Ron Paul on Self-Government

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At a huge rally in Seattle: "If you had a perfectly ideal world, and you had liberty passed back to the individual, it would be self-government". Self-government is synonymous with voluntarism and a private law society. 16th Feb, 2012.

"If Canada and the United States can be separate nations without being denounced as being in a state of impermissible "anarchy," why may not the South secede from the United States? New York State from the Union? New York City from the state? Why may not Manhattan secede? Each neighborhood? Each block? Each house? Each person? But, of course, if each person may secede from government, we have virtually arrived at the purely free society, where defense is supplied along with all other services by the free market and where the invasive State has ceased to exist."
— Murray N. Rothbard, No More Military Socialism.
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@tonygmilan7 - "The idea of democracy must be ridiculed: it is nothing else but mob rule parading as justice. [However, ] This does not mean that one may not participate in democratic policies... But one must use democratic means only for defensive purposes; that is, one may use an antidemocratic platform to be elected by an antidemocratic constituency to implement antidemocratic - that is, anti-egalitarian and pro-private property - policies." ~ What Must Be Done, Hoppe mises[.]org/document/4365


@tonygmilan7 You have to get into something that big to make it smaller. Have you seen Paul's voting record?


@tonygmilan7 what are you talking about?
