🤔 Lifetime Protestant Visits a Mormon Church

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Going in, I knew next-to-nothing about the Mormon faith (other than a quick crash course). After my spending four hours at a Mormon church, here's some outsider first impressions coming from a lifetime Protestant:

1) Imagery. Never knew who Joseph Smith was before, but you couldn't help but notice the portraits around the church, especially one of which a heavenly God the Father and Jesus Christ (along with another consisting of Apostles) that appear before this 19th century chap in black knickerbockers. The imagery was so odd due to the clothing contrasts.

2) Mormons are talkers. NEVER have I had so much 1-on-1 (later 1-on-2) conversation at a new church before. A gentleman introduced himself to me before service, which led to a follow-up chat, which then transitioned to two 20ish-year-old missionaries finding a room to sit down and answer all my questions. Just shy of two hours of conversation.

3) Communion. Instead of bread and wine, Mormon communion consists of bread and water.

4) Joseph Smith. Never had heard of him before. So the story as I understood it, during the early-1800's, Smith was 14 years old living in New York state and confused as to which was the one true church. God the Father and God the Son appeared to him, said all the denominations had gone astray, and his task was for him to create the one true church.

5) The Book of Mormon. Smith's encounter leads him into uncovering Ark of the Covenant-like spiritual objects, where he finds golden plates that contain an ancient language which would be translated and transcribed into a third testament of the Bible, the Book of Mormon.

6) Counter-Argument to Revelation's Warning. As a lifetime protestant, my biggest concern was how can you add to the Bible? After all, the end of Revelation mentions no one should add or take away. The counter-argument presented by the missionaries is that only applies to Revelation, as chronologically-written, more books in the Bible were written AFTER Revelation was finished.

7) Missionary Purpose. There's a lot of vigor and passion that came from the missionaries. I chalk that up to childhood, but also the sense of testing young men to leave the comfort of their homes and go out into the world on a spiritual adventure. It's a test to put their faith into action, which further enhances their convictions to spread the Mormon faith.

One last thought. I appreciate the time and discussion with those I spoke with. After my visit and after my initial reactions in this video, I couldn't help but feel "sold" on the idea to read the Book of Mormon before the Bible. Hard to overcome that feeling. Also, why would God and Jesus appear in the United States, not some other country?

It's got me thinking. Part of me feels like I'm a believer reaching out to skeptics with this video series. Weird where I feel like the skeptic being reached out by a different type of believer.


⛪ Seven years after completing 52 Churches in 52 Weeks, this video series chronicles the spiritual experiment for a second time. If you'd like to see what happens next, SUBSCRIBE and hit NOTIFICATIONS to see what happens each week.


▶️ Timestamps:
0:00 Downtown Madison
0:35 Mormon Misconceptions Before Walking In
2:51 Inside Look and Hymn
3:49 First Reaction and Service Time Difficulties
5:02 Imagery
5:51 Warm Welcome
6:53 Communion
8:02 Children Bored during Talks
9:19 Questions Lead to Conversations
17:47 Outro


🎵 Background Music:
Artist - MBB
Track - "Ocean"


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📚 Read "52 Churches in 52 Weeks" by David Boice on Amazon:


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Thanks for watching the video and hope you learned something new.


Hi David, I'm actually the Bishop of the congregation you visited. You're right, I do have a real job too. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and if you're around again, I'd be happy to buy dinner. I'm quite curious about your other visits to other churches as well. I have friends who are of all denominations and find joy in worshipping with all of them. P.S. I am also fond of the Episcopal Church....a good friend of mine is the Bishop of the Diocese of Detroit. Blessings on you, brother.


I was born in a Muslim family I use not to accept Bible inside my mother's house, though I love God so much, I keep prayer and fasting to God to show me the right church and I had a dreams of two guys put on white t-shirt giving me an envelopes and teaching me, I couldn't understand my dreams but I keep seeing them until one day I told my mum about it, she said to me that God is telling me something I should pray and ask, it two 9 months I met with the missionaries and they tried to share with me the gospel and they invited me to the church I was totally surprised to see what I saw in my dream, after 11 months in the Church of Jesus Christ i decided to get baptized and I can testify that the church is true if you ask your heavenly father he will always review the truths 🙏 ❤


I respect you for what you're doing. As an LDS member, I'm so used to being mocked and attacked by fellow Christians and told Jesus isn't my savior by people who aren't even willing to listen or give an actual look into my church. It takes spiritual maturity and humility to go from church to church and seek out truth and goodness from each one with an open heart and mind
You have my upmost respect, sir.
As for the BoM, it can only increase your faith in Jesus Christ, or simply do nothing at all. It's worth a prayerful study and ponder. A simple verse I love is "I glory in plainness, I glory in truth, I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell!"
Trust in him and his grace at all times. God bless you, brother!


I visited the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Normal Illinois. I enjoyed it and went to Sunday School too. Given the loving nature of LDS folks, I hope they are represented on the other side of this life as they are the most fair and diplomatic Christians that I have encountered. I want to go to Heaven with people like them as they love Jesus and love people.


