Twin Flames 🔥 The Most Powerful Message for 2024 for All Divine Feminine's

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Twin Flames - Awakening Your Soul

Feeling lost and not understanding what is happening to you and feeling like you're going crazy with no one to talk too. The Awakening Journey can throw our whole life into chaos.. I'm here to bring peace and understanding to the journey so you start to see the magic and embrace the journey.

Offering One-to-One Coaching on the Twin Flame Journey and group coaching to help you to bring balance and union. Also if you need to understand the Twin Flame Journey and what to do to Shift the energy and bring union visit my website and start the Twin Flame Video Course Now !!!

Areas of Expertise

Twin Flame Coaching and Courses
Awaken to Consciousness Mentorship
Soul Coaching Course
Soul-Led Business Course

Love Cat xx

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Exactly. You were literally the first person's video I came across when I was in Separation. I was ALL OVER both the Internet and my local library trying to find information on what was happening to me after my break up. I was beyond sad. Beyond hurt. It was EXACTLY you say- I was literally beyond even being able to function. I couldn't eat, focus on anything or even hold a conversation with anyone. I thought I was losing my mind! I am not exaggerating AT ALL when I say I was on the verge of seeking psychiatric help. My life was falling apart over a relationship that hadn't even lasted six months! Your videos changed my life. They explained everything PERFECTLY. THANK YOU!!!


I have finally come into my inner Union with myself. My year of hours a day doing inner work has paid off! I started it to get out of DNOTS. Then awakening came. I will continue my inner and outer work. I have a peaceful, Zen, calm feeling. My mind is quiet. Everything outside looks brighter. The trees are greener. Life is good. Your videos have helped so much.💕


Thank you for this message! I hope this reaches all those newly initiated on this spiritual journey. I was initiated in 2010, and back then there was little to no guidance and information. I spent well over a decade in pain and mere survival mode. Everything Cat is sharing is the truth from what I’ve personally experienced. Especially the little tidbit about having your deepest fears play out in your reality to deal with and alchemize. It is my desire for everyone newly initiated to fast track these concepts and lessons….do not spend a decade or two doing it the hard way. Sending out so much love to those on this particular spiritual journey!


Cat thank you! This is just what I needed. AGAPE! LOVE! AGAPE!


I’ve been on this journey for 15 years and this video is so validating. Thank you so much. ❤


Loved your graft. By listening to your videos today I was able to shift from neutrality to love in a few hours . I plan on getting to the top thank you


This journey is not easy. And the shift takes time and endurance. Its not a one time thing. You constantly have to align the energy... Its very hard in the beginning until it becomes easier and easier... and even then.. you think when you have figured it out but then find yourself looping again.


I didn't even know I was on a TF journey until in 2022 and at that time it was 24 years of knowing him, been in separation since 2016.


Cat, you are one of the only resources I've encountered whose message truly resonates deep within. No matter what ego says, I know that what you speak is the truth. So many TF "experts" focus on the relationship and the passion, and that misses the mark completely. It's so unfair to the DF because it leads us further away from what we truly seek: Our SELVES. I do have a question, though: I've been doing so much work on self and becoming more embodied in my own divine masculine energy. And at the same time, I'm feeling his energy less and less frequently (but still incredibly powerfully when I do feel it). Is this normal/typical? On behalf of all of us who think we're losing our minds, thank you for reminding us that we're actually becoming more of ourselves than ever before.💚💚💚


But very strange happened on my journey. I never browsed but instead DM guided me on this journey of connection in its disappearance. Instead he was the only one who accompanied me in the darkness nigh of the soul. And I think we already awakening in the same time, I feel his presence in every cornor. Althougt keep hiding until now. But day by day I don't care any more about he disapear. I heard a lot of good information by Any kind about TF without searching. Thanks Cat for very clear your video. Gbu always ❤❤


Dear Cat .. you really are the best ! Honestly after watching your videos .. i dont want to watch or search more about the journey ! And the best part is what you say aligns perfectly with spiritual gurus too i.e not being in the body, mind or ego .. and raising consciousness. Thank you for all your videos


cat, you are truly great ❣️ i again and again come back to you to settle down during that journey ❣️


I found my twin last spring and still had attachments to my karmic. I have no intention of being with my twin. But this journey is definitely longer than I thought lol. I recently found out my karmic (who’s my sons father) remarried and it was so painful. But since that realization I felt so many energy cords being cut between us. So although it hurts. I know it was meant to happen to fully walk away because i still loved him. That was the last thing I needed and I truly believe the universe orchestrated it that way ♥️


Thank you ! It makes so muxch sense, amd you explain it so easily!! Love and light!


I definitely relate to the part of the shadows, everything That Was afraid of happened to me, or it was highlighted buy my Dm .I was going crazy... what is happening to me and it still going on . couple weeks ago I've learned something new when i tried to reach out to him.


Thank you for these videos and your ability to dissect this journey in such a way that the twins have some knowledge of what is transpiring. I came upon the videos after I initially learned about the TFJ, but before I completely lost my mind on😊


My twin flame journey began in 2018 when my twin flame died. He came to me in spirit and told me who he was. I had always known we had a connection even though we never met in the physical. Now I’m ascending and evolving without him and trying to understand why I had to find out? What is the lesson? It’s been so sad.


Thank you this video was perfect timing I needed this thank you


This is amazing. Thankyou so much Cat ❤


Thank you Kat ! I only started this journey the beginning of this April and I have learnt so much ! I have got to the stage of just awakening all the weird stuff 😂 He wanted to meet up last of of days, but I am so behind on house chores lol, so I focused on that even though it was hard to achieve, but feel great I got it done 😂
