White CEO Millionaire Mocks Black Family at Luxury Restaurant.. Has No Idea Who's Listening Behind!

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This is the story of Sammy and his family of content creators. They were at the restaurant, having a good meal while making a video of themselves. They were simply doing their thing and having a good time. However, it all went awry when a CEO, Wells, interrupted them and began to mock them for being black. However, he had no idea who was listening behind!
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Just because someone looks different or acts different doesn’t give u the right to bully them. Bullying causes a lot of mental problems including depression, low self esteem & self confidence. I know because I was a victim of bullying when I was younger. It’s never a good idea to make someone look smaller than you just because you’re rich & have more influence. Stop & think about how it would make u feel if it was you instead that was getting bullied and harassed. Plus it doesn’t look good on u as a person when u do stuff like that.
