How to expand your baby’s potential with education from birth | Zahra Kassam | TEDxManhattanBeach

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Zahra Kassam shares why education from birth to three is so important, and how parents and caregivers can maximize a child's ability to learn in the future. Zahra Kassam is Founder and CEO of venture-backed startup, Monti Kids: the only subscription service for children ages 0-3 that provides an authentic Montessori education. Zahra holds a BA in Psychology from Harvard and a Master’s degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is an internationally certified Montessori teacher at the infant, toddler and preschool levels and a mother to two young boys. Through Monti Kids, Zahra is filling the education gap from birth to preschool, the most critical years of development when 85% of the brain is formed.

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What helped me the most with raising my children was the book ‘Raising Warriors: Preparing Your Children For a Godly Life’. It is honestly a game changer


In the US, we need to support parents and mothers first in the form of family leave before they can even consider focusing on education.


Mother of five here: wooden toys and low hooks: great ideas. Also plastic plates and cups in low drawers or shelves so they can get out their own dishes. Mine can set the table by the time they're 3 or 4, and make their own cereal and PBJs by that age as well. Water cooler: not a good idea to have inside unless you want to be mopping up water all day. That 1 year old turning off the water when the glass is full is the exception, not the rule. Kids love playing with water.


I am a teacher and I wish all parents listen to these tips and stop focusing on the results putting too much pressure on their kids to get the highest scores while neglecting the first years.


I am not expert but after i have my first born i think the intelligence of babies esp under 2 are underestimated.


Learning to accept yourself so that you could model the same for you child is the best take away for me!!


She was right about mental growth of a child till 3 years

But her focus was just toys which is a small part in the learning of children


I had no idea that numbers and letters on baby toys were more of a marketing invention than educationally based. I learned a lot from this. Great talk!


Approach your kids with curiosity rather than expectation. Thank you! Will keep in mind


Executive functioning promotes concentration, perseverance and problem solving. Prepare the environment for your child to support this and Be the Best role model to show confidence by acknowledging your mistakes and Excitement in learning.


This is stellar. It should be displayed in hospital before mama leaves!


It’s pretty amazing what a child <3 yo is capable of learning provided optimum challenges. Our son is just over two, he’s able to almost count to 20 with some help from numbers 13-17, he got the ABCs locked all from just sitting down and going through them almost every night. We read him lots of books even from a when he was tiny infant. He even picks his own clothes himself, tells us the cup he wants to drink out of, what he wants to eat and drink 😂

We have little electronic toys that I make at home that switch lights and motors on but most of his toys are non battery powered. I find giving him battery powered elaborate toys and screen time overstimulating and pose as a distraction to his learning, so we avoid those.

Great Ted Talk learnt a fair bit and provided reassurance to things that we are doing right and things to avoid.


Such great information. I wish I had access to this education as a teen mom. I had my first right after high school. 6 years later I’m having my second child and I feel so much more prepared and capable to provide my children what they deserve.


The most important thing you can give a child is encouragement and confidence. My son is 1 and has both wooden and battery operated toys. I have come to realize he try new things and learns so quickly is because he encouraged too. When he learns something new he is praised. Scientists are now learning is what infant, toddler, children and Young adults are taught that impacts them the most.


She is “selling” some basic knowledge of parenting as a gold. That means a lot to understand the level of education in modern society. Just the first 30 sec were interesting with that diagram…


Taking notes, as I’m 27 weeks pregnant with my first!! Thank you!! ✍🏽


How informative! I wish I knew all this before my baby was born! I would have saved so much money by not buying electronic toys! I still have time to enhance her learning environment by minimising the amount of toys she has around her and keeping her focused... thank you!


Totally agree with this! I have been helping the infant care in our preschool and I would see our babies choosing empty tissue boxes and recycled bottle shakers over battery-operated toys! Seeing them interact with these materials also allowed me to see how children can show their creativity at a very young age.


I am from India and we are already doing this from ages;like my father is for my daughter. Grandparents knows the best 🎉


So thankful I live in a state with the means to provide an Early Intervention program for children 1-3 years old. My son is definitely benefiting.
