🔥🔥 TWIN FLAMES REUNION 432 Hz | ⚠ Warning Extremely Powerful ⚠ | Manifest Reunion in 21 days ❤ |

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TWIN FLAMES REUNION 432 Hz | ⚠ Warning Extremely Powerful ⚠ | Manifest Reunion in 21 days |

If you have a twin flame, it is foreseen that you will meet at some point on your life path. Both of you will be drawn to each other magnetically and have an irresistible force of attraction and each of you will immediately experience a profound sense of recognition , as though you have been with each other since the dawn of time.

Also identified as “mirror soul” or “soul connection”, a twin flame is the other half of your soul. The origin of this term originates from the theory that a soul can split into two after ascending to a high frequency.

Once reunited the bond between Twin Flames can not be severed. However, one must find their twin flame first. That is where 432 Hz Binaural beats comes in. It is known for it's sacred qualities to manifest love, magic and miracles. It will guide you on your journey to reunite with your twin and manifest unconditional love in your life.

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I will have reunion this lifetime nothing and no one can stop this. ❤ affirm.


333 likes, 33 comments before me!!! I know I’m on the right path.


I manifest my TF in separation and ask all blocks & triggers be removed. I ask that our permanent reunion be harmonious and soon. I ask that we grow more in love with each moment we re together.


Careful to call in your twin... if you call them in and you are not ready yet it will be mirrored back to you. Focus on your healing journey instead. They will drop in at the right time. And not everyone has a twin flame. Some come to earth as a devine masculine and feminine, some as a united oneness. ❤


I pray for divine intervention to break every relationship and interference and Interrupting in my twin flame connection and remove everything and everyone keeping us apart out of my way in the name of Jesus amen I THANK you
Get everything and everyone out of my way in My twin flame life and mind forever get every one out of my way in the name of Jesus amen


To my twin flame, I swear on the skies, we will meet again. The entire universe is bringing us together, to be one, in order to ignite together.. We are going to meet again asap.
It is done, it is done, it is done and so it is. ❤


My twin flame is very self-destructive and unwell. I wish that she knew how much I love her. I wish that she can get well and realize how much I care for her. I would do anything for her, and I hope that she realizes it one day


I manifest that my twin to come back to me with clear communication, for all the triggers to be dealt with in a health way and for all the blockage to be gone. I want love, happiness, to respect each other's feelings, appreciation for each other. But to never stop falling in love with each other

Question does anyone else feel like there twin is physically touching them during the mediation because I just felt like my twin was rubbing my body and kissing my neck.


That "knowing" feeling You get when I reveal things, that sense of "belonging" you get when I open up, the familiarity, the way You look into my eyes and it feels like "home"...that, my love, is the twin flame connection...welcome to Your Destiny. ❤❤


Shiv shakti twinflames 🙏🙏🔱🙌 let all the twins be united and achieve bliss ..


I listened to this last night while meditating and then while I was sleeping and it feels POWERFUL! Powerful in that my cat was ALL over me like white on rice last night she kept sitting on top of me and purring while I was sleeping which she very rarely does so this must have raised up my vibration. I have no expectations of this ending my current separation phase with my twin but as long as energetically this has me feeling I will listen to it

Update: after listening to this for 3 nights my DM texted me for the first time in 6 months. I don't attribute it totally to listening to this as I have been very balanced for a while but it may have helped. I listened to it for 2 more nights then stopped for a week. I didnt hear from him for a week but 2 days ago I reached out to him about something specific and he responded yesterday but I was triggered into another layer of healing our core wound. Working through healing that which I can tell is affecting him based on another text I got from him last night. I will get back to listening to this for a few weeks straight to see if this helps to purify our core wound further.


All blockages to be removed, hearts opened and softened, peace, balance, consistency, authenticity, vulnerability, resolution


i manifest that my Twin Flame Leo will draw close to me breaking down walls in his heart, that he will open up and allow our love to flourish & Grow Amen


I am a slow twin🤣 #14❣️ love this and thank you👑 It's a simulation 🥳 No One EVer Really Dies💯☀️


We are finally united in this deep loving relationship 💗


This is some powerfully shit

I started playing this about a few weeks ago and the progress I have made with this one young lady. Has been amazing


I manifest my TF or SOulmate
He is coming to me now
All negativity is gone
We are one
We are whole
Love and light!


I was streaming through my video history to find this video quickly because (and I never do reviews like this) after hearing this for 20 minutes on the first click. The man I adore whom I haven’t had much of a connection with romantically due to (long story) anyway it’s been months since last year since we’ve spoken in a lovingly manner and I certainly did not expect to hear from him today much less after hearing this video. I was just curious to hear what it sounded not expecting anything. Bout two to three hours later he reached out to me and my heart (you can imagine) idk if it’s coincidence but I’m truly truly grateful to have come across this. Thank you for creating this to the creator of this channel you created a magical love spell. 🙏🏼❤️✨

I can vouch that this was extremely powerful. It took me only 2-3 hours and not even days for this to work.


Thank you for this meditation. I have faith that me and my twin flame will stop battling and come into union . I believe it will happen . I am patient .❤


Let us manifest both of us together❤
Permanent reunion.
Help me remove these very low energy triggers affecting my mind. Sahasrara Chakra 💜
Help him grow his backbone as a self responsible self respective man. Solar Plexus Chakra 👑
Help us grow together, and fall in love as we are together
We are twin flames, two flames written together. I love him, in separation. Let him love me, in return.
Stop his blockages. Now.
My triggers are his blockages
Stop them Now.
We need each other.
