Shroud's Best Advice to Improve at Valorant - Tips, Tricks, and Guides

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Concepts: Shroud,Valorant,Tips and Tricks,Guide,Shroud tips,Shroud Aim,Shroud advice,Shroud FPS,Shroud Valorant,Valorant Aim,Valorant Aim Tips,Better Aim,Valorant Guide,Valorant Tips and tricks,Valorant aim guide

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Want to IMPROVE fast, WIN more FIGHTS, and get the RANK you've always wanted then check out:


Tip: for crosshair placements one of devs said well i.e " See for boxes in game, they are placed at spots where box top is almost head level". Its really true and i adjust my crosshair accordingly whenever I'm in doubt.


I always get so motivated to play Valorant after these videos

and then I get clapped.


Step One: Don't chase kills, don't look for kills.. instead, look for how to get in a site without you or your teammates being killed easily. Rather, making it hard for the team to defend the site they are currently defending.

Step Two: Don't chase kills, don't look for kills.. instead, look for how you and your team will be able to defend the site that you have without having one person die without being traded. Look for how you can defend the site where the enemy team will have a hard time trying to enter it and eventually die because they didn't check a corner or got bad timing.

Step Three: Timing, as much as you want to face the enemy head on and headshot them first.. you have to admit that there will always be better people than you at aiming and crosshair placement. The more you realize this, the better your timing will become, instead of swinging instantly when they are coming at you, swing a little bit late, that way before they see you, they will be surprised and caught off guard.. maybe even looking in another direction when you swing at them resulting in an easy kill.

Step Four: Let go of your damned ego. When you keep dying in the same place, and the enemy team is taunting you to do it over and over again, switch places with someone.. block that enemy team and get over yourself. I've had multiple reynas, jetts or whatever character in my lobby where they let their ego go over their head and died to the same place, same person, same tactic EVERY SINGLE TIME. Don't forget, the map is free to explore, you are not stuck in one site.. there are multiple sites to defend, don't stay in one site over and over again, keep telling your team to switch it up because who knows, maybe in that round, at that site you or your team will do a good play, then the next round you will have a different good play in another site.

Step Five: Realize that you won't reach Radiant/Immortal/Diamond heck even Platinum in a week, month or year, even if you play with friends, you need to understand that matchmaking in this damned game is stupid, smurfs everywhere and you will not reach your desired rank the more you think about it. Just play the game, focus on your mechanics and how you will grow as a player instead of focusing in ranked. Trust me, I did the same thing. I started at Iron and I am not even kidding you, I let the game be the game and focused on how I will play better every round, every match and stopped focusing on kills and shit.. eventually I got to Platinum in 6 months. Mind you.. Valorant was my first FPS.

Step Six: Valorant isn't the only FPS out there that has these mechanics. If you feel like you are getting bored of valorant because it is repetitive well.. try out other competitive FPS games. Valorant was my first FPS, but I never let it become my sole and only FPS. After reaching platinum, I took slight breaks, played CS GO, Apex, PUBG etc. And combined what I've learned in those game into my valorant games. Yes, different mechanics specially in APEX and PUBG.. but with those two games, I learned how to be aware of my surrounding, where the enemy will be, or what they will be doing.

Step Seven: Don't be addicted.. don't let this game play you, it is just a game, the only time it becomes a living is when you are a pro player. But it takes time to be a pro player, so until then, play the game and don't let the game play you. Don't forget your responsibilities in real life. Because by doing your responsibilities, work, school, you will constantly think of ways to improve in Valorant.. how? Well because you aren't addicted and instead you have a passion for the game, thinking of ways to be better rather than just be a mindless zombie doing the same things over and over again expecting different results.

For now this is what I can tell, and this is the truth.. Goodluck out there.


I think people focus on how many kills they get because the Valorant competitive system rewards players that get more kills by giving them more RR.


the thing i love about shroud is there are lots of ways to interpret his advice which are all correct, for me "everyone has good aim." means everyone will have crazy moments as they build to be better and better aimers. For me, 2 months ago if you asked me to click a head after returning to val after 8 months i would've cried. But just yesterday, I fired five vandal shots to get an ace. And while i can't do that consistently, the more nutty moments where my aim comes through are more frequent now. So even I do have good aim.


Simply putting my fears aside and actually entry fragging has helped my skills and performance so much. I realized you can't be top fragger if you're not pushing and taking risks. Making plays as they say. Even when I'm not doing that I'm trying to stun and flash for teammates.


Thank you so much, love your channel and this really helped as well


This actually helped me. I dropped a 21 kill game with a 8-2 comeback. Thank you sm


playing sova on split and using odin is the way to improve 1:18


It all boils down to one thing, "Consistency".


dont let your aim improve over time. That will generate bad habits into your muscle memory imo. Do warm up routing with good fundamentals in a game and focus on improving your micro in dms such as tapping and not crouching in 1 dm etc etc. Making every dm a learning experience. One dm is prob more gunfights than a normal game. It doesnt matter how good your macro is, if you're stuck in a rank cause you're getting outaimed. Especially in lower elos. A lot of macro works well with a good team but there is a lack of team player in said ranks.


3:56 finally found a person who puts their middle finger on the scroll wheel


unrelated but get a tens machine. My wrist feels completely on point after using one and its also good for soreness after your done playing


Sure i play Sova and i tend to get more assists than kills. I even said to our Reyna that half her kills are actually just 1 bullet hits after what i did to the enemy. But the truth is for the rank system your score matters since thats the way you get RR. Assists do give battlescore but kills give more. Being a good player is one thing but if your focus is on grinding faster then you need to make them kills and not be bottom fragger.


Brilliant video this helped me out a lot!


I was playing with Diamonds in placements and got placed in silver, I’m one of the silvers that can say I got good crosshair placement lol.. EDIT *I was Diamond the last time I played roughly 10 months ago*


I actually have a decent crosshair placement but why I m in silver because of my play style. I take unnecessary picks and repicks at same angle. I changed that and I m now climbing the ranks. Currently gold 1


The spraying one is accurate for me, but in my case If I know that I can spray my weapon, my accuracy just throws itself outside the window, when im using a Guardian or a sheriff, I can suddenly do one taps.


I usually impact how I did on am I playing my role rather then being 30-10 and I unbounded my scoreboard because I checked too much
