Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas Without Talking To Victor?

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There are a lot of characters to meet in Fallout New Vegas. There are several that you must interact with to finish the game, but what about one of the most well-known characters from the entire game? Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas Without Talking To Victor?

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Can You Beat Fallout New Vegas Without Talking To Victor? (in text form)

Victor is similar to Benny in that without him, your game doesn’t begin. If Victor didn’t find you and take you to Doc Mitchell, you’d be dead. Despite that, he doesn’t really have that large of a role to play in the game itself. Names don’t matter, SPECIAL stats don’t matter, the skills I chose and traits I picked don’t matter. Get what you can from Doc Mitchell’s house, open the door to the world, and there goes the big metal man himself, Victor.

You could just avoid him, but the better option is to blow his ass up a grenade launcher until he goes to the big scrap yard in the sky. With his body looted and thoroughly disrespected, you might be thinking that that’s it. Victor is dead, but he’s not dead. He’s like Cell or that little dog from My Dog Skip that gets whacked with a shovel. Things that should kill him do not. He’s a survivor. It’s almost like he’s the main character of his own game and you’re the villain. No matter how many times you end him, he respawns again and again.

But we can break his spirit enough to make suicide seem like a heavenly paradise. Step 1: Enter Frankie’s Guns & Ammo, murder everyone inside, take their weapons and armor for yourself, and head towards the Strip. You’ll want as many weapons and skills as you can get, because you’re (we’re? I am) assaulting the Strip. Getting through Deathclaw Canyon is boring and unnecessary. I instead took the train tracks like I did in past lives, end some Powder Gangers, blow up a family of Brahmin, fail at ending a handicapped Deathclaw, and blew up the neighborhood youth who always disrespected me.

Before long, I found myself not that far ahead because it’s only been a few minutes. I went ahead and ended the lives of a few Legion recruits, the Salad King will forgive himself for every allowing his peasants to be close enough to me to be annoying. One of the few places Victor will always show up at, as long as certain things in the game haven’t been done, is Novac. Store your used bullets in his body for safe keeping, transact business with the shopkeep inside the dinosaur, and the Strip is for reals our next stop.

There are a handful of places where you can encounter Victor on your way to the Strip. As far as I know, having done no research into this whatsoever, there is not a way to force Victor to show up at any of these places. Sometimes he’ll show up if you’re near Powder Gangers, I’ve had him show up just after leaving Boulder City. I showed him who’s boss by condemning him to an eternity at the bottom of a lake where he’ll be fully conscious of what’s happening. This time, I didn’t find him in my misadventures towards the Strip. He didn’t come to the aid of the civilians at 188 Trading Post. He didn’t help a supposed hero in their hour of need. He did not care. Inside Freeside, I thought for a moment about how to proceed. On a technical level, Victor can transfer himself between any securitron upon being killed, so any securitron can be Victor, therefore talking to any of them is like talking to Victor. That’s why I killed them all guarding the entrance to the Strip.
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When you really don't wanna hear *"Howdy Partner"*


Victor once nearly gave me a heart attack. I slept in some building that I was raiding, just pure quiet ambient noise through the entire thing as I listened for the enemies that were nearly two shotting me as I was sneaking around. After some trouble with a tripwire I didn't notice and needing to save, I found a bed and made myself comfortable. However upon waking my camera was immediately taken over and all I saw was a cowboy pushed into my face with the loudest "HOWDY PARTNER" I'd ever heard in my life.

I had to have jumped about four feet off of my chair.


"victor does not stop in his quest to say howdy. i ran fast i ran far but i couldnt get away from him"
it was something like that in your no damage run?


"If you learned anything then leave a like."

Well I learned that Mitten Squad has a second channel so I guess that counts.


Can you beat Fallout nv without hearing "patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" while siding with the ncr?


Give yourself a blue star bottle cap spawn in malcolm holmes then without him dying go through the entire game without talking to him.

Little edit~


One time victor showed up while I was clearing out deathclaw quarry. Sadly the deathclaws weren't fast enough to get him before he started talking.


You sound a lot like that one YouTuber names Mitten Squad. Are you two related?


A mitten prime upload. A rare sight indeed.


>10000 bottle caps added

I saw that

Holy crap I didn't see that this was your 2nd channel though until the end lmao


Can you beat Fallout 3 or 4 as Liberty Prime? (Setscale to make you 40ft tall and only use a fat man and gatling laser with boosted damage output)

Edit: Or you could do “Can you beat liberty prime as liberty prime” For a short video on this channel.


This is a very quick challenge. Must have failed. He can't escape

Edit: How. Dare you


With his body looted and thoroughly disrespected

Me: Nodding in approval


What is this doing on mitten Prime? This challenger belongs on the main channel


Can you beat fallout but only being able to kill each enemy type once?


Oh you silly goose, that's Yes Man on the thumbnail, not Victor. I'll let this one slide


-gets combat armor mk2
-*continues wearing his shitty half condition leather armor*


I didn't even know Victor was a character until this video


wait so this channel is mitten, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, etc?


I already know it’s possible bc I run like hell when that mf starts rolling toward me
