Men Who Do THIS Scare Women Away Because . . .

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Here are 6 reasons some Christian guys scare single Christian women away and can't get into a godly Christian relationship or marriage.




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In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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Introverted Christian man. Yup that's me. I've made every one of these mistakes -- but I needed to see this to be sure. Thanks for confirming.


No married people I know had to jump through this many hoops for their relationships. All married folks I speak with say a similar thing: “well, it just kinda happened, we met at church” or “she was a friend of my cousins” or “I met her at a coworkers birthday party.”

Sure… the men will act like actually did something and say: “well I had to talk with her” … dude… are you blind? The woman you married was literally placed right in front of you, in a mutually safe group setting, with already established forms of communication. You didn’t have to go out of your way at all, you didn’t have to approach her, you didn’t have to work at all to establish contact. You didn’t have to work at all to make her feel safe. That fact was already established. She was within your group. She was within your zone. The safe zone.

It’s accepted in these situations to talk to people in the group. The safe zone.

Any other communication out of group settings like this immediately places you in a pre-established stranger danger / un safe zone.

I don’t know man… it’s just that everyone I know seems like they didn’t have to put this level of thought and effort into meeting women. They have absolutely been blessed with perfect conditions to meet their spouses.

I digress… and I apologize for being so cynical. That is just where I’m at. For whoever reads this comment in the ether… I try to just trust in the Lord. I hope you can do the same.


I’ve definitely scared some good godly girls away lol. I’m an introvert so that first one called me out. It makes me think of the Scripture that a prudent wife is from the Lord. My future spouse truly has to be from the Lord because I’ve tried to do it all in my own strength before and it’s been a mess.


I think my struggle is that I am bit shy and don't know how to approach women. But then again, Im not exactly in a point in my life were dating should be a priority. I'm trying to overcome my personal life challenges and not looking for a 2nd mommy.


Having a tasteful sense of humor and being able to see the many ironies in life really helps as that can make you more attractive.

Problem is these days, especially on dating sites, including so-called Christian ones, everything is based on looks.

This is why there’s not much difference between Christian dating sites and secular ones as I’ve been guilty of that myself. It actually makes it harder.

I really wish I could meet the right one at church but the only kind of church I belong to doesn’t have many single women and certainly not older ones who take care of themselves.

Doesn’t have to be a model or anything but simply someone who respects herself enough to not date the refrigerator since divorce or if she’s never been married, you have to wonder why.


You've got me on #5. I am not physically attractive, so I have little to no chance of ever dating anyone. I'm what's known as a sub-5. Other videos on YouTube explain that term.


Nothing like the feeling of my heart dropping in my stomach when I realize that I made the first mistake.


I've had at least three girls bring up "No Sex Until Marriage" and then ghost me immediately when I agree to that condition.

Sounds like they were hoping it would be a deal-breaker for me.


Currently I don't care about women I just want to focus straight to christ no one aside.i enjoy being too spiritual coz that's where I feel safe all the time. Anyway I'm an African man and for me to be spiritual in africa is a benefit and we must be vigilant always as African world is too evil. Even girlfriends here should be too spiritual so we can embark the journey together


I wish I had received this 6 months ago. My heart is broken with painful regret over missing those cues on some wonderful women I knew. I made mistake #1 on plan B and mistake # 3 on plan A. I am not messing up on plan C. Great lesson Mark!


Apostle Paul said it's easier being unmarried. That keeps you out of divorce court. Thanks Lord for your peace. Thanks Lord for baby momma's


I particularly felt number 2, as I may have lost a chance at a relationship with a woman I was in a church choir with by not making a move soon enough. My reasons for waiting may have been good and valid, but then the window closed and the opportunity was gone.

Things worked out the way they were meant to though as she ended up marrying a guy that compliments her well and they're very happy, and I'm happy for them.


As a Christian woman, I approve all 5 points in this video. Number five is important not just for attraction, however it also shows women if you are capable of taking care of yourself, then more than likely you will be able to take care of others (future wife and kids) as well. If you cannot take care of your health, more than likely you are incapable of taking care of others as well!


I believe it is generally not recommended ( there might be exceptions, though ) to ask a christian girl this type of questions ( more specially if she doesn't know you well yet ) : "Are you currently dating someone?" or "Is there a guy you like?" or "Besides me, are there one or more guys with whom you normally interact?". The reason is because for certain girls those type of questions might come across as intrusive or invasive to their privacy. Or it can also make you come across as a very insecure or controlling guy. You know, women in general tend to dislike guys who are very controlling.


Number 2 is so important. It’s like in a UFC fight when you rock the opponent you move in fast to finish the fight right then and there. You have to be ready to spring in.


I love the example of Rebekah. The servant had to ask. He did. Then it was time for him to go. Come with me or not…it doesn’t matter…I’m going. You decide if you are going with me.


The age of divorce has definitely had a huge negative impact on men’s ability to date a woman the right way. My parents got divorced right about when I was 14. I had never had a girlfriend, and then my dad was effectively out of the picture. Even before the divorce he was working so much and was only interested in doing “fun” stuff together, but never actually training and teaching me how a man should interact with a woman he’s interested in. But it’s never too late to learn!


This was on point. However, I do want to add what Christian men do that scared me personally was them being too "churchy" and also them stalking me at church. What I mean by "churchy" is their hyper charismatic and too religious.


I’m interested in knowing what Spiritual maturity looks like practically. Have read through Ephesians 5 numerous times but the clarity eludes me.


There are so many do’s and don’ts for non Christian dating! There’s even more do’s and don’ts Christians! It’s so overwhelming it really makes me feel like not even trying or just straight up winging it because it’s too much to keep track of. Might as well be trying to be mr perfect.
