DIY Wood Floor Repair Project | Cheap Quick Fix [Wood Filler Putty and Furniture Touch Up Marker]

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The wood just inside this sliding glass window has taken a beating from sunlight and moisture. It really needs to be replaced. So much so that it is starting to show signs of rot and is giving way at some of the edges. Rather than try to refinish it or replace it right now, this wood putty fix was just what was needed for a cheap and quick repair job. If I was the owner I would not have it get as far damaged as it did and would have refinished it. It's possible it's still salvageable but definitely needs to be resealed to prevent further damage. For this band-aid type of quick fix I just used some wood filler putty, both light and dark and tried to come close on a color match but was unsuccessful so I used a furniture touch up marker to bend it in so the repair didn't stick out as much.

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Furniture Touch Up Marker Kit Here (Paid) amazon link: Wood Filler Sticks Touch Up Repair Kit Wood Furniture Scratches Restore Sticks and Markers for Hardwood Oak Wood Floors, Stains, Tables, Desks, Used for Any Wood, 17Pc Set:

got a couple spots here on this wood floor that I'm I'm gonna go ahead and patch up this floor sits right inside this this window here and so it's gotten a lot of weather weather being but I'm gonna go ahead and I want got some of this down at the hardware store please tape it on to so just start with the tape here I'll go for I'll go for this spot here first

all right I'm really not happy with this here so I got an idea so I'm gonna start over here this is color matching I mean it's gonna stick out like a sore thumb right so I'm gonna pull that out of there and I'm gonna try to color match so I got this you know I'm thrown away so I'm gonna try to color match a little bit what I've got got the dark stuff that I use there and that I got some lighter stuff yourself it needs to lighten up a little bit as you can see so I like the way that it's gonna kind of turn out you know as far as you know filling it in it looks better but the color is not right so I'm just cutting taking that out a little bit here so so I can go over the top of it with listen with some stuff that will hopefully match but I could sit here and try to color match it with the light the dark against the against the floor and come close

I don't think about guys can really make sure I've got along the edges so I did give a whole lot of bullying over go ahead and just press it in now yeah see how dark that other one was

I'm gonna say kind of like alright let it dry all right actually I'm gonna go ahead and hit it with this furniture touch-up marker - I'd like it I should have color mastered a little bit better but it still it looks a lot better than it did but I'm gonna go ahead and hit it with this here now that I don't have a little bit left they have to do the trick

I'd do the same teeth all right there it is fall down not perfect but there's a lot better than it was before all right hey thanks for watching appreciate gets a watching like and then subscribing to my videos thanks

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I appreciate how you showed your difficulties in getting the color to match and how you worked through it. In many ways, this was more helpful than if you had got it perfect the first time.


Great video! I found this video at the right time, my daughter just put a hole in my new house’s beautiful wooden floor and I was going crazy… Thank you for uploading this.


Glad I checked this out. I’m bout to do my dining room floor n this gave me a pretty good idea of where to start. Thanx for the upload big guy


Glad I watched your video, now I know what to do.


Man slick work with that furniture marker at the end!!! My last floor job could have used that as well 😂🙌🏼


Thanks for this video, I am reframing my bedroom door and there is a gap between the uprights and the floor, I have wood filler putty so all good, I do not need to worry about a gap. Thank you!


Suddenly I have a craving for cookie dough. 🤨. Good job btw I’ve done this and it’s very tuff to match due to the pattern.


I was thinking about doing something like this. Hahaha. Thanks for the video!


Thank you so m much for your awesome video. As a woman in clueless. Will try this tomorrow. A question. Does it last when water goes over it... For example if uou have to mop if it's a sticky or dirty area... Does the wood filler stay and the marker colour0after a while still or do you have to retouch later?

Thank you for the educational video!!!


Honestly, even the mismatched patches don’t look half bad until you look up close


what if i use oil paint to fill? i am a painter so i have some less expensive tubes already, no need to buy. it will take a while to dry but i could match the color exactly to the spot i am working on. thoughts?


Would this work for a much bigger area?! Like 2 by 7 inches?


How about using same wood sawdust mixed with wood glue? Fine sawdust.


If you mix up two colours and you don’t keep any record of how much of each colour you use you can never replicate to and doing several samples on card before you go anywhere near the floor can get a near perfect match, but for the size of some of those gaps it would be easies to inlay with work cut to size


What happens when you mop the floors? Will it ruin what you patched up?


hi great video. the hardware store recommended i use wood putty to fill some gaps under my door jam, etc, but i noticed it stays soft, like clay. is there a way to harden the wood putty?


What’s a good water prooof laminate filler


Thanks for the video. What if you had used white filler and then workout your way to the right shade of brown with 2 or 3 different furniture markers?


Please what is the name of that pruduct using


Wood filler putty any link to recommend
