25 WORST Product Flops You Might Remember

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If you had to name the worst product flops ever, what would they be? Would they be beauty products? Maybe something for the home, your car, your person? There have been many products out in the market, but not all of them were successful. Check out the 25 worst products flops you might remember.

Have you ever seen these late-night infomercials and thought to yourself “who would buy that?”. Well, you’re not the only one. Companies and inventors have come up with some bizarre products that for whatever reason consumers didn’t quite appreciate. And it’s not just in infomercials, major companies like soft drink and fast food companies have come up with products that may sound good on paper, but in practice tanked miserably. Check out the worst product flops ever (and our photo credits and sources) and let us know in the comments below if you would buy these products:

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Have you heard of Orbitz soda? Don’t be surprised if you haven’t because it was a major flop and was quickly taken off the market. The same goes for “Pepsi A.M.”, McDonald’s Arch Deluxe, and the Coors Rocky Mountain Spring Water. But it’s not just food items that flopped, there’s also things like the Sony Betamax (remember that?), HD-DVD, The Nook, and more! Check out the 25 worst product flops you might remember.

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I'm actually kind of sad the Fuel band didn't do well. - Juan


The worst product flop I've ever heard of was a different ketchup--Hunt's pizza flavored ketchup, which was introduced around the beginning of 1965. The product was a flop from the start, but one of the Hunt's executives was convinced that it just needed more time, so they kept pushing it. Finally, in the summer of that year, came the notorious riots in the Watts neighborhood of L.A. The riots devastated the community, with the rioters burning whole blocks and looting everything lootable. All except one thing--in supermarkets that were otherwise stripped completely bare, the pizza-flavored ketchup was left untouched. This finally convinced Hunt's to kill the product.


You need more pictures of the actual products, not just the logo of the company that made said product.


The Zune was technically superior to the iPod at the time. It had a feature where you could share music wirelessly between devices. It was the first unlimited subscription service. The software didn’t force you to copy files into its format like apple, thus taking up double the space on your computer. Zune was the best.


Had the original Nook and traded it for the Nook Color. If the browser had been better, I'd still be using it. I use my Ipad daily, but it's hard to beat the Nook for reading. No glare, and the contrast is better. It really was a good device for its intended use--reading.


Finally, a video in which the narrator tells me how old he was whenever a year is mentioned. Because that's something I really want to know...


I had a zune, that thing was awesome! Build quality was bulletproof, it was easy to use, had a nice big screen, and my favorite - you could wirelessly share your music to other people's zunes. It worked like nfc where the zunes had to be in close contact. The marketplace had all kinds of music you couldn't find anywhere else too. The zune social was kind of weird though, in an era where Myspace was dying. Zune software was also more user friendly than iTunes and integrated with smartphones better once they came along. I got lucky because a lot of people I knew and were friends with had zunes so we all got the chance to use them to their full potential.


he missed a chance with the wow chips, "high flying sales belly flopped", should have said that the "sales went down the toilet"!!


My grandpa still owns a betamax player with a bunch of good movies from the 80s and it's still hooked up to an old TV that we would all have thrown out 30 years ago. I still own a virtual boy that I bought in 1997 at Walmart for $39.99. They almost had to give them away to get rid of them.


Firefox OS for smartphones. The flop most people never knew existed.


I'm a generation older - 35 when you were minus 1 - so I can remember quadraphonic sound, nehru jackets, the McDLT, zip drives, laser disks, and smell-o-vision (aka Aroma-rama). Most of these died either because they were too expensive or the technology that birthed them was evolving too rapidly. Except for nehru jackets. They were just dumb. McDLT was phased out because of excessive packaging waste.


Don't forget the Atari 5200, which I ended up being a sucker for. Only had about 6 games available (although the quality easily surpassed anything offered for the 2600), and the controller's membrane buttons would stick or just not work, and replacements were expensive. It could've been something amazing, but wasn't.


I work in fast food, and I can attest to the fact that people do indeed drink soda for breakfast. Lots of people, they probably saw no need for the special a.m. product and just stuck with their already chosen soda flavor.


This video came out in 2019, I was -5 years old


7:00 Wrong. Betamax died because Sony failed to understand how a "normal TV user" would use a video recorder. The major error was that they were thinking 1 hour of recording time is enough. And to add salt to the wound, Sony refused to let anyone else manufacture the format. The competing VHS was licensed to anyone interested and the cassette was big enough to hold 4 hours of tape. And, since "normal TV user" wanted to timeshift TV programs, 4 hour recording time was much better for that purpose than 1 hour. See video of Technology Connections about the topic.


I was at the HP tablet business release convention in Toronto, was super excited for it.
We ended up buying a bunch of the tablets for $80 brand new with keyboards and accessories 2 weeks after launch, returning home and just replacing the OS with android.


The atari was amazing . I still have 3 in the loft.

I actually loved pacman, never played ET but defender and combat wars kept me entertained indefinitely . Dont get me started on space invaders


My father had a collection of 13 of the 1957 Edsel. I took my drivers test on one.


Mike, I had around 8 Zune players. I absolutely loved them, but as you said, they were doomed right from the jump. I miss my old Zune players. I had the 8GB touch pad Zune, three 80GB models, and four Zune HD devices. I loved my Zune HD. I was able to play audiosurf on it


The newton was absolutely brilliant. It was also about 10 years too early for both the technology and the minds of people. Same as the Lisa/Mac. The idea of a GUI with no command line was simply more than most could cope with. Brilliant ideas had too soon will always fail.
