Finding Your Purpose in Life: Does Faith Matter? – His Grace

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Have you ever wondered if God and Jesus Christ are really there? You are not alone. Rich Millar grew up believing completely in the reality and importance of the gospel. Prayer, scripture study, and service were his way of life. But that changed.

“Losing the faith that I had always had was a slow process,” he says. “You don’t realize what you’ve lost until much further down the road.”

What’s the purpose of life? Was God’s love real? Was God Himself real? Rich asked all of these questions. The problems of the world only confused him more.

“Because of all this pain and suffering that exists, maybe that means God doesn’t exist,” he thought. Rich left his faith behind to search for another kind of truth. He was surprised by what he found.

“No matter how illogical it may sound, there is a God—an all-powerful, all-knowing God.”

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I'm not Mormon but have always had a deep respect for them. This video and so many of the other videos released by the Church have such a deep Christian resonance with me and I am sure so many others of differing denominations. Thank You so much! 


I had and am having a similar experience.  I was having a hard time living the gospel fully, so I gave up.  It's been a hard road back, and my decisions have had serious consequences which make it even harder to live the gospel.  I won't give up,  since a life without faith is not a life worth living.  Faith definitely matters in life.


Crazy to hear this when I am going through the exact same thing. Losing faith and the church to waking up to my son crying realizing what I once had and needed to have again. Maybe this was meant to happen because the women that I love is now becoming a member. All I do know is that he really is there... Listening to us and loves us. Sorry, great video felt the spirit strong with this


This is a difficult subject and I am trying to figure this out myself.


This reminds me of my brother, around the age of 16 he questioned the gospel. He would always be late to church and would leave early. We prayed for him so much and tried to help him see God's for him. He asked these questions that no one could answer. We told him to pray and ask Heavenly Father these questions. He said that he did and he got no answer. My dad told him that Heavenly Father would answer his questions when the time was right, but he didn't want that. He told us he didn't want to serve a mission and that he didn't want to be a part of this gospel. He would listen to inappropriate music. My dad told him that he needed to get it together and go on a mission or he would kick him out of the house. Somehow he held on and managed to prepare to serve a mission. He still didn't want to but somehow he did. He has changed and is now serving in Tijuana, Mexico. He is now open to the gospel. I am so excited to Skype him today on Mother's Day. I love my brother so much and that he made the choice to serve a mission even though he really didn't want to go to Mexico. He is struggling with Spanish but we know that by the Grace of God he will learn Spanish and be able to teach the gospel to the people.


Finding and then re-finding Jesus has had an impact on my life so great I can not begin to describe to happiness.  I know now beyond any doubt, and no one can convince me otherwise, that God lives and he is here for us when we are really in need of Him. He does touch lives and comfort those whom need it, even if they are doubters . He also through the atonement, can bring you back to the path that leads to him, and have you start anew.  Jesus will even break his own commandments to see we have the opportunity to live again with Him.


This story helps me understand the patience God has for us.


Thank you for this message. It gives me hope for some of my children who are currently away from the Gospel. I guess I had my rebellion at a younger age, prior to my mission. It was still hard to turn around and make the necessary changes to be worthy of the Temple and a mission, but through the infinite Grace of God and the Savior I was able to be clean once again. I made a decision many years ago that has made all the difference in the world for me personally. I read the Book of Mormon every day. I never finish reading it. At the end of Moroni I go right back to the beginning and start again. I learn something new every time I read it. The Book of Mormon brings me closer to Christ than anything else in this world. I love Jesus Christ and I love the Book of Mormon.


