A beginners guide to Old School Runescape

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Hello, I'm Josh 'Strife' Hayes, and this is a super simple beginners guide to the brilliant 'Old School Runescape' on PC.

I hope this guide helps any new players understand 'Old School Runescape' a little better.



00:00 intro
00:33 state of the game
01:29 before playing
02:15 downloading the client
02:57 choosing a world
03:35 tutorial island / movement basics

Ingame basics

05:11 User interface
05:15 Minimap
06:02 Chatbox
06:35 Quicktabs
07:01 Combat tab
07:11 Skills tab
07:53 Quest tab
10:00 Inventory tab
11:34 Equipment tab
13:46 Prayer tab
14:40 Magic tab
15:25 Friend / Ignore tab
16:36 Account management
16:56 Clan chat
17:40 Options tab
18:14 Emotes tab
18:43 Music tab
19:03 Intro to gameplay
20:03 Banking


22:50 Intro to combat
23:14 The combat triangle
23:59 Unseen combat mechanics
24:44 Tick system
25:44 Combat Level
26:38 Defence / Hitpoints
27:19 Melee
31:27 Magic
35:20 Ranged
38:25 Healing
39:44 Death


41:37 Skills overview
42:52 Attack
43:33 Strength
43:56 Defence
44:19 Ranged
44:50 Prayer
45:17 Magic
46:10 Runecrafting
47:00 Construction (members)
47:06 Hitpoints
47:12 Agility (members)
47:27 Herblore (members)
47:43 Thieving (members)
48:00 Crafting
48:21 Fletching (members)
48:36 Slayer (members)
49:03 Hunter (members)
49:20 Mining
49:39 Smithing
50:07 Fishing
50:32 Cooking
50:58 Firemaking
51:24 Woodcutting
51:48 Farming
52:02 General economy

Getting around

52:36 getting around
53:40 getting a basic teleport to varrock
54:03 home teleport


54:21 Trading basics
55:04 Grand Exchange interface
56:14 Trading other players


56:44 pvp overview
57:30 The Wilderness
58:07 Getting Skulled


58:40 Membership


59:13 Outro

Рекомендации по теме

why did i just watch an hour long beginners guide for a game ive played for 14 years?


I don't know if you'll ever see this, but I want to genuinely thank you for this guide. I had sort of played rs3 blindly when I was a little kid but quickly stopped because my laptop had broken. When this game came out on mobile, like most beginners I quit within a few minutes because I didn't know how anything worked. A few months later I wanted to try again, but this time I looked at a guide and clicked through one or two that I didn't understand, then I came to yours. The information from the guide stuck with me and I've progressed pretty far into the game where I don't have to scrape up money to buy a bond anymore. This game was a life saver, it made me happier, I made new friends playing it, I got some of my real life friends playing it, this is the best game I've ever played. I just wanted to sincerely thank you for making such a well put together guide that helped me progress through the game and become a better person today, even if it's only been like eight months. I love you man, thank you.


I love how you presented splashers like they are the crackheads of osrs lmao.


This guide is fantastic. I think the strongest part of the video is that you explain *how* the game works internally, more than the usual “go here and do this when you get to this level”. Also the beginning bit on “is this game for you?” needs to be in more reviews and guides!


beyond the best guide for any game i think ive ever sat through, thank you man much love


This video should be what it redirects to when people first go on OSRS website. Or at least included in the wiki page as introduction to the game.


Been playing well over 16 years now and just sat through this whole video. Very well done on the guide. Couldn't have done it better myself.


For years I've watched Runescape videos on a second monitor while playing an MMO of my own. I've always found the game fascinating and interesting even though I had no clue what was being talked about in any of the videos that I watched. I'm finally sitting down and giving this game a chance. Super excited! Coming from FFXIV with 6800+ hours, this should be a nice change of pace!


"Can't run out of sword"


Honestly, so happy this exists! This is so needed to bring new players into OSRS!

I was watching a guide on how to train your account in mid game, and throughout the video I would pause and look up the item or training method mentioned in the video, but then the thought occurred to me that even though I am coming back to RS after many many years, I have a very solid understanding of the fundamentals and so the game is more inviting than daunting for me. But then I realized that the biggest reason that happened was that because when I started RS my friends played as well and so I was quickly able to learn from them. And imagining myself as an actual newbie in RS made me realize that dammm this is a deep and complex game! And realized that 99% of the OSRS tutorials that exists today on YouTube are 100% for advanced players, most noobs would not understand any of the reasoning or terminology used in 99% of today's OSRS videos!


This has to be one of the best videos I’ve ever watched thank you for putting this much time and effort into helping new people in the community


I may not have learned much from this now, but if I saw this when it came out i would've found essentially the holy grail. By far the best guide for any game I've ever seen.


I've played for a few hours a few years ago and decided to check what is going on in the game after a few years. Somehow, I knew one of the tutorials would be me reexperiencing figuring the basics out and specifically this one indeed seemed to potentially be the one, which it was


Dropping by just to say this:

I wasn't on the New World hype train, but tried it with a few buddies.

Maxed a character in a few months.

Looked up videos online, saw your coverage of New World's problems, watched a lot of your videos and really liked your style.

Then got recommended by friends to try out RuneScape, if I liked the grind.

Watched this video, started a character...

Maxing this Sunday.

Thanks man.


A stunningly clear introduction to OSRS, with a very pleasant presentation style. Cannot wait for any other introductions you’ll make for it in the future.


i watched this as a active player knowing most of this already, and still i really enjoyed watching all of is from start to finish,
it reminded me of tutorials i had to watch when learning elite dangerous. great to just have on and listen.


On and off player since 2008, and I have to say... THANK YOU for telling people to read the quest dialogue. They're incredibly well written and thought out.


I have no words to describe this amazing job that you did. Congratulations on such a great guide, extremly complete with all the infos a newbie need to evolve and actually experience the living world that Old School RuneScape provides to us all.

Once again: congratulations!


This has to be the best guide to any game I have ever seen. Not even game developers put this much time into telling you how to play a game (any type of MMO or other complex games.)


This is the only RS tutorial that I've learnt something from! Thank you for putting the time and effort into making such a good tutorial!
