Traveling the Trans-Siberian in the 3rd class train / Russian platzkart

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Hello my friends! In this vlog I will take an eight-hour train journey to my hometown, Spassk. The town is located just on the last stretch of the Trains-Siberian Railway, the one from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok. The type of train I'm taking is a “platzkart”. It's basically an open carriage where you share conversations and (sometimes food) with more than 50 people. Looks like a nice place for getting this true Russian train traveling experience!

Smash the like button and the bell to be notified about my next videos, and write in comments - would you travel the Trans-Siberian Railway?

Music used in the video: 🎵Derevnya Durakov (Calambur) soundtrack🎵

*About myself* My name is Natasha, I live in the Far East of Russia in the city of Khabarovsk, but originally I'm from a small town Spassk-Dalny. Currently I'm studying Linguistics in a university in Khabarovsk. I like languages and learning about different cultures. On this channel I'm making videos about life in Russia, our traditions and my traveling in Russian cities. Welcome, and let's explore Russia together! #yeahrussia
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Hello Natasha, I follow your vlogs off and on. This one reminded me of my own experience on the Trans-Sib. I travelled with my parents and brother from Harbin to Prague and back in 1938 (I was 7) and again Harbin to Berlin (and later Prague) in July 1940 (the war was about to start). It took about three weeks each way and each time, with a short stop in Moscow. The choice was 'miagkii' or 'zhestk'i, (ours was zhestkii), but there was a vagon-restoran and even a shower. And because of the wider rail gauge, the 'kupe' for 4 was quite spatious. --- You can tell I must be quite old (90) .I have lived in Canada for tthe last 52 years. Natasha, I wish you good health and good luck in all your endeavors.


Its so nice to see Russia from a train and how Russian people travel such great distances


Круто, что иностранцам нравится. Могут узнать побольше о нашей стране. Ты молодец))


I like how clean the train is. No graffiti (inside and outside), no damage or vandalism, even the floor and the toilette are so clean, very nice. And I like the woman at 5:20 selling food on her sweet little improvised food stand. And i think you have more than two hundred subscribers 😉 ... congratulations!


Very cool! I'm from Texas and I love seeing videos like this. A lot of people film touristy stuff and I don't see trains and other things being vlogged. Everyday things in other countries is very fascinating.


I just found your channel by accident, I like the way you show the "real thing" with out drama or composed scenery, showing not only the pretty and manicured lanscapes, but the true reality. Grettings from Central California. Subscribed.


"Hand-me-down" trains (!), $2 bed linen, 8 hrs. on the Trans-Siberian (instead of 7 freakin' days), grumpy conductors, tsarist-style tea mugs. Your wealth of details expresses so much about Russia's Far East, Natasha. You left me wanting more.)))


I'm so mesmerized by all your videos. I find your demeanor, mannerisms, and even the way you speak quite soothing. Please don't stop making content!


👍🙏 Отличный репорт! Все показано и рассказано, как есть. Сам лично предпочитаю ездить именно 🚅 сохраняется дух романтики на ЖД! 😊
Кстати, РЖД надо отдать должное обновляет парк вагонов. Bon voyage ✌️


Ah, as a Russian myself, I can tell a story about my little adventure with our trains. I've been on a trip to Crimea with my friends. A few days after our arrival we've found a stray cat in a house where we were living. The cat didn't want to leave so we decided to take it home with us. In order to do so, I changed my platzkart ticket to coupe, because pets were not allowed in platzkart. It was a very fun 34-hour ride full of meowing. We named the cat Julia in honor of the character of Russian visual novel "Everlasting Summer". As of today, Julia is approximately 1, 5 year old and lives happily in my apartment in Moscow.


This sort of "slice of life" vlog content is among my favorite thing to watch online. Please do more videos like this.


4:12 Ah, nothing like observe a dedicated person and her passion for the job.


"Hand me downs" that was a fascinating tidbit of information. This tells us outsiders so much about what the provincial relationships with Moscow are. thanks!


Those подстаканники (cup holders) are so unique. Maybe they are just ordinary items for Russians, but they are both a clever design to avoid spilling and a brilliant work of art.


I love Russia! Their traditions, language, landscapes, food and the people are so unique. I wish all the best to Russia.


Does anyone else love the feeling of Sonder from meeting people on trains, hearing their stories, and passing by life with them?


I would travel the Trans-Siberian Railway. It's got to be the way to experience the people and the vast distance.


Классно, очень хорошее видео. Большую часть своей молодой жизни я провел в поездах и страшно скучаю по плацкарту, чаю, платформам. Вы прекрасно все показали, Наташа. Я живу в Штатах последние 24 года и меня тянет, как каждого на прошлые воспоминания.Я провел свою детскую жизнь в поездах по России. Свердловск-Одесса. После Хутора Михайловский начиналась Украина с вишней, грушами, яблоками, жареной картошкой. Но это было очень давно, когда мы жили в одной стране. Никогда не был на Дальнем Востоке.. Дольше Самарканда не заезжал. А судя по вашему видео у вас все как было когда-то. Храните это.


natashas trippy music reminds me of an old silent comedy.her videos are starting to get more polished now, very enjoyable outing this is.


Thank you Natasha. I love how you just record almost everything. In the middle of the video it always makes me laugh when you are like" Look it's a boot! or what ever random object in a weird place." I also like it when you stop to admire artwork or an old thing.
