NASA Warns Massive Solar Storm Will Hit Earth Soon | Space Documentary

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Dive into the captivating realm of solar storms, where the sun's immense raw power takes center stage. A region where massive eruptions of charged particles and solar flares showcase the sun's dynamic and influential nature, shaping space weather that impacts our technological world. In this 4K space documentary, we witness how these solar flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) have affected our planet in the past. Can the peak of Solar Cycle 25 (2025) cause Earth’s destruction? Watch the full documentary to uncover the answers behind these biggest mysteries.

Topics covered-
1. Magnetic Mine explosions in Vietnam
2. Carrington Event 1859
3. Quecbec Blackout 1989
4. Great RailRoad Storm 1921
5. 2012 Coronal Mass Ejection
6. How the Sun formed?
7. Egyptian Sun God Ra
8. How to survive a solar storm/Coronal Mass Ejection
9. How is NASA predicting Solar Storms
10. Solar Cycle 2025


Watch More space documentaries:

►Mysteries of the Universe

►The Biggest Cosmic Secrets

►Alien Worlds: The Search for Earth 2.0

►Learn everything About Solar Flares!

►Learn everything about Asteroids!


Special thanks!→


Thank you Vadimsadovski for the brilliant thumbnail: Licensed from Adobe Stock on 10/10/2023. [Asset ID: 125189326]

Resources and further reading→

Vietnam Mine Explosions:

Solar Cycle 25:

Report on increase in number of sunspots:

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#space #spacedocumentary #spacemystery #nasa
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Let it happen. We can't do nothing but accept the reality that we have no control in nature. So be it. Lets rock and roll


Maybe the reason for all the government underground bunkers. ???


When we get a Carrington level event, we'll be back to 1800 level technology.


We as a species are so peculiar. We develop our society on a technology that our lives depend on which could be compromised at any time with no back up plan.


Excellent video. I've been trying to explain to my techy kids about not relying on technology for existence. Now they'll know why. Thank you. 🙏


all the orbiting assets are going to get the absolute CRAP knocked out of them


Space never gets boring.. the more I learn the less I realize i ever really knew. Humbling
I only recently learned that there was more than one planet in our solar system that had rings!


Back in the mid-to-late 80s, I worked on the help desk for our companies computer system. All data was sent via telephone lines back then. One day, I had several users in southeastern US complain that they were not receiving their data. I had heard that there had been sun spots on the sun recently. I jokingly told the users that the problem was sun spots. Maybe I wasn't that far off.😅


I can just imagine what would happen now . Society would either collapse..( my guess) or people would adapt and do real things with their life.


Maybe the reason for the underground city archeology sites. ???


We Were promised it would be Fire the Next time. Are we smart enough to put this information into practice? I hope so. Forewarned is forearmed.


With the weakening magnetosphere on Earth and the polar shift going on, I think the next big CME will almost certainly do colossal damage to life on Earth; but wouldn’t the earlier, much larger events as recorded in 774AD, and some other earlier such events also have possibly been witnessed, at least the day after the event when it arrived on Earth? Whatever, a nice and gentle, if timely nudge.


What did they call Ra's eye again? It was like... Oh, yeah. The eye of ra. Egypt! Where do you come úp with it!👍


Wait a minute, I thought that WE were the cause of warming. You mean the Sun is involved?


This is why you should ALL learn how to build rudimentary faraday cages!!! It’s not hard and can save sensitive electronics and power generation units. Please educate yourself and learn this absolutely essential skill especially if you have 17 hours warning before a massive solar flare. Look online for instructions while you can. Even multiple alrernating layers of thick aluminum foil and thick plastic wrap can act as a formidable shielding from electromagnetic interference of almost all kinds.


I just head a news about the wifi getting deactivating because of something about the sun and I immediately watched this again


AD 774 was reckoned to be greater than the Carrington event, others preceded that one as well. the X-class flare of 12/13March 2023 was also reckoned to have been of greater magnitude, luckily for us it headed away from Earth and not toward it, otherwise we still wouldn’t be watching this today. The sunspot peak at the end of the last Gleissberg cycle was over 300 per day between 22-26 December 1957, leading to the setting up of NASA and the announcement of the somewhat cryptically named Apollo space programme. More recently, the Chinese have successfully landed on the dark side of the moon, to gather their own samples of solar originated tektite glass, just as the Apollo astronauts did. Many still don’t know why they did this.


soon, the internet, electricity, modern weapon, and any other technology nowadays will gone and we will back to year 500


the sun is our creator, and God is the creator of all, therefore the creator of the sun


Sorry to say, aurora colour, green is nitrogen and oxygen are red.
