*Full Testimony* The devil tried to stop me from posting this

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Instagram & TikTok @Itscassieblanko
If you feel led To sow a seed $Cassieblanko
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Isaiah 43:18-19
"Forget the former things do not dwell on the past, See I am doing a new thing!


I was not going to type this but this testimony shook me. I failed my high school exam in 2022 and I went into depression and pornography and I was always fantasizing the Life I should have had and I also blamed my family for what happened. I felt so left behind because others made it to college. I was seeking love from things of this world but God just spoke to me and I started crying and repented for my sins. I taking the exam again this year and I ask that you pray for me. Glory be to God 🙏🏾 ✋🏾


I have 6 kids and 4 baby daddies. I was an addict and alcoholic. Jesus Christ saved me too. I shared it, had to. God Bless us all, Amen 🙏


I'm 14 and I'm struggling with lots of sins, like lust and these sexual things. I'm tryna get better and I regret it everytime, I'm gonna fast 3 days so I can be forgiven. ❤ God is with you, please guys pray for me.


I got baptized today. July 28th 2024. Greatest decision I have ever made . I came out feel Free and different. 🙏


Whew! The first 56 seconds! “God can’t bless who you pretend to be.” I felt that. Thank you for your transparency and vulnerability!


There is no shame; everything happens for reason. There would be no NEW you if you didn't go through the lessons.


You’re so brave, so blessed, so loved, so forgiven and so beautiful🌻💛


I got pregnant at 17, while homeless (my parents situation not mines personally) I miscarried 2 days before my 18th birthday . My boyfriend threw me out his house the night of my birthday at 12 at night, on concrete, in the cold (I’m a December baby, in Michigan) because I didn’t wanna do the do..2 days after miscarrying and I was in pain and bleeding. I literally didn’t wanna be touched at all. He pulled my hair (I had just got braids for my birthday so it hurt BAD) and when I took my braids out, my hair in the area he pulled fell out. Previous to this, he choked me (still pregnant) over 50 dollars, I didn’t even have and he ended up finding it in his pocket 😐. I went back a month later. I continued to sleep with him, I continued to give him hundreds of dollars, I gave him my iPhone 15 (Ik dumb) and he would constantly disrespect me and make me feel so low about myself. Like I never heard anything positive about myself almost ever. He put a gun to my chest for no reason at all! I’m literally not joking. Like at all, I started having problems breathing (I have asthma and anxiety ) he did not care! He wanted me to pay him 400
Dollars for my own phone back. He threw me out his house again, I have 2 permanent scars on my hand from this (I wasn’t fighting back but my friend was defending me) he came outside threw a grill at me. Threw the phone at me (but I never got it back bc he threw it in the woods) and kicked me in my side. His sister threatened to put her hands on me, while pregnant and he defended her. “U tripping, she really wasn’t gonna do it” but she definitely came off just like “Shani I’ll slap tf out of you” at school. I cried this entire school day. I did not eat the entire school day. The teachers never spoke to me, I had to eat with the principals for lunch because I didn’t feel comfortable sitting anywhere else. Nobody ever checked on me. My bf picked with me this entire school day! Would come in my classroom to embarrass me. Yelling at me calling me bitches and hoes. By the end of the school day, I started bleeding but it was too early for them to see anything at the time. The school did NOT CARE. He tried saying the baby wasn’t his too, but he literally did it on purpose! She always would call me bitches and literally said I wasn’t gonna be a good parent but he was to my face, and he defended her again saying she didn’t mean it like that😐. I started drinking a lot too. I took shrooms too. I would get blacked out drunk!!! I didn’t end up graduating on time. I get very embarrassed about the things I’ve done and gone through but I wouldn’t be me without my experiences. I learned a lot and in a hard way, too young but I learned a lot. God saved me. I literally was on a downhill in life for a good 6+ months. Just out of control. No type of guidance. I would always tell my mom I feel like I done messed up TOO much to become better. Like I thought pain was my life. Losing was my life. My mom would always respond with “you can be better, but u have to want it for yourself” and this is so true! I can point the finger all I want cs I sure can! but at the same time I have to take accountability because I lacked self-love. I lacked self-control I lacked self-respect I lacked so many things and I allowed so many things to happen to go on, and I put myself in situations that I didn’t have to be in, I stuck around for things that I didn’t have to and I can only go through what I allow. Now I definitely find myself having troubles with forgiving myself and that’s currently where I’m at. But I have been practicing celibacy for three months now and I plan to go without alcohol, smoking and sex. I’m working on smoking rn. This is not my whole testimony, but this is the most recent part of it. You actually gave me the confidence to not be ashamed of what I’ve gone through. It’s all about learning from it and as long as you learn, is what matters. I have my own apartment now, a job paying 20+ a hour and I got accepted into college! Ready to see what’s next.


I did not shake my head during this testimony. I smiled because God protected you along the way and you're still here by the grace of God. My story is similar to yours ❤


Before we become wise, we make first make a bunch of mistakes.


Don’t be embarrassed Cassie no one is perfect we are all forgiven it’s what made us


Dear sister, just that you would know, you have no idea how many lives you’ve changed.

You got me covered through very hard times since this past January after having lost my job and my world turned upside down, you‘ve prayed for me..

And here i am right now a guy at 4:00 am watching your life testimony because i couldn’t sleep, and i’m in Beirut- Lebanon btw! So your Life matters a lot and you are turning this world upside down and your best days are yet to come, no God has not forgotten ❤🎉


“God cannot bless who you pretend to be”! Girl literally hit my spirit so hard!


"God cannot bless who you pretend to be " 🤗🙏🏾preachhh I needed that


Remember, sometimes God allows your heart to break, so he can piece it back together the way he wants 💖✝<3


U weren’t dumb, u were dead in your sins like every other Christian at some time! God is making you pure!


Same here friend. I was saved this March 2024. I was more of an agnostic, skeptic and almost went into Buddhism. I was dying from sin. It was this heavy weight of depression, suicidal thoughts, and insomnia. My body would be heavy, I would have taste of blood on my mouth, headaches, blackspots in my vision, but God saved me. He is so good to all of us and I am so happy for you ♡


No shaking of heads here. I have been through so many similar things. God truly is wonderful!!!


Hi Cassie I am going through the a very tough phase.. I was an atheist, but lord showed me the spiritual side so that I get closer to him. Now that I want to be close to Jesus, the enemy is mad at me and is attacking me every single day physically and I see all demons and serpents at home. Some evil spirit has taken control of my body and makes me do things that I would never do. Please pray for me.. I am really scared by I have faith the lord will deliver me. Your testimony was very moving and God bless you