So many share these feelings that it cannot be mere coincidence. I too have had doubts, having gone through trials so devastating it's a wonder I didn't just give up and take what to some would be the easy way out by taking my own life. My family is facing trials even now that would break the strongest, most can't fathom how terrifying and overwhelming the issues we face now really are. It's at these times, when God can seem so distant or in many cases to many people not even there, these are times we need Him the most. At each turn when things seemed darkest, when we've reached out for help, people often recoil and pull away not knowing how to help. Throughout all this there was one thing above all others that sustained us, kept us going, that one thing is love. Something as simple as someone calling to ask how we're doing, confirming there are those who care even though they don't have the answers, can be the difference between giving up completely or receiving that mustard seed of hope needed to sally forth. In all the darkness the world at large is experiencing in these days even that darkness can't stand in light of love. It can come from unexpected places and at times when the darkness gets so bad we don't see so much as the flicker of lit candle light the way. With all the four letter words often uttered during hardships, anger, frustrations, doubts and so on there is one four letter word, a polar opposite, that outshines the darkest curse word. That four letter word, the most powerful I know of in the English language, is LOVE! It saved life. It's the greatest commandment, trumping and expounding upon all others, that we love one another. For God loved the world he gave his only begotten son... so must we love each other to be able to endure. Faith and hope cannot exist without it, trust me I know. It's not just the word that has power, for I've been told God loves me during trying times and that alone was of little comfort. I've been told by some that they love me during dark times, yet they did not show me that love thus making the word itself powerless. For love to have power over darkness it must be expressed through deeds and actions and not just spoken as a four letter word. Showing love is the sharpest sword against the enemy we can wield, it must be used to be effective and not just concealed nor brandished.


I was left speechless, His explanations were almost the same ones I felt some time ago. This video really touched my heart.


Atheism brings pain. No matter how deep it may be. Even tho it may be covered by a thick layer of denial. Even tho it may be covered up by a sarcastic jerk of a man, the pain is real, and it is there. Not matter how much you want to believe, that you are just using your brain, you're not. It does not set you free. It binds you. It hurts bad.

Christianity, sets you free. It actually makes you happy with no second thoughts. It is the best feeling you can ever experience. It brings hope! It heals all pain!

I should know. I've lived both lives.


Really great video. I am glad to see that someone made it back to the religion. I, like this young man am currently struggling with faith issues. I would really like to stay in the religion, marry in the temple, raise a family with a beautiful and virtuous woman, however, there are times where things get really difficult. My mind gets filled with doubt and skepticism towards the Church, the Restoration, and the Book of Mormon. I have had powerful spiritual experiences in the past. That I cannot deny. Those moments were some of them most beautiful experiences of my life. However, the world would have me believe that such feelings were only emotions and not actual spiritual communication.

I want to believe. I want to raise my children in the faith, but I don't know how I can if I myself cannot testify to them that I know the Gospel is true. I don't know if any good mormon girl would want to marry someone like me who is weak in testimony, or if she did, I don't know if her parents would let her since they would probably consider me a liability. I don't know if I could endure such rejection, and I am afraid that if I experienced such rejection, I would lose all hope of having a mormon family and then simply seek companionship outside the Church. These are the really difficult issues that I am struggling with. I hope that Heavenly Father, if He really is there, will have mercy on me and reach out to me soon so that I can be strengthened and reminded of the great spiritual truths that I have learned in the past so that I can have as much conviction and spiritual strength as I did in my youth. 


Thank you for this. Such a great reminder that we all are different but that Heavenly Father loves us all the same.


I'm glad that Rich devoted himself to a belief and practice that gives him purpose and happiness. For me, the LDS faith doesn't provide purpose and happiness, but it took a long time for me to explore alternative beliefs because I was so afraid of being deceived by Satan. We should all celebrate the happiness and meaning each other find in life. I don't believe in God for reasons and evidence I have thoughtfully considered, but I support those who find meaning in their belief in God.


Beautiful I wish that everyone would see this


I once told a couple friends that a fish living outside a fish bowl is hurting itself, the same is said about those that live outside the gospel and don't want to keep the commandments, it is only hurting them in the end. We were all made before this life to follow God's commandments, this is how it is possible to feel a true sense of happiness, going against his commandments is against our nature, that is why we feel sorrow eventually if we don't adhere to God's standards.


I may have had a similar experience where I had faith at one point and I lost it at another and I went on a journey to rebuild that faith and to make it stronger than ever which I have. Now to continue that journey I am doing whatever I feel I must to keep that faith as well as my patience and persistence in life.


This is exactly what am going through, for 13 years I have been inactive but am finding my way back through the study of the book of Mormon and prayers . Thanks for sharing your story.


God bless you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful journey with us ❤


I did the same thing, and went away from the Church and reading the scriptures. My life became impossible because I had a severe accident, lost my job, wasn't able to pay my bills, and became homeless for over four years. Coming back under the series "Come Unto Christ, " got me back to the Church, regained my faith. I am now facing cancer, but I know that Jesus is there for me.
