China vows to retaliate if U.S. imposes more sanctions over Hong Kong

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The Biden administration on Friday warned businesses with operations in Hong Kong of sweeping financial and regulatory risks as China continues to restrict political and economic freedoms in the territory.

The nine-page Hong Kong Business Advisory – published jointly by the departments of State, Treasury, Commerce and Homeland Security – warns that U.S. firms are encountering a number of risks posed by China’s national security law in Hong Kong.

The advisory states that “businesses face risks associated with electronic surveillance without warrants and the surrender of data to authorities” as well as “restricted access to information.”

“Beijing has chipped away at Hong Kong’s reputation of accountable, transparent governance and respect for individual freedoms, and has broken its promise to leave Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy unchanged for 50 years,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken wrote in a statement.

“In the face of Beijing’s decisions over the past year that have stifled the democratic aspirations of people in Hong Kong, we are taking action. Today we send a clear message that the United States resolutely stands with Hong Kongers,” the nation’s top diplomat added.

The Biden administration also imposed U.S. sanctions on seven Chinese officials for violating Hong Kong’s autonomy.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Earlier in the week, the Biden administration issued a warning to businesses with investment ties to China’s Xinjiang province, citing growing evidence of genocide and other human rights abuses in the country’s northwest region.

Washington has openly criticized Beijing’s sweeping national security law passed in June 2020 aimed at limiting Hong Kong’s autonomy and banning literature critical of the Chinese Communist Party.

Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described the measure as an “Orwellian move” and an assault “on the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong.”

Former President Donald Trump signed legislation shortly thereafter to impose sanctions on China in response to its interference with Hong Kong’s autonomy. He also signed an executive order ending the preferential treatment that Hong Kong has long enjoyed.

“Hong Kong will now be treated the same as mainland China,” Trump said during a speech in July 2020 from the White House Rose Garden.

“No special privileges, no special economic treatment and no export of sensitive technologies,” Trump said. “In addition to that, as you know, we are placing massive tariffs and have placed very large tariffs on China.”

China’s Foreign Ministry fired back saying Beijing will impose retaliatory sanctions against U.S. individuals and entities.

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They should ban the companies that fraudulently use pictures of nice items on Amazon ads but then send 1 cent items from wish.


The Walt Disney Company owns 43 percent of the resort; the majority 57 percent is held by Shanghai Shendi Group, a joint venture of three companies owned by the Shanghai government.


This joke administration will cave like cowards


meanwhile the same Chinese officials started investing in art


I'd say make our own goods, no more China trade. If we cannot maintain our own industry, we have forfeited our defense and well being for peace and security... You all know at what cost.


Bring it on china. They should also pay reparations and comply with The WHO investigation


When will western business executives finally pull their companies out of China. It was a bad idea to go there in the first place. Don't compound the problem by staying there.


they already did that's why covid is in america


Maybe we should clean our own house before telling other countries how to treat people. We have no room to talk all those people we put in jail unfairly, and act like it's nothing.


The only person China won't bother is Lebron!


The U.S doesn't care about threats from China. And Yes any companies should get out of Hong Kong as soon as possible, so many good Japanese cities, or Seoul in Korea, or Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Taiwan, so many great cities and countries for the west to do business in Asia.


And we have a potato in the Oval Office.


Let's be honest nobody takes Biden seriously as a threat


Lol how are they going to "retaliate"? By not sending us cheap plastic trinkets anymore? 🤣


So China is Anti American but American can’t be anti China this is nuts and such a double standard


I don't remember Winnie the Pooh being so hostile with his honey pot.


Citing the nonpartisan economic think-tank Paulson Institute, the American Security Institute report underscores that "Chinese firms and investors own a controlling majority in nearly 2, 400 U.S. companies."


Wow, what an improvement in intl. relations.


I’m am with China all the way! US should mind their own business! Look at what they did to Afghanistan!


1. Use indiscriminate military power to oppress a city just trying to exist.
2. Get all butt hurt when other countries call you out on it.
3. Pretend to be a victim and threaten to "retaliate" against people defending the innocent.
5. Profit.
