9 STRANGE Things Only People In The 5th Dimension Experience

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Delve into transformative insights and experiences that transcend the limitations of the physical realm. This video serves as your guide to understanding the unique sensations, perceptions, and manifestations that individuals may encounter as they ascend to higher levels of awareness.

#spiritualawakening #enlightenmentpath #spiritualjourney #ancientwisdom




Researched, scripted, edited & produced by the The Eye of Wisdom team.


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Sharing my journey of spiritual awakening has left me with some regrets, as I've discovered our society isn't quite open to such concepts. Mentioning any spiritual experience often leads to immediate judgment, branding one as out of touch with reality or delusional. It's disheartening to see such reactions in a world that feels increasingly disconnected. The very essence of finding inner peace and a sense of unity with the universe is met with skepticism and dismissal. It's baffling that in our quest for harmony and understanding, those who reach this state of consciousness are seen as misguided. The world feels alien, almost as if belonging to a different era would have been more fitting.

Yet, I wonder if feeling out of place, from childhood through to adulthood, and undergoing a profound spiritual awakening, is all part of the process. This transformation, though positive within, is often misinterpreted by others as a sign of instability. It forces us to navigate a delicate balance between sharing our newfound insights and conforming to societal norms to avoid alienation. Perhaps this is the challenge of awakening: learning to live within the dual realms of spiritual enlightenment and everyday societal engagement. It's about subtly integrating and sharing our spiritual perspectives with those ready to hear them, while also adapting to the broader societal context.

This dance between feeling alienated and becoming re-integrated could very well be an essential phase of our spiritual evolution, teaching us to harmonize our inner discoveries with the external world.

Peace and love❤️⚛️


I’m 48 and I’m hoping to be able to master this, I have much to learn, I still react to my emotions instead of thoughtfully think, I have changed my perspective of other people, I no longer condemn, criticize or judge people, but I’m still reactive when someone says something hurtful to another or about another


One is never alone if one has one self .


✨️🤔🗯✨️vivid dreams check. Altered Time perception check. Deeper level of understanding check. Energy sensory check. Hightened self awareness check. Interconnected empathic oneness check. High precision intuition check. Great self control & self discipline check. Hmm must just be a coincidence.


Waking up ain't for everybody being spiritual ain't for everybody unless you are ready to be put to the test because you will be put to the test with people in general


My mum passed last month...We were separated by ancestral karma and family. I dream.of her almost nightly. Bless for this.confirmation. Her and me are together in 5th dimension


ascension to higher dimensions is an opening up to a wider perception, deeper awareness and understanding universal or collective consciousness. It's that awareness that opens you up to inter and outer dimensional aspects of you not susceptible to the normal human 3D senses. It is NOT a place to go to - it's an awareness of your multidimensional Self. Your humanness, your diviness, your light and darkness - ALL of you connected to ALL✨👁️✨


The Beautiful Beings of Gaia would like to thank Eye of Wisdom for their service. We are forever grateful.


I've been in dimension all my life. I can Astral travel when I sleep. I saw the good and bad when I was young and used to wake from treible nightmare


Recently I had a really strange experience with my dog. He was silently sitting in front of me for whole hour, while I was meditating and it seemed as he was also involved in my practice. Without saying a word, I mentally asked him “bark once if you are here with me” and he barked imediatly.

Has anyone experienced simmilar thing before? I really want to hear your story
I made a video about it on my channel if anyone wants to dive deeper


I just want to personally say, "Thank you for all the hard work and dedication you put into this channel!" It truly shows and I appreciate you on my spiritual journey for truth and knowledge.


What I notice when we live in these dimensions we seek to give clarity to those that r still in the lower vibration so that we can be free


I’ve been in this other realm since birth. Alone and having the gift of knowing along with being highest sensitive empath. Excepted by others but always on the outside. Misunderstood. I have completely healed myself and got off all prescriptions and haven’t seen a doctor in 7 years. I definitely exist differently than most and I’m exhausted from this mission and ready to go home. I continue to help and heal others and animals.


The Christ Consciousness is the highest level of consciousness of all. Very few people ever dare to ascend to the very top!


