What Was Shae's True Motive? Game of Thrones Q&A

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Don't forget where Tyrion first met Shay. In Tywin's camp. I think she was stringing him from the start. Also remember the drunk game they played in the camp. Where Tyrion mentioned his wife. Shay had said you never should have trusted her. That was foreshadowing her.


There's a cut scene from the show in which Shae talks to Bronn after Tyrion sent her away and he tells her something like "that's what rich people do, even the good ones, they use you and throw you away when they don't need you anymore", so I think that justifies the scorn woman theory.


I loved their relationship and thought it was the real thing. My heart broke for both of characters. That damned game and what it does to people!


I believe that Shae was deeply and truly in love with Tyrion - and that his (forced) rejection of her broke her heart. So her actions afterwards, especially in the trial, are those of a woman taking revenge on the man who hurt her and whom she still loves. I think this is backed up by Sibel Kekilli's acting: she looks both hurt and angry during her witness statement.


I actually re-watched the wedding episode recently and Circe points out Shae to Tywin; he responds with bring her to me after the ceremony. Tyrion notices this and tells Bronn to make sure she's on a ship. Bronn comes back and tells him she is. When Joffrey is murdered, Tywin yells about closing down the city and stopping all the ships leaving the city. My guess is, that her ship was stopped as many others were and somehow Circe got her hands on her.


I think it was pretty clear that it was probably a combination of vengeance on Tyrion for his perceived abandonment along with whatever compensation Cersei and Tywin were willing to provide her.


but the lannisters always pay their bedts right? why havent they payed the iron bank back?


In re: to Shae's motives; don't underestimate the strength of emotion. I think Shae was clever, but not as clever as she thought she was. I also think she was a very emotional type of person. As a woman scorned, she may have wanted revenge, to get back at Tyrion because she was hurting and feeling rejected. She may have wanted him to regret throwing her away. Hence, she may have attempted to act upon that desire by selling out to Tywin. After all, what better way to hurt Tyrion than to sleep with his father? She knew about the strained relationship between them, and how Tywin had taken Tyrion's lover/wife away before. She was clever enough to play a part, but not clever enough to keep from being used as a tool by the Lannisters.


In the books Shea's behavior is not quite as confusing. It's very clear, to me at least, that she doesn't love Tyrion she just loves the lifestyle he affords her. She even kicks up a huge fuss about having to leave behind all of her finery when Tyrion makes her move out of the manse (mansion) he put her up in to move into the red keep as hand maiden to Lollys Stokeworth to keep her safe. In the show they changed her character in a way that almost seems like they wanted us to see her the way Tyrion does rather than for what she really is, a literal gold digging whore.


there is a scene as joffery dies where Tywin says lock down the city and stop all the ships in the harbor. I think that's  when shea came back


I remember the drinking game where Tyrion made three statements about Shae's past:
1. Your mother was a whore
2. Your father left your family when you were young
3. You wanted to be elsewhere but ended up elsewhere

All statements turned out to be false. Also, Shae warned Tyrion that if he ever spoke about her parents again, she would carve out his eyes.

I always thought the show would later on elaborate on Shae's past, but that never happened. Please tell me your thoughts on this.


rewatching it got me curious about shae, when tyrion tells of how tywin set up his first love and shae questions how he could be so stupid. He says i was young and stupid, to which she said you still are and looked suspicious. Which got me thinking she was set up by tywin again. especially since she appeared out of nowhere with tywin yards away.


Cersei's costume is very intelligently done- you'll notice that over the course of the show she becomes more and more armoured as she begins to feel more in danger.


To be fair, in the books, Shae's testimony at Tyrion's trial is totally legit. That is because the love angle between them is a show only creation. In the books, Shae is very clear about the fact that she's only with Tyrion, for his money. She also was never Sansa's handmaiden, in fact she became a handmaid for Lollys Stokeworth. She was also never jealous of Sansa. She encouraged him to bed Sansa and make her pregnant. They make her more ballsy in the show and actually gave her relationships that never happened in the books. That is why her testimony at Tyrion's trial makes no sense to show watchers. Book readers already knew this was coming and couldn't understand why the show made more of Shae's relationship faith Tyrion, then there actually was.


Hello! My opinion on Shae is based on the books. And it seems to me her main motive was revenge!
In the books,  Shae seemed really in love, or at least infatuated, with Tyrion (because he's very smart, wealthy and wants to take good care of her). She kept trying to convince him to give up on all the schemes, struggles and battle for the crown he had going on in the name of his family; without success.
Because 1)she want to live somewhere far from court and its danger to avoid being collateral damage and 2) because she's intensely annoyed that Tyrion want to fights for his family when they don't do him any good in return (except gold, of course).

She seems to be of the opinion that he is so smart he could rules from the shadows if he set his mind to it. But he doesn't, because he still loves his family, wants them to love him in return and tries to obtain that by giving them what they want: power. He is, i short, "too kind" with them,  with no reward for Shae or her couple with Tyrion.
Which "could" be okay (she's exasperated but long-suffering for a while) if it didn't ended up biting him in the ass and her with him.
But he DID put himself in danger. And it DID put her in danger in return. And still, it could have been okay f it finally covince him he would never get that happy ending with his family and he choose her above them.
Instead, he refused to run away with her. He choose to see his struggles with his family to the bitter (and ultimate) end rather then choose happiness with her. in dishonor, yes, but happy and with her. He says he loves her. In her mind,  living far from troubles with her ought to be enought compensation for Tyrion (for his lack of resolve with his family).

But he choose them, who never did him any good, over her. When supposedly, she's the most important thing to him.

In my mind, Shae turn-coat to repay him right back. If he likes hurt and betrayal so much, she's going to serve him a feast of it on the ashes of all the promises he didn't keep.


yo there was literally no answer to the Shea question in this video, you just regurgitate everything everyone knows, nothing against you pal but these videos seem pointless, but that's just me


Tywin had her in his tent in the first place and that's where Bronn found her. I think Tywin paid her to keep an eye on Tyrion. Shea did whatever she could for the money ... even lied about Tyrion because she was pissed off and getting paid.


It was Gendry. Gendry was the Blacksmith; He kept rowing until he hit Volantis, and found an apprenticeship.


Simple. Survival. The motivation of most of the characters on this show. Most, not all


Iron bank of Braavos and the servers of many faced gods(no ones) live at the same city... is there a possibility that iron bank created the assasins to get their funds back in future..