I enjoyed your video. I am a convert to the church. Eight years ago I had a painful golf ball sized tumor on my neck. I was set to have surgery on it later on in the week. The Elders of the church knocked on my door and told me about the church. Later that evening, they prayed by laying of the hands and gave me a blessing of health. The next morning when I woke up, the tumor was completely gone. My doctor couldn't even believe it. I got baptized and so has my daughter. I can honestly tell you that it was the best decision of my life.


The screaming kids being hauled away during sacrament meeting is absolutely classic and I laughed for several minutes when you mentioned that. Thanks for sharing.


Watching this after announcing your membership. A great person then and a great person now. I'm glad for sharing your journey. I needed it right now in my life.


I remember doing exactly what you are doing today. My mother (and father, but Mom was the driving force) took my family from church to church to church looking for answers, when I was a girl in Detroit. We were eventually all baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I am now a very richly blessed member of the Church. You will be amazed at the depth and power of the doctrine, blessings and teachings of the church, if you continue to look deeper. If you do read the Book of Mormon with an open heart (which you definitely seem to have), and pray about it, you will not only be amazed at the clarifying doctrines it contains, you will absolutely be given an answer about its truthfulness.


You have done well. Remember, you never need to break down or destroy what you have learned about Jesus Christ. The members or missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will never want you to loose what you have, they will show you an opportunity to add to what you know about Jesus Christ. I am so glad you have had a great experience. When and If you ever visit another meeting house and talk with the members, you will see they are just as friendly as those you have met on this trip. Thanks for visiting.


As a member of the church I can tell you I thought "it's not macoroni, I know that... i could go for some macoroni rn" was hilarious😂


I’m Catholic (raised evangelical)… the LDS missionaries are 100% correct about that verse in Revelation. The traditional Protestant position takes that verse completely out of context. I love what you are doing! Thank you for sharing your journey!


I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I love that you included us on your faith journey. Keep asking questions. God will answer. And so will we!


I’m so happy you joined the church of Jesus Christ of LDS ! Welcome brother. It was the best decision of my life!


From “Bring ‘em Young” to the “Angel Macaroni” (or something like that) you’ve come a long way, Brother. Welcome to the fold. How fun to go back and look at your first impressions of the church into which you would eventually be baptized. We love you! (And hey, now you’re a “saint” too!)


I just want to share a brief part of my testimony. I was abused as a child. I came out of it atheist. I was suffering from PTSD and demons till I was in my thirties. Then demons came to me early in the day. In that moment, I realized Satan was real, I knew he was evil, and I realized God fights Satan. And although no sound came out of my mouth, I called loudly to God for help. He banished the demons immediately. Over the next few months, the Holy Ghost guided me to the Church of Jesus Christ. I hope you continue your journey with an open mind and a contrite spirit. Study ponder and pray. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


I am a convert. It took one visit for me to know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was the answer to many prayers. I talk to others about the church only because I know how I feel and believe and I want to share with others. It is then that the person has to decide for themselves.


I love this channel! I grew up Devoutly LDS in Utah, but haven't been active in many years. I enjoyed your thoughts, insights, and perspectives so very much!! I feel there is a real light in you that shines through! Thank you for this video and I think the journey you are on is so beautiful! ✌️❤️


I’m a 29 year old member of the LDS church and came in to the church when I was about 17. The church, including serving a mission, has been a positive life changing experience for me. There’s much I want to say, but I’ll try to keep it short. You have a lot of questions which is normal. The very most important question is whether Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God or not. Every other question seems to fall in to place when that one is answered. When it comes to using water during sacrament, the Book of Mormon actually says to use wine (Moroni 5:2), however, because we believe in modern prophets, Joseph received revelation that water is okay. When Christ’s side was pierced while on the cross in John 19:34, it was “blood and water” that came out of him. Probably from His heart. In a way, water is more powerfully symbolic of His blood than even wine is. And when you read the Book of Mormon, you will see that it isn’t an add on to the Bible but rather a separate witness of Jesus Christ. 2 witness is better than one. In our local area of the church here in Alaska, there is a once Jewish man with just the Bible alone did not believe Christ was the Son of God. But with the Book of Mormon and the New Testament both witnessing, he now accepts Christ as the Son of God. Again, there are so many questions, and I personally enjoy answering as many as I can (I love to talk about religion), but the most important is if Joseph was a prophet. The fact that you are seeing 52 different churches tells me there was a need for God to call another Prophet like Joseph, but that’s just my opinion. Anyways, I hope you find what you are looking for and I’ve really enjoyed your outside perspective on the Lds church experience. :)


Thank you for doing this entire series. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I love learning about other churches and their beliefs. I find that, at the core, we usually believe in the same important things. Christ is our Savior. He loves us. We have a Father/God we are trying to get back to. To follow Christ's teachings we must love, accept, and be kind to those we come in contact with.
