The Insane Plan To Nuke From Orbit - United States Kinetic Bombardment

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Rods From God - The most destructive weapon that humanity can create isn't nuclear... not antimatter... not even biological - its dropping rocks from
That's right, nothing beats the annihilation power of dropping matter from orbit onto unsuspecting landmasses below. it causes no radiation, it cannot be detected until its too late and it causes no radiation. It is so versatile and incredible that its a miracle no country has yet deployed a kinetic bombardment system.
Or have they?
Today on escape velocity we will be discussing the incredible destructive power of orbital bombardment, and how the US might have put such a system in orbit called Project Thor.
Be prepared to witness the power of the rods from god!
The idea of dropping a heavy weight from above is a concept as old as time itself, with examples from siege warfare from the medieval period, to small munitions dropped from planes and balloons in world war 1.
But it wasn't until the Korean war that it became its own type of ballistic - called a kinetic projectile.
Called a lazy dog bomb, or a flechette, it was a simple piece of sheet metal folded over itself into the shape of a conventional bomb. When dropped on enemy troops it would have the same effect as a large caliber machine gun that could penetrate 9 inches of concrete- all thanks to gravity!
This concept sparked the minds of those working with the US nuclear program at Boeing, as it solved one of the major flaws of strategic defense. The fight against gravity!
After all, if the soviets launch nuclear rockets toward the united states, the defense system would have to launch itself to get up to the incoming rockets.
However, if the defensive systems were already in orbit and could launch using gravity and simply fall down to intercept the ussr's weapons before they could deploy any decoys or get within striking distance.
This system was dubbed 'smart rocks' and ticked all the boxes. As part of Regans star wars defense program, it would put the US countermeasures in low earth orbit away from any EMP strikes, hard to target with conventional weapons and have no radar signatures. Plus once up there, it would require very little fuel to maintain.
During the presidency of George H.W. Bush, it would evolve into a program called Brilliant pebbles, and be used as a cornerstone of the US defence network.
However, there were some flaws with the idea. The system itself would be more expensive to build and put into use, than the enemy's ability to launch an interception strike and take out the platform. Namely, if the enemy can handle it better than you can dish out, then it is useless.
Combined with the cost of a ground-based deterrence as well, it ended up being a multi-billion dollar program that would only last 10 years- with a complex decommissioning phase.
You wouldn't accidentally want any of these space rocks to miss the landing zone as you broke apart the station.
Or... do you?
You see, so far we have been discussing the use of these kinetic weapons as defensive tools to intercept Russian nukes.
But what if they were instead used as offensive weapons?
And that is exactly what the US government came up with in 2003, with an airforce project called the Hypervelocity Rod Bundle!
The idea was simple. A space station would have a few long rods made of incredibly dense material, such as tungsten, which they would drop onto enemy targets as the station flew over - with a few adjustments during flight.
This 6-meter, or 20-foot-long rod, would drop at a speed of Mach 10 through the atmosphere, going from launch to impact in only 12-15 minutes.
Upon impact, it would transfer all its orbital kinetic energy into the explosion, with a yield similar to a small tactical nuclear bomb, or 11.5 tons of tnt - without the radiation!
This is fantastically economical when compared to the weight of the rod - around 8.2 metric tons
The shape of the kinetic projectile was chsen to be an elongated rod to increase its penetrative abilities - to be able to hit mountain nuclear bunkers with ease and be a true bunker buster.
With such a fast closing velocity and a tiny radar cross section - not even any emissions, it would be nearly impossible to detect and defend against.
If say the United States had a series of 8-10 of these stations in orbit, they would be able to strike any location in 15 minutes from the command - half the time a traditional ICBM takes.
In order to secure the station, the stations themselves would be equipped with sensors to detect any anti-ballistic weapons, or anti-satelight weapons to move out of the way in time. If not, it would also have some anti-missile rockets or a large megawatt laser onboard that could melt the warheads.