Thank you. Thank you for explaining things in an easily understandable way and letting me know I’m not crazy. I’ve been “in tune” with unseen things all of my life. Whether I just “knew” things I couldn’t possibly know, communicating with dead relatives and others, seeing things others couldn’t, hearing things others couldn’t hear, etc…. And then the bizarre stuff like making things happen or moving objects, reading people’s thoughts, etc…. My mother used to make me practice a lot. By age two I was starting yoga and meditation practices. I was innately aware of the nerve endings in a human body and could feel where others had pain or disease, sometimes I could physically feel their pain. Still can. Can tell the gender of unborn babies too. Always loved bones and skulls and would want them around me. Telepathy was easy. It took years to learn to block it. I was bored in high school but in college I excelled. I’ve gone to five or six colleges and universities and gotten multiple degrees, often at the same time and finished in half the time of other students. I’ve been able to communicate with other people who due to language barriers or physical impairments were unable to communicate with others. Wild animals like me and come to me. I’ve always been different. Dreams are intense and so real! And I can wake up and then go back to sleep and pick up where the dream ended and continue it. Lucid dreaming doesn’t even begin to encompass the depth and intensity of these other realities. I have been clinically dead. And then come back. I have survived multiple surgical procedures despite anesthesia not having an effect on me. This includes my first emergency c section and reconstructive surgery on my skull. I have walked away from multiple car accidents that destroyed the vehicles I was in but appeared to have no effect on me. I can’t recall every time that a doctor said I should have been dead. In my childhood, my mother wanted to send me away to live at a place called the Edgar Cayce foundation, but my father wouldn’t allow it. My grandmothers when I was growing up said I was a natural born witch. I did not have many friends growing up. Other children thought i was very strange. Especially in third grade when i made a casual remark to a classmate about the beautiful blue color in his aura. I had no idea that other kids couldn’t see these energies and colors around people. It was shocking to me and to them. I was tested at length by the schools and found to be beyond the educational levels that they were allowed to promote me to. In kindergarten I could already read and write extremely well, drew pictures in three point perspective and composed haiku about the transitory nature of death . In first grade they moved me to third grade. In fifth grade I took the SAT tests with the high school seniors. By age 16 I was moving away to New York City to start my first two colleges. I’ve never been like other people. It has not made me very popular amongst the group referred to as my “peers”. They were not my peers, they were only other kids in my age group. After multiple concussions I have no ability to distinguish time as linear or having chronological attributes. It isn’t like that. Time is fluid. And now that I can see and feel it that way, I can access it differently. I have never heard of this fifth dimension you refer to in your video, but it feels like where I am. It is recognizable . I know it well. But the question begs…. Now what? Ok, so I’m not hallucinating, I’m not delusional. Now what? Why am I so different? To what purpose does it serve? What do I do now? How do I find others like me? Real others, not just regular people who want so badly to be unique that they fake these things that I’ve grown up with. I’ve found that most people who claim to be like me are liars and phonies. If people really knew what it’s like to be like this they would not want it so badly. I am constantly ostracized, shunned, mocked, and picked on. I am considered strange, and too unusual. Uncanny. People have a tendency not to like others who are different from them. It is a lonely existence. One I have endured and not necessarily enjoyed. I communicate with the Universe and the Universe communicates back. It is a symbiotic relationship. I do what the universe wants, and the universe provides me with what I need. Things just naturally happen . But it is not easy always feeling like I’m on the outside looking in at the rest of society. So what do I do? What do I do with this knowledge and ability now?


Was in 3D for 36 years, definitely notice being in 4 and 5D


Brothers and sisters it's good to reach out it would help us all to understand one and other and beyond


Thankyou for this video . to understand our lives to the fullest truly a spiritual journey


Great insights and explanations that will truly resonate with those awakened souls and help confirm the journey. I loved this video so much that I had to save it. Thank you! ❤


This morning I was feeling at one with everyone around me. I used to feel this way alot when I was younger and then as life continued and I experienced life with other people and emotions like anger controlled me, the feeling of oneness happened less and less until it disappeared. I feel that time is moving faster for the same work that I am doing.
