Have you met your soul mate? | Ashley Clift-Jennings | TEDxUniversityofNevada

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What does it mean to be married to someone who is transgender? Ashley Clift-Jennings had to answer that question six years into marriage to her husband. After overcoming her fear of what other people would think, she now appreciates that her spouse is her soul mate, and she would know how to find her in a dark room.

Ashley is the rare combination of big ideas and big action. With an innate ability to see the larger picture and connect seemingly unrelated dots, Ashley has advised dozens of small businesses from startup into growth. She believes strongly in community and is a powerhouse in her hometown of Reno, organizing meetups and events like Reno Maker Faire and Startup Weekend Reno. She is the founder and former CEO of Girlmade, an accelerator program for women to encourage a new, positive narrative that girls can run their own startups. Now with Parlor, Ashley is combining all her natural talents as a super-connector, problem-solver and music lover to push back on the “starving artist” myth. Ashley graduated from Columbia University and is a member of Nevada Lieutenant Governor Mark Hutchison’s Northern Nevada Entrepreneurship Task Force (EFT).

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"I would know she's my soulmate if this room was dark right now. I would know how to find her in this room." That is QUITE powerful. Wow.


Yes. I met my soulmate the first time I looked in the mirror. He’s not the handsomest guy, but I do feel like there’s a such a deep understanding and connection between us.


I believe I've met a soulmate. The only way I can describe it is feeling like your past, present and future coming together all at once. The past because they feel very familiar like you've known them for a long time, present because you cherish every minute you're with them and future because you feel like you want to spend forever with them.


"Most people give up finding their soul mate, and settle down to just having a flesh mate."


I love the line, "I felt like I had a home inside this person's soul."


Don't "look" for your soulmate, "feel" for your soulmate! Beautiful talk, thank you so much for sharing your journey. Incredible.


Omg her honesty level... total respect to her courage to accept a person as one is and to speak abt the journey
i'm awed.


Came in expecting the Soul Mate myth to be debunked, left feeling like none of my questions were answered.


First 4 minutes * past tense *
Myself: * anxiety intensifies * "Why is it PAST and not PRESENT?!"


i love the definition of soulmate being the person you can find in the dark. without all the worldly trappings to distract us, could we simply feel around the room with our hearts and find that person? there's such a sweetness and purity to it.


You guys, she didn't specify if her spouse was always that way or was experiencing the struggle later on in her life. This entire video is her tearing down the walls of soulmate expectancy. She wanted a respectful man, and for a while she got that. But that man became a woman, and she realized that even though she hated feeling like she was being judged, she still felt like her spouse is her soulmate. She still felt a loving connection that overpowered the looks of her wife. She does not seem regretful about her relationship at all. She seems emotional about her journey but not negatively, and she seems a little nervous about giving this speech to a potentially judgmental crowd. And I doubt she would be giving a fucking Ted Talks speech about it if she felt obligated to this woman. I mean, her spouse did give her an opportunity to say no and/or leave, but she didn't leave.
The point of this is her saying that she didn't get what she thought she needed, but she still got the loving relationship she was looking for.


This isn't really a talk on meeting your soulmate. It's more of just a life story of THIS woman's journey meeting her soulmate. The title is sadly misleading.


This isn't about finding a soulmate. This woman is just talking about her personal journey.


if anyone here is new to this video...I've just done some very basic research on this couple and Ashley has now transitioned to Ethan...mind blown


This woman is incredible. I speak from knowing her as a child and even today. Her soul shines brightly through the struggle and I am so proud of her.


Soul mate the person whom can shares deep affection and understanding
. I have not met them in my life


“Would you even know how to recognize your soulmate? Would you know what you are looking for?” LOVED THAT.


I was married to my soulmate and lost him in 2012. He wasn't supposed to go before me and now I'm not sure what to do! Great speech! Hugs 🤗


I'm 68 years old, married for 41 years, two grown kids, and I feel I have not met my soulmate yet. It's not what I thought it would be for the last 35 years. I need to get back to my real wants and ideals. It's a little scary, but not as bad as if I went for what life should be for me. Rather be alone but content, than being angry and unhappy.


Ashley, I am very impressed with your transparency and strength. Thank you for sharing your journey with others!
