Weird Things You Thought Only You Did

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Turns out, WE'RE ALL FREAKS.

Music: Fortaleza
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A few things I do...

1) When I don't hear someone, I'll ask them to repeat themselves... But after the third time of STILL NOT HEARING THEM, I just awkwardly smile and nod, hoping my reply is sufficient.

2) When in the shower, I hold my arms tightly across my body, let the water gather up and release it, creating a large and dramatic SPLASH.

3) When downstairs at night, I'll turn the lights off and run as fast as i can up the stairs with my heart beating 37287473 times per minute. Totally feels like there's something running behind me.

4) Checking the time on my phone, then having to check it again because I realised the first time i took nothing in.

5) Making imaginary scenarios/dilemmas in my head and getting carried away with them, coming up with sassy responses and replies .
Or finally coming up with the perfect response to that one girl who insulted me 3 years ago.

6) Continuously checking the fridge when I'm hungry even though I know theres nothing in there. Like I'll open the fridge door, see nothing, go sit down, then five minutes later walk back and repeat.


when i say "what" 3 times and still didn't hear, i just nod and say "yes", does anyone else do that?


How about when you keep saying "What?" to someone but you still don't know what in the hell they said so you just agree.


1. Whenever a good song come onto my playlist I act like I'm in like a music video.
2. Forget that your glasses are on your face and look like a complete twat searching for them.
3. Whenever I put on makeup I pretend I'm doing a makeup tutorial.
4. I pretend I'm on a cooking show whenever I feel like making something myself.

Is it just me? Yeah.


Exam:Omar has 8 apples.Calculate the mass of the sun and the muscle power it takes to get the apples from the tree


in a public bathroom, i make sure there is 0 sound when someones in the next stall, but let it when im alone.


1. Daydreaming about a date with a crush who doesnt even know you exist (rl or fictional :/)

2. acting like a youtuber in front of the mirror (and awkwardly stopping when someone walks in)

3. saying "omg we should so make a YouTube channel and upload stuff" to ur friend but not doing anything

4. posting stuff about being single and happy (though u may just be using irony as a lifeline) on valentines day

5. Singing along with some song without realising youre loud af
oookay, so many of em r just my life xD


am i the only one who has a great dream but then i wake up and get mad coz i didn't finish it so i just stay in bed and invent the ending of the dream?


I always talk to myself. Mostly do it when im venting or have some sort of problem.


How about when you are staring off into space, lost in thought... until you suddenly realize you're staring at someone. It's even worse if they notice it before you do!

Also, same as above, except someone is trying to get your attention while you're looking right at them.


Anyone else see someone from school or something in the store that you kinda know but not really and you try to pretend like you can't see them


Another one is pretending that you know something that you don't...Your friend is all like, "So you know that artist Sebastian, right?" ....And then you go, "Yeah, I heard of him"...most times, I have no idea who they are talking about, lol lol.


When you're watching tv and then comes the commercial break. And suddenly you're thinking "Wait, what was I watching?"

Anyone did the same thing?


Every time I play a game I silently talk to myself like I was making a youtube commentary XD 


1. I like to read the directions of bathroom products while I'm in the bathroom and for some reason it helps me poop better...
2. I nibble my nails then I go file them to make them straight again.. It's a cycle.
3. I sometimes like to re-arrange products in stores (as if I'm a worker) just cause it bothers me if they're not straight or arranged properly...
4. If you have a ceiling that's crumbly or you know the design that's all bumpy and stuff.. I can stare at it and see different shapes.
5. I see an outrageous youtube comment.. then I want to reply back so I click reply but then it says to login but I'm too lazy so I don't but I just angrily fume at the commenter.
6. I completely think of a conversation between me and a friend that I want to have next time I see them (while predicting their answer and mine)
How about you?


While walking down the street, I remember something funny from a film or tv show that is 100x funnier than if I was at home and I try and stifle my laugh or not even smile so I don't look weird. It's like an old joke is suddenly soooo funny again while I'm out haha.

I always have to put the TV volume on an even number. I know you do too.

I talk to myself when I'm alone in a room or when I'm on the street and there is nobody within like 30 yards of me :D I can't keep my thought imprisoned in my head in these times LOL


Anybody say OW even if it doesn't hurt at all lol


1- Singing while on the bike when you're alone
2- Trying to make a selfie in public without being noticed and going in the weirdest positions
3- Waking up and sitting on the side of your bed for literally 10 minutes and not thinking a single thing. Just staring.
4- Going to the bathroom to study because it's the only place you can concentrate
5- Running over smooth floors on socks and pretending youre a skating champion
6- Staying naked after taking a shower because 'air-drying' is more comfortable and you hate the feeling of not being properly dry when using a towel. 
7- Sometimes I draw a mustache and/or beard on my face to know what I'd look like if I were a man
haha (:


1. I make up movies with my favorite songs and a bunch of kids rebel the government.
2. I pretend to make commentary on video games
3. After finishing pooping I still sit there for a half hourbecause the seat is still warm.


Whenever I'm walking up stairs in my home, I run as if somebody is chasing me. Then, when I get to the top I think to myself, "Haha, not today!" Anyone else?
