Harvard vs. Asians? w/ Dave Rubin

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Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, talks about the controversial case of Harvard University discriminating against Asian-Americans admission rates.

#daverubin #harvard

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Sean is an entrepreneur, investor, and host of Growth Minds. He is currently the CEO of Rype, the world's leading platform to learn languages online, a Columnist at Inc. Magazine, and contributor for The Huffington Post, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine, TIME Magazine, The Next Web, and more.
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Saying "I don't want to go to college with a bunch of Asians" is like saying "I don't want to play basketball with a bunch of African Americans".


Anti racists create racism. Truer words have never been spoken. By treating certain races as special or different, racism is created


Rubin spoke exactly right. Asians have been experiencing this now for decades. I don't see them looting, burning stores, protesting from this type of systemic racism. Instead, Asians still work hard to strive for better. Asians have family pride, self respect and honor that will prevent them going stray, My asian son was once a top national debater in high school. A similar black kid with same achievement from under priviledged background was offered a Goldman Sachs internship at high school. Who, without any connection, can be offered a Goldman Sachs internship at high school? My Asian son had no chance. Coporations seek this type of candidate to give them a hand and a lift. America spent decades giving special treatments to blacks and hispanics in educations, and employments for the sake of equal opportunities. The bottom line is, you have to rise and emerge on your own to succeed, not rely on society's handout. There are also plenty of successful black people, and if you exam their lives, it all starts with good core family value. This is proven and true. When you have 75% of single mom household, that is the root of the problems. Children have no or bad guidance and, this inevitably result in creating menace to society. From what I see from current events, this is not about social justice but a class warfare!


Quotas are inherently wrong. Just as if making the nba resemble the population. That would be absurd. Acceptance into college should be based on merit


Mr Kim, I hope you succeed in this platform. Having Dave Rubin on your show is a great move.


Dr. Thomas Sowell wrote spoke and wrote about this very topic.


Something they are not addressing is how bad it is for underqualified people of color thrown into a school, they can't perform in for the sake of diversity. A UCLA professor did a study and wrote a book that looked into the statistics of students that couldn't make it at the Ivy League schools and dropped out to never go back to college. He wonders in his book, if the same students went to State schools with less rigorous curriculum, would they have completed school and earned a degree ? He concluded that they would have gotten that degree. Of course, he became an outcast for this heresy.


I don't care if the school is 100% asian, white, black, etc if they are more qualify than the other kids.


All Asian student should applied Non-IVY LEAGUE school/Leftist leaning univeristy. Asian are one of the most successful race because what @DaveRubin said, we value family and education. Go attend conservative university!!!


Douglas Murray estimates that, under terms of pure merit, “the only applicants admitted would be Asian or Jewish”. Can’t recall if he was talking about just Harvard.

That sounds about right.


This is the first time that I'm seen Rubin talk so much in an INTERVIEW.... He's usually awesome at making sure his guest are the main ones speaking.


That is the difference between Asian families and other families. Asian parents will always push their children to study hard because it is the only way they could get better jobs and quality of life. They do not blame others for their condition, but they work hard to get out of that. And yes we are always undermined by Democratic policies because we are not considered a minority in their view.


Not all Asians come from good school districts or high income families. There are many Asians here who come from low income families, sometimes the ghetto, those are the ones being punished because they don't have the money to compete with the high income Asians. Also there are lots of diversity in Asians: Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cambodian. In addition, there are many ethnicities that fall under Chinese.


How about a race quota for College Basketball or the NBA as well?


Yale is the same way
My grandson graduated from a very top HS . He got into the college of his choice
However the class valedictorian a straight A student who also played sports and was involved in a multitude of town and school activities. Her SAT scores were perfect however Yale turned her down .
Her only crime was being Asian.
Harvard excepts Asians from but only from China and only if their Patents are CCP members .


The idea is to treat people as individuals. Some affirmative action may make sense. But in the process you are prejudging by identifying your race.


This podcast deserves to go mainstream. It angers that this blatant discrimination was forced on young students and NOW they are trying to bring it back.
I experienced this personally when I saw my peer with lower GPA and test scores get in to better colleges than I did.
It never sat well with me at that the time almost 30 years ago and still does not


The sad part is whenever I try to explain this to my non asian friends they think I’m racist and they support this.


Asian kids in general are not a happy bunch. In Asia there are no varsity athletes who are Supreme Court judges because your time must be 200% dedicated to preparing for tests. It is almost impossible to be a well rounded kid in the Asian system. What should be applauded is the Asian work ethic, not the approach to education.


Lol Ruben seems way more heated than his guest.
