Can You Beat Fallout: New Vegas With Only The Flare Gun?

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Good luck calling for help with this piece of garbage.





I've got one correction to one thing you said, followed by one thing that makes this challenge even worse than most people realize.
Correction: The "Optimized" ammo is a 3:2 conversion, not 3:1. You make 2 Optimized per 3 normal converted, just like with the Overcharged ammo. There are a few advantages to Optimized over Overcharged, but the ones relevant outside of Hardcore mode are the further increased damage multiplier (x1.3 vs x1.25) and lower condition damage multiplier (x1.1 vs x1.5). In Hardcore, Optimized also has only 60% of the weight of a standard unit of ammo.
What makes this run worse: The other upside of Vigilant Recycler is that it doubles the chance of recovering a "Drained" unit of Energy Weapon ammo upon firing your weapon. This includes Flamer Fuel, which goes from a 25% chance of recovery to a 50% chance. However, there's two little caveats: the recovery chance is per shot fired, not per unit of ammo expended, and no matter how much you expend per shot, you can only get one drained unit back. This means that with the Flare Gun you'll need to expend, on average, 60 units of Flamer Fuel to get back enough Drained Flamer Fuel Tanks to craft 1 unit of Flamer Fuel, or 180 units to craft 2 units of Optimized.


"This guy tried fighting us, ran out of ammo, disappeared for 2 months, and came back and still was just as annoyed at our existence while pelting us with just weird fireballs!"


I like to imagine that the courier picks up the steel bucket to deflect legate lanius's bullets and is completely dumbfounded when the strategy actually works.


The flare gun is mainly used to scare monsters away. You would fight a deathclaw, pull out the flare gun, and shoot the deathclaw, so that it would run away allowing you to shoot it for a bit before it charges you again.


Imagine you pick up a incinerator. Not a heavy incinerator, but it's smaller counterpart.

Now imagine you can fire it only once every 5 seconds.
Now imagine the ammo for it is consumed in stacks of 10 and is relatively rare.

This is the pain of the flare gun.


That exasperated sigh at the beginning gave me so much joy (sorry nerbit)


That clip of Ringo just casually speaking to the courier as he's engulfed in flames could be an album cover


Once you make contact with divide E-DE and get the ammo ability for him, Mojave E-DE can immediately do the same thing. It probably would've saved you a lot of time on trips to the divide.


This man is the best. He manages to make something so interesting and fun to watch when many other couldn’t even make it fun for themselves none the less for hundreds of thousands. Keep up the amazing work Nerbit.


Nerbit is always doing the almost impossible so we don’t have to, a true wasteland legend if you will


Attempt #6 of: Can you beat Fallout 4 as Will Smith? Fists only and Fancy Tuxedo as clothing


Throwing it out there again: can you beat fallout 4 by only influencing enemies?

You can't attack, unless required by the game, and you can't use companions. You can lead enemies to one another, or you can also use the charisma perks/robotics expert to command an enemy

Good Friday as always!


The Flare Gun is a low weight Incinerator. If it only came into play earlier in the game it would be a reasonable early energy weapon. As I said many times, "when" you get the weapon makes it good or bad. Lucky is a fantastic weapon, because you get it at Primm, while Maria you only get after killing Benny, which sucks because at that point I'm not even using 9mm ammo anymore.


>I want to be (Explosives) 60 before level 12

....this is what we in the business call "foreshadowing".


I have an idea for a challenge. A little side episode involving Abe Lincoln where he fights the most challenging enemies in the series (Legendary Bloatfly, Rawr, etc)


Suggestion for a run: "Can you beat Fallout 3 as a Crimson Dragoon"? You can only use what the NPC Dragoons have (Sniper rifle, Chinese assault rifle, Chinese officer sword, and of course the Chinese stealth armor), and you need to be as much a stereotype ninja commie as possible. You can technically also do it in Vegas, but I don't think the sniper rifle spawns until fairly late into the game, and the Chinese weapons aren't in the Mojave.


Another great video, happy holidays man. And when you're not a pyrotechnic Sisyphus chained to it as your only defense, the flare gun is actually pretty useful for spooking off deathclaws and such, but I think you've earned the right to never touch it again lol


Love the video, it has an unusual amount of flare today!


You know it's going to be an exercise in patience when Nerbit starts a video with a sigh...


6:50 It's a miracle that Ringo somehow survided the DoT from the flaregun, I think Nerbit may have entered dialogue with him last second before he died (Notice Ringo hp before Nerbit enters dialogue)
