How Good was Shroud?

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0:00 Intro
1:03 Early Shroud
1:57 Shroud's Impatience
2:20 2015 vs Envy
3:04 Top Pros have Insane AIM
3:50 Shroud's Advantage
4:23 Shroud's Movement
5:20 I thought 2016 CS was Better
5:40 Shroud's Peak
6:45 Role Change
7:19 Who Shroud Compares to

tags: shroud, csgo, counter-strike, counter-strike 2, counter-strike: global offensive, cs2, how good was shroud, shroud csgo, shroud was na's xantares
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i promise this video took far longer than 2 days to make


I think that ability to handle and put pressure on multiple engagements at once is what made him so good at PUBG and other BR games


Dunno how good he was, but he definitely got CS2 access before the both of us :/


I remember Stewie and Jordan, I think it was, talking on stream once about how shroud kind of got the short end of the stick with the coaching towards the end of his time with c9. They weren't trying to intentionally handicap him or making him do something he didn't want to do obvie, but they slotted him into playing a role that didn't complement his play style much at all. As an example it was mentioned how shroud always got tasked as the far site anchor on their CT side. The logic being that he was the best person to leave behind to cover a site by himself when his team was down players in the round, as he had the best chance of winning the aim duel against the entry fragger and still getting out alive to help with the retake. Which was probably true, but really didn't suit his play style that well, and was something their opponents could often figure and exploit by faking the other site and then overwhelming him with utility and aggression. In a different role he would probably have done measurably better, as evidenced by a lot of his most impressive clips coming from him lurking or rotating.


shroud could get himself out of some bad situations some of the time. but better players rarely get themselves into such bad situations in the first place


This is a really cool video. Honestly, it could even maybe use a part 2 to show how really god-awful strategy was in that era compared to now.


I was lucky enough to get cs2 access and managed to get into a game with Shroud, Summit1g and Skadoodle on the enemy team. They were very good. Aim was insane and they actually got more kills with deagles than M4/AK. We actually managed to win the game because we got hard carried by a pro that we didn’t even know about at the time. Norsac(Carson) from NOUNS.


shroud is budget scream, the true legendary player of NA is twistzz


This video made me appreciate Zywoo a lot more. He does everything Apex asks and is still right on the level with s1mple


Essentially, Shroud is a living proof that even if those cracked fragmovie creators went pro, it probably wouldn't work out due to their playstyle.


That WorldEdit game against Echo Fox is forever seared into my mind. So at least he isn't forgotten there...


Great vid, solid take. To me it seemed like Shroud always enjoyed the 'games with the bois' aspect of things, more than actually having the hunger to win multiple titles. His stats in majors were particularly meh. Hence why when he found a groove in streaming, he went full send and didn't go back to pro play. Which is fair enough, noone can say it hasn't worked for him.


The thing that makes shroud unique is that he is one of the best in every shooter he touches, he is never "the best" but always amongst the 1% of best players, thats what makes him such a great streamer and youtuber, because he can play whatever the new and hyped game is and dominate, pull of insane clips and just be entertaining. I dont rate him for his pro career, i rate him for beeing the shooter-multitalent he is.


Damn it is the first time ive seen someone mention WorldEdit, I remember loving watch him play because in a round he could be an absolute MENACE with the awp, and the next one get absolutely destroyed. His autograph was my favourite and he still has one of the coolest names in eSports.


His problem was NA culture at the time. Play a lot of pugs against lower level players, and that trains you to take risks and make plays that you should not make or take against better opposition. The ability to put pressure on multiple positions at once is great if you are in that situation, but its a situation you always want to avoid when you are playing against people as good as you or better.


clickbaiting the thumbnail with NA's best aimer when Twistzz exists is wild


Great video! I remember my first time playing against him on mirage. The thing that caught me off guard was how fast he would go from target to target. Like he would adapt so quickly to surprise targets. You'd think you have an extra couple of milliseconds to take your time and aim since he was fighting someone else but he'd already be firing at you. What I learned is always play Shroud like a 1v1 and just out reaction time him. Like most players with an unnatural ability he won't try to out brain you but instead he tries to bait you into playing into his strengths. To see what I'm talking about Check out Fastest Sniper VS Shroud. He was definitely a beast in his prime!


4:15 lmao "that's literally an Andrew Tate take" 😂😂


This "playstyle" conversation is interesting because cs was so less complex back then, because playstyles among top players are so similar now, we've refined so much everyone knows the best play to make


I've always looked at shroud as an aim god but after watching your analysis I think you're right. Very interesting stuff and a good lesson for us mere mortals too