The whole insane project was given the nickname "rods from god" and would render nearly all other forms of warfare obsolete.
Well, kind of- you see there are some flaws.
That's right, nothing beats the annihilation power of dropping matter from orbit onto unsuspecting landmasses below. it causes no radiation, it cannot be detected until its too late and it causes no radiation. It is so versatile and incredible that its a miracle no country has yet deployed a kinetic bombardment system.
Or have they?
Today on escape velocity we will be discussing the incredible destructive power of orbital bombardment, and how the US might have put such a system in orbit called Project Thor.
Be prepared to witness the power of the rods from god!
The idea of dropping a heavy weight from above is a concept as old as time itself, with examples from siege warfare from the medieval period, to small munitions dropped from planes and balloons in world war 1.
But it wasn't until the Korean war that it became its own type of ballistic - called a kinetic projectile.
Called a lazy dog bomb, or a flechette, it was a simple piece of sheet metal folded over itself into the shape of a conventional bomb. When dropped on enemy troops it would have the same effect as a large caliber machine gun that could penetrate 9 inches of concrete- all thanks to gravity!
This concept sparked the minds of those working with the US nuclear program at Boeing, as it solved one of the major flaws of strategic defense. The fight against gravity!
After all, if the soviets launch nuclear rockets toward the united states, the defense system would have to launch itself to get up to the incoming rockets.
However, if the defensive systems were already in orbit and could launch using gravity and simply fall down to intercept the ussr's weapons before they could deploy any decoys or get within striking distance.
This system was dubbed 'smart rocks' and ticked all the boxes. As part of Regans star wars defense program, it would put the US countermeasures in low earth orbit away from any EMP strikes, hard to target with conventional weapons and have no radar signatures. Plus once up there, it would require very little fuel to maintain.
During the presidency of George H.W. Bush, it would evolve into a program called Brilliant pebbles, and be used as a cornerstone of the US defence network.
However, there were some flaws with the idea. The system itself would be more expensive to build and put into use, than the enemy's ability to launch an interception strike and take out the platform. Namely, if the enemy can handle it better than you can dish out, then it is useless.
Combined with the cost of a ground-based deterrence as well, it ended up being a multi-billion dollar program that would only last 10 years- with a complex decommissioning phase.
You wouldn't accidentally want any of these space rocks to miss the landing zone as you broke apart the station.
Or... do you?
You see, so far we have been discussing the use of these kinetic weapons as defensive tools to intercept Russian nukes.
But what if they were instead used as offensive weapons?
And that is exactly what the US government came up with in 2003, with an airforce project called the Hypervelocity Rod Bundle!
The idea was simple. A space station would have a few long rods made of incredibly dense material, such as tungsten, which they would drop onto enemy targets as the station flew over - with a few adjustments during flight.
This 6-meter, or 20-foot-long rod, would drop at a speed of Mach 10 through the atmosphere, going from launch to impact in only 12-15 minutes.
Upon impact, it would transfer all its orbital kinetic energy into the explosion, with a yield similar to a small tactical nuclear bomb, or 11.5 tons of tnt - without the radiation!
This is fantastically economical when compared to the weight of the rod - around 8.2 metric tons
The shape of the kinetic projectile was chsen to be an elongated rod to increase its penetrative abilities - to be able to hit mountain nuclear bunkers with ease and be a true bunker buster.
With such a fast closing velocity and a tiny radar cross section - not even any emissions, it would be nearly impossible to detect and defend against.
If say the United States had a series of 8-10 of these stations in orbit, they would be able to strike any location in 15 minutes from the command - half the time a traditional ICBM takes.
In order to secure the station, the stations themselves would be equipped with sensors to detect any anti-ballistic weapons, or anti-satelight weapons to move out of the way in time. If not, it would also have some anti-missile rockets or a large megawatt laser onboard that could melt the warheads.
The whole insane project was given the nickname "rods from god" and would render nearly all other forms of warfare obsolete.
Well, kind of- you see there are some flaws.