The Watchers, The Nephilim, & Creatures Living Deep Inside The Earth | with Ben Garrett

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In this episode of Theology Applied, Pastor Joel Webbon teams up with Ben Garrett of @HauntedCosmos_ to discuss the Watchers, the Nephilim, and their theories for what/who is currently living at the center of the earth.

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Thank you for having me on, Pastor! It was a great honor.


I had no idea Matt Walsh had a twin brother.


My grandmother, born in 1913, India, had told me that in her time, there were some people born with 6 fingers, and 6 toes ( just like Goliath & his brothers). While this was rare, this was well known to be true, and it was also accepted knowledge that this happened in families that were deeply involved in demonic 👿 activity -- casting spells, curses, telling the future, etc.

I couldn't watch this in one sitting, and I was multitasking, so I don't know who said what, but one of you alluded to this concept by saying that the predominance of Christianity in the western world has protected us for a few centuries. I agree with this. We are on our way back down👇, after experiencing relative peace and happiness and comfort and knowledge, the wicked are desperately trying to take power, and turn humanity into their slaves once again. This world has seen worse times than we can imagine. 😢


As someone who is saved but became so disillusioned by the church and its lack of nuance, intelligence and credibility I am thrilled to have found your site Pastor. You answer all the questions I had that the church literally told me to stop asking and just focus on my daily walk. Inquiring minds have left the church en masse, creative folk too. You give me room to grow, room to think, the way it's supposed to be. Iron sharpening iron. A true Ty to you both... Mark


I finally found more Christians that understand what’s going on
Not only physically but spiritually… we are in spiritual warfare
And they understand the enemy needs his earthly minions to
accomplish it on the Earth…


The flood was about saving the pure bloodline of Noah and his offspring because Jesus needed to come through a pure bloodline. Every other bloodline had been corrupted by the nephilim. Excellent discussion.


My view on the Nephalim is that the enemy was always trying to destroy the "Seed" and this was just another attempt through genetic pollution.


When you mentioned that the Nephilim are still the block and not the chip off the old block in their trickery with the alien theme, it reminds me of the verse : Ecclesiastes 1:9
The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing. 9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.


I had an eight year relationship with a sadistic psychopath. He hid who he was so well for so long that it was only near the end, once I started piecing things together, that he revealed who and what he really is, and it was terrifying. When the mask slipped and I looked into his black eyes, I stared directly into Hell. Before it was over, he tried to kill me, and as the puzzle pieces clicked into place in retrospect, I grew to believe that he had "unalived" several members of his own family.

I've always believed that evil was real, but you can't appreciate the power and hatred and sickness until you're exposed to it directly.

This experience made me look at everything in a new light, and your videos on this subject have provided so much insight into an aspect of the bible that many people don't fully take seriously or literally.

Thank you so much for this series!


Truth is stranger than fiction. I’m glad y’all are doing podcast like this. I’m not sure why these things are so taboo in the Christian community


Biblical scholar Dr. Michael Heiser is my go-to for all things supernatural especially nephilim/watcher. I highly recommend his book The Unseen Realm.


This podcast clearly shows that the wonders of the Lord are yet untapped. There is so much the Lord has yet to reveal.


I never would have agreed that hell was actually inside the earth. But I can dig it now.


I have always hypothesized that cultures deep into pagan occult such as Nimrod brought about the post flood raphaim. Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, etc. mythologies came from it.The men of Sodom wanted to copulate with the angels at Lot's house, for instance. With the growing modern enticement with the occult, we're ripe for another form of mythology in the form of the alien deception in the last days before Jesus's return. People are also enamored with the superheroes who smack of ancient mythology.


Im happy to have found a channel where i can meet with others who think on these things without judgement.


Chuck missler God rest his soul really really goes into very very good detail even going back to Hebrew root words and contacts to explain this very well in my spirit agrees so firmly it just makes perfect sense.


My favorite "unhinged" theory is based on the association of giants/nephilim with polydactyly in 2 Samuel 21:20 and in stories from other cultures. The theory goes that waving was first adopted as a greeting so people could see that you had the correct number of fingers!


Mythology is not a myth. In most cases, it's true.


God is a gracious and merciful and will give every man a chance to change. God's mercy will go beyond the rapture and into the tribulation and the great tribulation.


I absolutely enjoyed this series. Thank you for discussing this topic. I'm in my mid 60s and my mother is approaching her late 80s. We discovered many years ago that we Individually always believed there were truths to the ancient myths. We knew ancient humans were intelligent and there was something going on. When we learned about the Watchers through Dr. Michael Heiser, it all started to make sense. It's too bad that so many theologians are terrified of the supernatural. It explains so much. People are seeing odd creatures such as dogmen, Bigfoot, Pukwudgies, and other Elementals. They're not mistaking bear or deer for something else. These people are terrified and their experience(s) have radically altered their worlds.

I'm also glad you're not afraid to read Harry Potter nor reference the books. I recently listened to all of the books on YouTube. What stood out to me, along with the stories of friendship, perseverance, not allowing one's treatment to govern one's behavior, etc., is there are numerous political criticques throught out all of the books. I've reread those books nearly every year since they've been out. I didn't fully pick up on that until I listened to them being read. There are also audiobooks based on Harry's and Ron's kids that are well written and quite enjoyable. They weren't written by Rowling, but she has approved them. I believe the writer was involved with the stage play: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which is very good also. I love fantasy. I've reread Tolkien's series and C. S. Lewis' books too. Since 1972 at least. By the way, Sharon K. Gilbert has a series called the Redwing Saga that is an excellent Chrisitan fantasy. She mixes in The Watchers, angels, demons, spiritual warefarw, etc. while weaving the Gospel and Scripture throughout.
