A Woman in Tears Tells You What the Democrats Don't Want You to Know

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A woman called into the show to discuss a decision she made that led her to a traumatic experience. This decision is called "freedom" by the left.

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I was 18. Perfectly healthy. My baby's father was employed and we were planning to get married
2 doctors STILL pushed abortion at me. A nurse cornered me in an exam room and chewed me out for even considering having my son. Once again, 18. I was old enough to join the military and pay taxes. I wasn't that young. Fortunately, I was a tough young woman and not intimidated by those people. My son is now in his 30s.


That recording should be heard by millions of women. Thank you for sharing it.


My Biological mother was 14 when I was born. She made the decision to give me up for adoption instead of murdering me in her womb. I thank Jesus for that. My life was worth saving and so is every human life. He has a plan for all of us. Adoption should be advertized as much, and more than abortion. There are so many couples that want a baby so badly, but cant conceive themselves.


When I was in college the girl I was living with and dating had an abortion. She never stopped crying for an entire month after the abortion. Me and her family eventually couldn’t watch her full time, and the first day I wasn’t there to watch her she took her life. Me and the family went to the doctors, and they said “oh yeah that happens”


I don't understand how any doctor can live with themselves doing such a horrible thing.


When I was 18 I was told that I'm a failed abortion. Sometimes I wish it would have been successful because I have so many health issues. Sometimes I'm glad it didn't work because I have 4 amazing kids and 16 amazing grandchildren. I'm almost 48 now. I dont believe in in abortion because everyone deserves to live and I know personally what happens if it doesn't work. I should mention my mom wasn't a mom to me but my dad was a great father. Also at 18 I was told my dad might not be biologically my dad. I didn't want DNA testing because to me he was my father. I grew up a daddy's girl. The Democrats dont talk about the emotional side of it.


Telling her story, she may never know, but she may have just saved a baby’s life


That woman just saved many babies from being killed. I myself had an abortion and 40 years later I still feel horrible disgusted, sad and sick about it . Ladies don't kill your babies! You will regret it.


I pray if she doesn't know Jesus, she calls upon Him. Only He can give her the comfort she yearns for in this dying world. And she will see her child in Heaven. This world is filth. Thank you Jesus for your love and mercy.


This poor woman. The world is truly Satan's domain. Praying for you caller. I hope you're okay.


Dear Father God, please be with this woman. Give her peace, strength and take away any condemnation that she may be dealing with.
There is no condemnation in Christ. Amen.


My Mom was 20 (my age) when she became pregnant with me
and was absolutely terrified, so my Dad said "why not just make a
appointment" so she did...but a couple of minutes later she called
back to cancel the appointment, the receptionist tried to make her reconsider but she wouldn't listen, we were actually talking
about it a couple of days ago and I said "what would have you
done if you had got a abortion?" and she said "I wouldn't be here"
which is a scary thing to hear your Mom say😥 we are the best
of friends and I am so lucky to have her💜


For most girls/women eventually they regret their decision and choices. I was raped and miscarried my baby 44 years ago. I think of the child almost every day, even though I have three living children. These fetuses are baby humans; not scraps of tissue.


The compassion Michael shows here is something all of us on the pro-life side need to keep mind of when we encounter those who tell their abortion stories, be it online or in-person.


My mom had an abortion before she had me. She still cries about it sometimes. It was over 41 years ago. I have so much sympathy for the woman who called in. I wish I could give her a huge hug and tell her God loves her and I am praying for her healing.


I appreciate this lady opening up. We don't talk enough about the emotional, spiritual, and sometimes physical damage abortion does to the woman.


This isn't just a girl or female problem. As a young man 24 years old. and my girlfriend of 22 years old. The condom failed and we got pregnant. At this time. neither one of us thought we are ready to be a parent. And my mom got involved. and we decided to have an abortion Looking back. that was the moment. Not only did I lose the child, I lost the girl. and then I lost my mind. It took decades for me. To heal. And now I'm in my 60s never married. And as far as I know, she did remarry, but never had kids. It both affected our lives in such a. deep, dark negative way. So I tell everybody. even if you don't think the relationship is going to work out, keep the kid. because your life and your future depend on it. Didn't understand it at the time, but it's a God thing...


I pray she finds peace. She has a child waiting for her in heaven, praying for her


My cousin was a drug addict when she had her child. Her child was adopted by a family member and is now in college, graduated top of her hs class and is a member of Mensa.


Heartbreaking!! The doctor was a complete judgemental jerk. I fostered for many years and took care of many drug babies. I'm blessed with 4 adopted children through fostering.

2 of my littles were drug exposed. They both spent a month in the NICU for withdrawals. I visited them every day once the court allowed me to. One had a leg that would shake every so often through his first year. As will as the right side of his mouth. The only effect is his emotions are very extreme at times. He's 11 now and smart as can be.

The baby girl has no damage from the drugs. She was actually exposed to more drugs than the boy.

Alcohol is the worst on babies.
