Raving in Riyadh – The New Saudi Arabia with Sami Hamdi

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From the war in Yemen to raves in Riyadh, political analyst Sami Hamdi analyses the ‘modern’ Saudi Arabia as a regional power. Many see the country to be a staunch ally, even stooge of the United States, yet others hail its recent strategic turn under Muhammad Bin Salman as a sign that at last the country is looking to forge an independent path. From moon sighting to Hajj, the country remains at the centre of Muslim religious life, yet we can’t but observe with horror the activities of its crown prince and de facto leader and his vanity infrastructure projects such as NEOM. So how do we analyse the country and its future?

Sami Hamdi is the Managing Director of the International Interest, a global risk and intelligence company. He advises governments on the geopolitical dynamics of Europe and the MENA region and has significant expertise in advising companies on commercial issues related to volatile political environments and their implications on market entry, market expansion, and managing of stakeholders. Sami is also featured as a commentator for Aljazeera (Arabic and English), Sky News, BBC, TRT World, and other outlets.

As always, you can comment your thoughts below.

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The Thinking Muslim Podcast Episode 92

00:00 Introduction
01:37 Saudi's increasing liberalisation
03:41 Introduction of entertainment facilities
10:42 A reaction to Salafism?
13:28 Popularity of measures among Saudis
19:30 Foreign interventions
25:13 Vision 2030
26:57 Economic growth and religious reforms
31:22 New rules in masjids
41:37 What makes Islam a threat?
45:36 Keeping Muslims in the dark
51:16 Regional politics
51:51 Truce with Iran
1:00:00 China
1:02:41 Saudi and the US
1:07:21 MBS's genius statesmanship
1:12:10 Ties with Israel
1:21:50 The future of the Ummah in the region
1:28:00 Allah preserves his religion
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Jazakallah khair for all your wonderful comments and ideas for future shows. Please remember to subscribe and click on notifications so you do not miss future shows.


What is happening now in Saudi Arabia reminds me of the Hadith of the Prophet PBUH : "By Allah, I do not fear poverty for you, rather I fear that you will enjoy ease and plenty like those who came before you, and that you will compete with one another as they did, and you will be destroyed as they were"


I got shivers listening to Sami, never even heard of him before. He's quite frankly one of the Lions of the Ummah. PLEASE bring him more, cant get enough of his intellectual conversations.


As a young muslim, I'm so glad that this podcast appeared on my feed.
It's honestly refreshing to hear these important topics being discussed.


This conversation has changed my perspective on different levels and topics about my identity and role as a young Muslim living in Pakistan, the duty i need to fulfill wherever and whenever.
I intend to move abroad for masters and the way Sami ended on an optimistic note is what has motivated me to be more presentable as a Muslim with positive influence in places where there are more non-muslims present.
Jazak Allah Khair


What a courageous, inspiring, outspoken personality Masha Allah! May God protect him for speaking the Truth. And may the Truth resonate throughout the lands, into the hearts of believers and potential believers too! Ameen. We desperately need people like him, reminding the Ummah that it's not all lost yet, despite the circumstances. Jazak Allahu Khairan for this podcast.


I was raised in saudi arabia, MBC was on every screen even in my home, if i knew i would have never watched it


It’s like the how ancient Roman Empire where the emperor used to distract people from politics by holding gladiator shows ..


This podcast started like a wave of fresh air and finished like the fragrance of all the world's flowers.


I'm not Muslim, but this was a very insightful podcast. Alot of perspective and food for thought about what is actually happening, not just in SA, but in the world in general, from a moral perspective.


May Allah protect our brothers & sisters in Palestine, Xinjing, Kahsmir, and everywhere else.


I like how you are allowing your guest to thoroughly finished talking.calm productive talks


It seems to be a sign of the people of the Quran that they end on a positive note. I say this because in the Quran, Allah always has a door open. We have a Lord which is worthy of worship, and a messenger worthy of following!


Finally someone who has laid it out bare and intellectually i never worry about what the enemies of islam do, because in the end Allah protects this deen. No matter how much they try they will regret this move on the long term


SubhanAllah. I shared this video a few months ago but people seemed uninterested. I think more people are willing to wake up and listen now. I haven’t heard anyone speak so clearly about what’s happening. I’d always wonder why people are so silent about it all. Alhamdullah this man has the courage and faith to speak up! Jazak Allah Khair brother ❤️


My IQ has increased tenfold after watching this. May allah increase the knowledge and wisdom of brother Sami. He is a gem to the ummah. Any muslim ruler would be lucky to have him as an advisor


Ending was an inspiring note, if we make ourselves better muslims we win by existing.


One of the most pulsating discussion I have ever watched. May Allah preserve you guys.


I'm from iok
These talks truly hurt me in a way that the pious land is being dusted day by day with the things which r away from the Deen.
My land is miles away from Saudi Arabia, but we all love it & surely will as it is the home of our Beloved Nabi (saw), that's y our heart trembles on seeing these changes
May Allah guide us all especially the rulers of the ummah


This is so Brilliant, May Bro Sami Hamdi be in Allah’s protection always . May every muslim has access to this podcast
