The Devil Tried to Destroy Her Life, but FAILED! (Shocking Jesus Testimony)

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WARNING: This video contains discussions and/or visual representations of sexual imagery for educational purposes. We understand that such content may be sensitive for some individuals. Please proceed cautiously and ensure you are in a comfortable and appropriate environment. If you find such content distressing, we recommend refraining from watching this testimony.

Brittney Horton Links

Testimony Brittney Horton
Directed by Eric Villatoro
Interviewed by Nathalie Vilson
Edited By Joshua Gayle and Eric Villatoro
Audio Mixed by Paul Nicholas
Testimony Recorded at Revive Church in Los Angeles, CA

00:00 Britney Horton
00:57 Parents Drug Addiction
03:48 Rebellion Begins
05:23 Losing Virginity & Downward Spiral
7:03 Prostitution & Rejecting Help
11:45 Going Through 2 Abortions
13:25 The breaking point
14:56 Close Death Experience
16:59 Going Back to School
19:03 Surrendering Life to Jesus
21:23 Backsliding Into Toxic Relationship
24:32 God Speaks & Breaks off Relationship
25:42 Husband, Kids, & Freedom in Jesus!
28:42 Healing from Abortions & Sexual Abuse
31:00 Who is Jesus to you?
21:22 Encouragement to those watching
33:00 Brittney’s Word to Younger Self
33:41 Prayer
35:38 Last Words

Delafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world's largest archive of Jesus testimonies. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.
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This is my wife everyone everything she said is true but everything Jesus has done in her life is true as well. I'm proud to know and love my wife. Say Jesus lord let Him do it for you Jesus had to set us all free . Love you baby It's Goward


I've been hearing over and over from different testimonies that the word of God is medicine. If you struggle in the mind, Anxiety, intrusive Thoughts etc then I challenge you the read the word of God more than you already do. I'm going to start reading 25 chapters daily. This bondage must break


It's sad to watch women feel that they need a man to be happy and to fill a void. I got divorced in 2000, and I am still single to this day. All I need is Jesus and He being my provider. I am the happiest I have ever been. I had a horrible childhood and marriage. Those were my worst best days are with Jesus!


I was a slave to sex and God delivered me. I don't desire nothing or no one but Jesus Christ alone. He has the power to change us. Satan has to ask God for permission to bother us, but with God, He's testing our faith through trials for us to go from glory to glory in growth and maturity.


I was with 30 different men before God brought me my husband and my husband was also a virgin and I am so thankful. His grace is amazing. Thank you Lord


This is the truth, when you are infilled with the Holy spirit he will keep you pure by warning you of predators. There are predators all around us, its a miracle she found a virgin guy. This is how the amazing love of God works, he gives you more than you can imagine!!! I love my Lord!!!


It’s stories like these that reminds me of how God doesn’t look at our past . Jesus thank you for this lady and her testimony.🙏🙏🙏🙏


God is a spirit. We must worship him in spirit and in truth. He was human till he rose and returned to our Father. He is God a Spirit!


Please pray for my son Geno and my daughter Jayme. God knows why. PLEASE pray. God Bless you all


When she started crying regarding her husband, I cried. That desperation and knowing the healing the took I can say is praise Jesus!


I love that she said start with Psalms and Proverbs, bc that is where the Lord had me start too


Please pray for the salvation of my family - especially Charles and Ashley - and that I may accomplish all that God has for me. Thank you!


Glory too God man I cry every time I think about his goodness!!😞 Thank you so much for loving us!! I’m so messed up sometimes but I truly love you way more than anything or anyone!!


Yes, the devil knows our weaknesses. And will bring bad men along, bc he knows we'll give in. The enemy will give us what we want as long as it creates more suffering for us. Must guard our heart (&celebicy)


Powerful testimony Brittney! I felt condemned for past mistakes just like you and your testimony made me realize the enemy used condemnation to keep the truth of when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I was forgiveness and there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus! God bless you


This brought me to tears on top of tears. I can relate on being in a relationship with a narcissist and a abruiser being unappreciated or respected by my children. Since I got rid of the awful relationship, I’ve decided to live a Holy single life. I pray and ask God to help me stay focused on eternal life and not things of this world. Thanks for sharing your story, when people say I don’t look like what I’ve been through, you don’t look like what you been through, to God be the glory. You are beautiful, keep fighting the good fight!


“my mind and soul needed renewing but I didn't know that because I was not TAUGHT” So many things weren't taught to us. Beautiful testimony of how God can take the mess and restore its beauty.


Being a father to beautiful daughters, this testimony hit very close, as I want to do all I can to ensure they have a good relationship with Christ, with a great life as a result. Praise God for sharing your testimony, but more importantly, for giving glory to God for the victory He has in your life. God bless you!


This testimony hit home. Her message at the end was everything. No matter how many times the enemy tries to haunt me about my past and fill my mind up with lies, I have to stay close to Jesus. I will get up because God has a purpose for me. I am destined for more. Thank you Britney. Thank you, Delafé ❤
