Fly Fishing for Something Bigger Than Fish | A Full Film 'Reflections'

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"There is nothing more eloquent in nature than that of a mountain stream." - John Muir

Many people go fly fishing in hopes of landing a trophy trout or an elusive wild species. We choose the perfect fly and cast the line in the picturesque bubbly run, and sometimes there is success on the other end. However, we often leave the rivers we wade into with much more than fish. In the fall of 2022, cohosts of the Storied Outdoors Podcast, Brad Hill and Bryan Gill, along with friends of the show, Hugh Cheek and Blake Walters, trekked to the north Georgia mountains for a weekend getaway on the Noontootla Creek.

The Storied Outdoors is a podcast that is somewhere between Lewis and Tolkien and Lewis and Clark. Brad and Bryan seek to find clarity in the stories they tell and the adventures that shape them. Between interviews with guests and personal essays read aloud by Brad, they do just that. This weekend was one of those adventures they hoped would bring clarity. It was more than just a getaway—it was a chance to reflect and refuel in order to return to their families as better men.

The group camped in tents and cooked over the open fire. The early November air was cool but not cold. The gentle rains falling from the towering pines above was charming and added a restful ambiance to the gently flowing creek that meandered through the canopy of rhododendron hugging the Appalachian hillside. The Noontootla, Cherokee for “the land of shining waters,” was more than generous, and as the sun broke through the clouds reflecting on the waters, these men drew reflections of their own. While there was fishing and plenty of catching, this group left with so much more than fish.

"Many men go fishing all their lives without knowing it's not fish they were after." - Henry David Thoreau

"The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic."- Psalm 29:1

Noontootla Creek is a small mountain stream situated in the Chattahoochee–Oconee National Forest in north Georgia. The creek has a healthy population of trout and is managed to imitate a natural stream. Noontootla Creek begins close to Springer Mountain at an elevation of 3045 feet above sea level. From there it flows northwest for approximately eleven miles where it joins the Toccoa River.

Noontootla is a name derived from the Cherokee language meaning either "land of the shining water" or "middle sun"

Introduction music written and recorded by Brad Hill
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Love this y’all! Visually striking and verbally touching. Keep these coming.


I would rather be on a stream thinking about god than in a church thinking about fly fishing 🥰


I've watched this film 4 times since finding it late last night. I've always lived by the motto "Do it for the Stories, " chasing stories just like this!


Well said and sums up the role that fly fishing plays in many of our lives


Thank you for allowing us to capture your adventure. It has served as a reminder to cherish the moments of quiet reflection that can help us find balance, peace, and meaning in our lives.

Something I didn’t mention to y’all was a few months ago My family and I ended up near by the campsite so we made a special trip to the same creek and up to the waterfall. Thanks for inspiring us to reflect and recharge.


Nature is the best! To me, fishing isn't about catching the most fish I can ~ rather, it's about being completely at one with Mother Nature. The added pleasure of fishing while being on the waters is just a big bonus :)


I gotta say this is one of the best films I've seen in a while. It reminds me of why I wander off in the mountains of NC: to unwind from the stresses of life, and listen to the Holy Spirit speaking through nature and the waters ( loved the analogy by your buddy). One can't help but to believe there is a God in Heaven that created this beautiful world after spending time alone in nature. And to think that He made us stewards of His creation... All glory to Him!
On another note... I noticed that some of you aren't wetting your hands before handling the fish. There's a tool called the Ketchum Release tool that solves the problem and you don't have to touch the fish. They cost about $20 on Amazon or eBay and definitely worth the price. I always practice C&R, especially for wild brookies, browns, and rainbows in order to preserve, protect, and defend...anyways, just a suggestion.
May the Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you, and give you peace...
I also subscribed, and I don't do that very often. Good stuff my friend!


Yes! It’s not about the fish. I’m closer to God on a mountain stream, you could say it’s my wilderness church. Fly fishing is just an excuse to attend an awesome worship service.


...somewhere between Lewis and Tolkien and Lewis and Clark. Wow. That's charged with meaning. Well done.


You guys told me you belong to Him before you voiced it. I sensed it from the start. Well done


Just stumbled upon this. Man, what a beautiful video. Praise the Lord for y’all. Just subbed.


This is a very thoughtful video. The visuals were really well done. The narration brings that idea, of faith and friendship to another level.


Fascinating take on why y'all fish. It varies tremendously from angler to angler and at what stage of life they may be passing through. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the world.


When I lived in Atlanta, I fished that river so many times. Great times, better fishing. Not easy but so much fun.


Man y’all hit it right on the money with this video! Getting out on the stream with my dad and just being present with your surroundings is everything! I love it. Keep up the great work


Years ago in my quest, I'd park the truck and wander for a few minutes before reaching for a rod. I did this to learn. Now I wander for days in the quest of creating great habitats. My fly rod is lonely. The joy comes from applying new knowledge across North America. Thanks for this video.


Thank you. Absolutely beautiful. You have captured the essence of why we step into a river.


Great video guys, very nice videography and voice overs! I love fly fishing and camping content, there isn’t enough of it out there. I subscribed!


That is all so true, I’ve always said the catching fish is only an option but it’s much deeper that, God bless you for sharing this !


Thank you for sharing this. Such an incredible reminder of the opportunity we have in every adventure we have. That it's more than it is and sometimes exactly what it needs to be.
