Season 8 Episode 24: Leadership: Why Investing Time Beats Managing Time

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Managing your time is purely reactionary. Investing time is about proactively focusing your energy and efforts toward your highest priorities. What gets in your way?

Episode Summary:

In this episode of The Thermostat, leadership expert Jason V. Barger discusses the crucial difference between managing time and investing time. He argues that by intentionally focusing our time and energy on high-priority tasks and long-term goals, we can become more effective leaders and build stronger organizational cultures.

Key Takeaways:

Busy vs. Effective: Being busy doesn't necessarily equate to being effective. The Eisenhower Matrix: A tool for prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance. Investing Time vs. Managing Time: Managing time is reactive, while investing time is proactive and focused on long-term goals. Where You Look Is Where You Go: The importance of focusing on what truly matters. Notable Quotes:

"Investing time always beats managing time." "Where you look is where you go, where you look, your bodies will follow." "Are we managing our time or are we investing our time?" Questions to Ponder:

Where are you investing your time? Is it aligned with your priorities? What activities could you let go of to free up time for more important tasks? How can you intentionally invest your time to create a better future for yourself and your organization? Resources:

Jason Barger is a husband, father, speaker, and author who is passionate about business leadership and corporate culture. He believes that corporate culture is the "thermostat" of an organization, and that it can be used to drive performance, innovation, and engagement. The show features interviews with business leaders from a variety of industries, as well as solo episodes where Barger shares his own insights and advice.

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