Half Hour Hegel: The Complete Phenomenology of Spirit (Preface, sec 27-28)
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In this twelfth video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, I read and comment on the twenty-seventh and twenty-eight paragraph of the text, from the Preface. In these two paragraphs, Hegel explicitly discusses the structure and purpose of the Phenomenology -- providing a description of the coming-to-be of Science (as Hegel understands that concept)
He introduces the idea of shapes or stages of consciousness, which are Spirit at a given point of development, either as universal individual or as concrete individuals. What renders one shape (or a Spirit) more advanced than the other is not just that it is later or further along in the process, but that what was essential in the previous stage has been assimilated or incorporated into the structure of the later stage.
This allows us to understand the process of education as well as one in which what Spirit had worked out with much labor and even conflict at earlier points is now appropriated by consciousness "in outline", in the process of education.
In this video series, I will be working through the entire Phenomenology, paragraph by paragraph -- for each one, first reading the paragraph, and then commenting on what Hegel is doing, referencing, discussing, etc. in that paragraph.
The introductory music for the video is: Solo Violin - BWV 1004 - Partita for Violin No. 2 - Recorded in Brooklyn June 26, 2011 specifically to be dedicated to the Public Domain
#Hegel #Phenomenology #Philosophy #Idealism #German #Dialectic #Spirit #Absolute #Knowledge #History