitude. Excellent points made and you seemed soft spoken, gentle, and humble about your short comings or previous mistakes. Obviously I’m not a woman but it’s so nice to see such content, I hope your marriage, as well as your family are and continue to be blessed by the Lord, God bless you.


I'm currently in courthsip with my furure husband (God willing) and I'm basically a future wife, in training! Please pray for the Lord to equip me as I sometimes find myself constantly disappointed at his short comings even though he tries so hard with everything else. I want to be the one he longs to talk to as sometimes I get into bad moods and end up complaining 😅. My name is Cristina - please hold me in prayer 🙏


Most guys just want to hear when they come home. I love you and I miss you. I'm glad you're back. Those words can be sweeter than a symphony of angels


We need to be carful to not idolize our husbands/wives. There is a very thin line and it should not be crossed. It’s very simple the Lord left His instructions. Treat others the way you want to be treated, wives respect your husbands, love your neighbor as you love yourself, submit to one another, love as God loves us with patience, kindness, mercy not jealousy or hate or envy. We just need to follow His example, instructions and commandments. Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and everything else shall be added unto you. ❤


When you said "am i even a believer if i am worried?"YES! Pray "Lord, I believe! Now help my UNbelief!"


I’ve learned to refrain from talking to my husband about my work. It started with a comment made from him that angered me and made me not feel like I could trust telling him about my work, but really it’s been a blessing. All I did was complain about work anyways, so now I just keep my mouth shut and I don’t get into a negative, complaining mood. Sometimes, if things are really stressful, it will spill over and I won’t be able to shakes it, but I just say I’m stressed and nothing more. It’s helped me stay happier.


Thank you so much for your wonderful content.
My wife and I have been married for over 8 years now, and from the very beginning, before we got married, I read to her Ephesians 5:25, and I told her that if I couldn't love her each and every day just as this Bible commands me to, that we had no business getting married. Through that verse and other verses, we have had the very best marriage you could ever imagine.
I want to thank God our Father for such a wonderful marriage.
I love my wonderful beautiful wife with all my heart ❤️


I’m so grateful for having stumbled across your channel. It’s helping me understand how to be a better wife and a Godly woman. It brings so much peace to my soul and I hope with time it brings peace to my husband as well…and maybe leads him to God too. Thank you! ❤


God bless you Anna, I will share this with my wife to make us better. Thanks 4 doing the Lord's work. You are truly a blessing 2 Christian homes ❤


Been with my wife going on 37 years two boys 8 grandchildren. The secret is marrying someone smarter than me. We compliment each other. Religion is huge with our family and also donating to our faith 10 percent of our income. Family prayer and communication holding hands. It's all the little things. At 60 yrs old the sex is still fantastic


This has been an amazing video. I never heard these words spoken from a woman in my entire life. My heart is full of gratitude for these valuable words spoken on this post.


More content like this needs to be online. There's so much division sayan trys to create.

We have to make conscious decisions to fight the enemy and not fall from our own stability.
