Lawson & Tiffany | Q & A

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You asked, we’re answering! Our first Q & A 🤗

Lawson Bates Socials:

Tiffany Espensen Bates Socials:

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I really enjoyed hearing how God brought you two together. Tiffany is truly accomplished and authentic. You both have hearts for God. Blessings on your continued journey with Hod and one another.


Loved hearing your story! FYI! Don’t need music in background because it makes it difficult to hear you!


Lawson I’m so glad to see that God found Tiff for you. After watching Bringing up Bates for so long I often wondered if you’d find that special girl. God bless you both and never forget that 1 plus 1 equals 3.


Fyi: The music was too loud & distracting while you guys were talking, to know for the next vlog. I'm so sad the family show has glad y'all will have a channel. Love the whole family.


It's so heartbreaking to lose your family's show. I have deleted the network that did this and took away such a blessing from my life. Thank you more than words can say to all of your family members and to you for producing videos on YouTube. Tiff and Law you two round out each other and finish out the parts of each of yourselves where a partner is supposed to fit in. Again thank your family for me and know how much people enjoy the blessing of being friends with your whole and real family.


Hey Lawson, You have a Great & Awesome Grandmother Mrs Betty Jo! She talks about you guys all the time. You’ll have such a great family. She loves you so much. I wish you and Tiffany nothing but the best. She also says she praying for Nathan too.


As soon as I heard "Freedom Sure Ain't Free" many years ago, I was hooked. This song, in particular, hasn't received the praise it is due - and the lyrics resonate even more now that the world is at war again. Lawson, you are very talented and I'm pleased to hear that you can support yourself primarily from your music. I will certainly continue to support you, in my meager way, by buying any new songs you release on iTunes, and I would love to be able to hear you in person someday. Congratulations to both you and Tiffany, and thank you for continuing to share with us.


Law and Tiff I’m happy that your on uTube, along with other Bates family members. Many of us were so unhappy with UP TV canceling your family show. It was shocking.Most of us have canceled them now and will not ever subscribe to them again. I don’t mean to highjack your channel, but I think I /we won’t want to leave till Jeb is married, till all grandchildren are born, we will always want to know how your family is doing. I for one have grown to love you and each member of your family from the very beginning. Please tell your parents that we hope to follow them again. God Bless the Bates Family ! Hurry back!!!


More music, your wedding, time with your families….life in general. Show us all the things


I would love to see any and everything y’all feel lead to share. I would love to know more about Tiffany. With Bringing Up Bates being cancelled viewers miss the chance to get to know her on there. Vlogs like Evan and Carlin do are my favorite.


It seemed like only yesterday when I first saw Tiffany as Ashley Argota’s younger sister in Bucket and Skinners! I never would’ve imagined that she would grow up to fall in love with someone from the Bates family! Hope that she and Lawson have the best of luck with taking their relationship to the next level!


Congrats! Thanks for sharing your lives with all of us. Happy Wedding Day!


Thank you for doing videos! Loved this video. You are such a sweet couple. I so hope we get to watch your wedding. I miss the Bates Family show on the Up Channel. ❤


Tiffany, you are so beautiful! Congrats on your engagement! Thank you for your godly example!


I’m so very happy that he found you. Tiff, you are so grounding! Best wishes to the both of you on your wedding day!


So excited that y’all are doing videos!


Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. Thank you for your outspokenness of your love and commitment to God, may he continue to bless you both as you follow him. As a Pastor’s wife for over 40 years, your journey is going to be an awesome one! Laura Dew


So glad you put out a video! I enjoyed it but must say that the background music was a little loud and distracting and I struggled to hear you both over the music, but I love that you're sharing your lives.


So happy you are putting out videos for us to keep undated on what y’all are doing. My heart breaks you aren’t on TV anymore. You entire family are amazing and I love each of you are the beautiful babies. Congratulations on your up coming wedding. I hope you film it for us to see❤️❤️❤️❤️


Our anniversary is May 12th also and we have been married for almost 38 years. My husbands cousin also has our anniversary date so you picked an awesome date. May God bless your marriage and your future! 💗💙🙏🏻
