Satan offered me a deal (Testimony)

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In this week's episode, Brennan Redvers will be sharing his testimony on how Jesus changed his life.

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"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death." -Revelation 12:11

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This amazing young man is married to my beautiful niece. I'm so happy he's now a part of our family. We love you B!


An elderly, holy Christian friend once advised me:

"Your mind is like a thoroughfare - not every thought is FROM you ...and not every thought is FOR you... Keep your mind stayed on Jesus - you will find your Peace in Him."


There’s a real war between good and evil for all of our souls and only Jesus can bring down all darkness and give us freedom - thank you Jesus


35 minutes unedited.. no mistakes.. no tangents.. no swearing.. this is truly a testimony of the Holy Spirit.


I was a hindu but Jesus showed me that He is the only way and the only truth and the gods that i was worshiping were nothing but idols. The encounter that i had with Him was supernatural and the presence and love that i felt was unfathomable and that love literally pierced through my heart and from that moment on i have accepted Jesus as my everything.


I asked that same question "God if you're real, show me." And He revealed himself to me the next morning. My life was never the same.


I’m 59yrs old now, but when I was 28 yrs old, I had an encounter with Jesus. At the time, I was not close to Him, I lost my ability to pray, I was too ashamed of myself for something I did. I couldn’t forgive myself and consequently, this kept me from being near to The Lord. One night, I woke from my sleep, it was dark. Although I couldn’t see Him, I felt His strong presence. Then He spoke, I heard the words in my head, He told me to forgive myself. And in that very second, I felt an overwhelming sense of His love. Stronger still, I felt His compassion and His mercy. Before then and ever since then, I have never felt that peace, His peace, and it pierced my heart. And it consumed me, utterly, unfathomably, no words to describe the peace, only Jesus can give. All praise and glory to Him, my Lord and Savior. Amen. 🙌🏼🕊🔥🙏🏽❤️


Wow! I've listened to 100's if not 1000s of testimonies in my 60 years. This young man's testimony is one if the most powerful examples of the Lord's mercy and grace I've EVER heard! Glory to God and Yeshua/Jesus for bringing you into the fold!! Hallelujah!


Brennan said: "The reason that I exist is to be with God." This young man got it RIGHT! Thanks be to God!


I'm no longer a slave to sin, for I am a child of God. hallelujah🙏


The devil is a liar! This is an incredible testimony! ❤


I could feel his fearful experience when he said he looked upstairs and she was peeking behind the bedroom door staring at him. Feeling the evil presence. Thank God for this man's experience. Praise The Lord!!! 🙏🙏🙏


“i make no deal with the devil.” POWERFUL


Thank you for sharing your testimony! I was under demonic attack for YEARS and my life is forever changed now that I’ve found Jesus. Jesus is AWESOME!!!!


This is crazy. I’ve never heard a testimony so similar to mine. Thank you for uploading this.


Holy spirit came to me last autumn.

I have been doing the same stuff as this young boy. Tons of weed and psychedelics.

I was so many years in darkness.

Thank you lord.

You have saved my life. Yeshua from Nazareth ❤


Thank you for this, as a Christian I’m seeking for Jesus to save my marriage and family as it’s been attacked by Satan. I rebuke and uproot all satans chains on my marriage and family - I repent for my sins forgive me Father God in Jesus name


Jesus saved me from the depths of despair! I was doing all sorts of spiritual practice thinking I was helping people and helping to elevate the planet. I was doing reiki, group meditation, palmistry. My life was so up and down and I was getting messages that I thought were from angels. I know now it was a demon. I’m so grateful and will never turn my back on the lord again xxx


You're not alone brother. I went through all of that synchronistic horror stuff too when I was in drugs. For a long time too but God is greater and Jesus saves!


What a powerful testimony! I'm 60 years old and I sat and watched you preach to the younger generation. The words came so easily to you when asked what you want to tell the younger generation. You have the heart of an evangelist and a pastor. I know that I know that I know that you are truly filled with the Holy Spirit! Your plea to the younger generation was so sincere and so passionate. You are truly in love with Jesus. I love our Savior and I love how He pursues us with HIS FIERCE LOVE. You are a blessed, young man. To God be all the glory!

I'm currently praying for my 33 year old son who walked up to me one day a couple of years ago and told me he longer believes in God. His big brother passed away in 2009 at the age of 20. He had given his life to Jesus that day not knowing he was going Home that same day. God answered my prayers for my oldest son and I know that God is going to do the same for my youngest son. As a matter of fact, I know that God has already accomplished this in the heavenlies and I know that it will manifest here on the earth.

Thank you for sharing your testimony, Brennan. I have a feeling that you are planting numerous seeds for the youth in order to advance the Kingdom of Heaven. I will see YOU in Heaven!

Jesus Is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him! Glory to His holy name!

