Top 5 Reasons Why Water Baptism is Essential

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I will not say that water baptism is not important, but it is not essential to salvation. When Peter shared the gospel with Cornelius and his friends they received holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues without(or maybe before) being baptized. I also have known dozens of people who received holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and have never been baptized. It is the indwelling of holy spirit that make one saved or determines their salvation.


This is always subject for discussion. Jesus came to fullfill the law of Moses. Including all the ordinances that were literal types of a greater spiritual fullfillments. The feasts, sabbath and mikvah were all fullfilled in Christ. The mikvah as the ritual for inner cleansing and gaining a clear conscience towards God. What is essential is the repentance. Not the ritual of washing in living water. It is all about the greater baptism in Christ/The Spirit. That is in my opinion the baptism mentioned in Ephesians 4. Also you can make a case for phasing out of the literal ordinances from pentecost until the final destruction of the temple in 70 AD. In the NT we find clear commands of water baptism but also cases where people were baptized in the spirit with water baptism absent. So I would say water baptism is not essential but the repentance is needed before we are baptized in the Spirit. The mikvah was a shadow of this. It is all spiritual now. We are to worship in spirit and truth. With freedom to choose to follow shadows of greater spiritual fullfillments. I am convinced that water baptism is on the same level as keeping sabbath or other ordinances.


People will be sure to split hairs regarding baptism. It seems to be a command that if one has knowledge of one should just happily do. It may even provide spiritual strength as Paul mentions it as a reminder of their status as Gods people to the Christians he was writing to in at least one of his letters as well as the writer of Hebrews. It may also be necessary for entry into being one of Jesus people. Obviously there are exceptions like the thief on the cross but that was due to circumstances out of the repentants control not a new guideline to follow. And in my opinion dunking yourself in water or taking a bath is a “work of the (New Testament) law” but when done in faith a very symbolic, spiritually helpful, powerful act certainly not something worthless. Even Peter rushed to baptize Cornelius after he had seen the spirit at work in him. Nor do we see any doctrine downplaying baptism anywhere in the New Testament but only words highlighting its significance or certainty of repeated and hallowed practice. Bottom line it seems to be a (easy) command for us to happily follow that also provides spiritual healing and peace and strength as a God approved and ordained physical act. If God, through Jesus, through his apostles, through the pre nicene christians say it and follow it, who are we to reinterpret their words?


Matthew 28:19, John 3:1-7, Matthew 16:19, Acts 2:38-39
How many names do you see in Matthew 28:19? None only 3 titles.
Jesus told Nicodemus we must be born again. He, Jesus, said Must.
Jesus gave Peter the keys Matt 16:19 Peter preached his first sermon Acts 2 and finished with verse 38. What name do you see One name not 3 or 3 titles. Jesus Name.
End of Story. How could anyone argue against what Jesus said, and what the man with the keys said? Nothing more, nothing less. Jesus Said Must. done.


4:57-5:31: the words "public" or "public demonstration" are used 4 times in 35 seconds. Know how many times in the entire NT the word "public" is associated with baptism? Not a one! Baptism could be very private or very public, but the private/public nature of it is merely incidental, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the essentiality of it. Study the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch: nothing public at all about his baptism. Certainly baptism is essential to the forgiveness of sins, but not because of the public or private nature of it.
