How Do I Know If I Have IBS?

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+ Twitter: @DrStephenWangen
+ Phone: 206-264-1111
About IBS Treatment Center
Dr. Stephen Wangen, co-founder and Medical Director of the IBS Treatment Center, and his staff have successfully helped over 10,000 people resolve irritable bowel syndrome and chronic digestive problems since 2005.
Some patients have had IBS symptoms so severe that they spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital. Others are suffering alone at home and are no less frustrated with the impact that it is having on their lives. The thread that tied them all together was that they had never seen an IBS expert (much different than a gastroenterologist), a doctor whose only mission is to help people solve IBS.
Let's connect on...
+ Twitter: @DrStephenWangen
+ Phone: 206-264-1111
About IBS Treatment Center
Dr. Stephen Wangen, co-founder and Medical Director of the IBS Treatment Center, and his staff have successfully helped over 10,000 people resolve irritable bowel syndrome and chronic digestive problems since 2005.
Some patients have had IBS symptoms so severe that they spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital. Others are suffering alone at home and are no less frustrated with the impact that it is having on their lives. The thread that tied them all together was that they had never seen an IBS expert (much different than a gastroenterologist), a doctor whose only mission is to help people solve IBS.
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