Fallout 76 Starter Guide! Fast XP Farm, Best Perk Cards & Mutations (Beginner Tips And Tricks 2024)

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Todays video we go over some new player beginner friendly tips and tricks for people wanting to start playing Fallout 76 in 2024. Important information to better your leveling experience and overall enjoyment of the game. From repair kit usage, trading with other players and getting as many caps as possible. Fallout 76 has many mechanics that can be confusing at first, but with this starter guide you will be a professional wastelander in no time.

We also talk about the best perk cards in fallout 76 for new players or beginners, how to upgrade legendary perk cards and how to get perk points. How to get XP fast with this fallout 76 xp farm in 2024 and some of the best ways to boost your XP gain while playing solo or with friends. I also show the best beginner xp farm location for some quick legendary gear. We also go over the best mutations and a complete mutation guide on how to KEEP them forever and how to make the negative effects less.

⏰ - Time Stamps - ⏰
0:00 - 1:40 - How To Boost Your Stats Quick
1:40 - 3:10 - Best New Player XP Farm
3:10 - 3:52 - Perk Points Vs Stats
3:52 - 5:50 - How To Level Up Fast
5:50 - 6:17 - Backpacks
6:17 - 8:25 - How To Get The Best Mutations
8:25 - 10:58 - The Best Perk Cards EVERYONE Needs
10:58 - 13:01 - How To Get Perk Points
13:01 - 14:18 - Important Build Tip

🌟 - Cool Links - 🌟

🎵 - Background Music - 🎵

🎵 - Intro + Outro Song 🎵
Jake Hill - Satin Black

#fallout76 #fallout76tips #fallout
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I’m in love with this game as a “new” player. I played when it launched in 2018 but got bored of it because of the no npcs and bugs. It is legitimately 100 times better and feels like a true fallout game now. Loving every minute of it.


You know what I hate...I realized I can upgrade my backpack when I hit lvl 47...had the same +5 carry weight backpack since lvl 2.😅


I get that Strong Back is hated but as a Newcomer, it's been a godsend. Having 200+ WT makes inventory management SO much easier and, unfortunately, makes the game mostly enjoyable.


I played this game A LOT a couple years ago.. I had all kinds of rare plans and put my fair share of real money into the game. Unfortunately that was all on Xbox, and have since moved over to pc. Since nothing is transferable.. I have found myself starting over (after debating for days if it was even worth it). This video is the perfect refresher I needed to figure out wtf I want to do this time around, so I can get it together and stop sulking over my old account. I appreciate the video!

*edited to make sentences less rambly


The order of the tadpole quest is a ROYAL PAIN in the arse to finish, i did it way back in the day before the people came back and took took a long time to finish.


Another great video, you can see how much you're learning as you progress, I have a couple of other tips for you...

Maxed out legendary perk cards give you a ÷5 boost (one for each star, then a bonus for.maxing it) and its worth getting the intelligence maxed out. You're spot on though, the other cards depend on your build and style of play. I personally run S.P.E.I.A.L all maxed out, so I can run more normal cards

Doing the above will allow you to bin Strong Back and get specific carry cards like Travelling Pharmacy, Thru Hiker bandolier etc, which give far better benefits. But for beginners, yeah, Strong Back is good for straight up carry weight. Try looking at doing your scout badges for additional carry weight for your backpack too

Also, your advice for Ammosmith also applies to the Hard Bargain card you had equipped 👍


Ive been looking for fallout videos for the past week and all of them are like 3 years old so i appreciate this video


Thunk ya for recording this stuff. Absolutely overwhelmed with amount of choices you are able to make levelling up your character, and the FOMO it induces.


Returning after a long break, came back at level 388, amazing to get these reminders.


Started playing last week. Just hit level 20 today. This is by far the best and most informative video I’ve watched. I learned a ton. Didn’t even know mutations was a thing. Didn’t realise I could join a team for the xp but not actually play with them. Subscribing cos I’m gonna be playing this for a while. Thank you. 🙏🏻


There’s a nice perk where you hit an enemy with a weapon and it has a chance to be partially repaired and when doing wave events you can completely repair some weapons that have higher fire rates


There is a max on xp per kill and it's 4k per mob. It's really only an issue during double XP though. TY for the video!


I've just jumped into this game with my wife and your guides are gold for us right now. Definitely going for shotgun build!


Unpopular opinion but this game genuinely holds up with all the other top fallout games with all the new content


Resource management is key in this game. I played it like older Fallouts and struggled. Once I focused on managing my weight better, it all clicked.


You dont just yap away. You give us the information we want right then and there so you earned my subscription 💯


flux are pretty easy to get, just involves farm nuked zones and you can nuke them. You can learn mods by just scrapping the same item. For example once you learn to craft ultracite gatling just make 10 of them and scrap them (you can equip the scrap perk for more materiales when scraping). Mods that you get with bullion gold doesnt work if i remember correctly.

For inventory I kept the starter leather armor with pockets till Service Secret Armor with pockets and a tip for materials are not getting larger stacks, just keep 150 to 200 of each unused material in you bank. And you can use another character to save your unused weapons you need help from a friend in order to get your weapons from the other character, less weight perks doesnt work in banks but you'll see numbers getting down till you put them so it's better to carry the items affected by less weight.

Adenaline perk is good but if you do maths, you'll see 1* is enough because you spent more stats for less damage added and for Enforcer it's the same case 1* is enough. There's several damage perks and defensive/survival perks so you'll need stats. And don't scrap animated perks these comes with the 5 cards bundles.

And its good to have new tubers, gl n hf.


for starting players also, strength is for melee damage but more importantly it also increases your carry weight which is important because you CAN NOT fast travel if you are over your carry weight allowance, the game calls it "overencumbered". So I recommend max Intelligence and max Strength so you level fastest, and can carry the most.

Also do the Tadpole then Possum missions as soon as possible so you can get the badges and buy a tadpole backpack which gives 60 more carry and then the tadpole high capacity mod for the backpack that doubles your backpack carry weight so now you can carry and additonal 120. Also you can put "deep pocketed" mods on all 4 limb armors and the chest armor for 10 plus carry on each totallying 50 extra carry weight. Each point in strength adds 5 carry weight and some perk cards can reduce items weight so you may want to use the cards that go with your play style like reduce rifles weight if you use rifles.


Returning 76 player (came back due to new map expansion coming) Darth something and this guy def top creators for the game.


By far the most helpful video I’ve seen as a beginner explained a lot
