Achilles Tendonitis / Tendinopathy - Explained in 90 Seconds

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A succinct look at Achilles Tendonitis/Tendinopathy, explaining the symptoms, common causes and treatment, including exercises, taping and massage.
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@ashleyco07 Yes, massage to the whole ankle area, including the calf muscles, achilles and the damaged ligaments. This will help regain full ankle motion, break down scar tissue and return them to normal function.


Yes you need to keep up the rehab exercises even once it is pain-free as this will help stop it returning. You also need to be aware that it is something you may always be a little prone to.


@Basketball3197 You should rest it from anything that aggravates it until you can play without pain. If you continue it will just get worse and can even lead to a rupture.


i have this pain due to skateboarding it hurts like a bitch in the morning


It's impossible to tell from a description of an injury. It needs a full assessment in person to determine what the problem is. Make an appointment to see a sports injury professional in your area.


I had this for many years. I had stretched and stretch before playing basketball. Last week I felt a pop. I iced it. I can move it freely now. I want to get back to playing basketball but need my Achilles strengthen first. I hope to take this lesson to me to be more cautious.


I've been injured since August 2015 (9 months roughly) and on September 2015 I went to a therapist and he prescribed footbeds or whatever they are called to put into my shoe. the pain gone away from 10 to 3. But I still felt the pain. so on November-december i went to another therapist and he just took a look at my tendon and said "ahhhh wait 6 weeks and do eccentric heeldrops" and wrote my onto a physiotherapist. who then used like a wave mashine. I got it 2 times a week for 5 weeks and my Achilles tendon got better and better. thrn physio therapy stopped. and the pain wouldn't go away. it's may now and I still have this fucking sickening injury. I play soccer, or let's say played because I didnt do any of it for 9 months.


I just got diagnosed with a stress fracture (right above right ankle) and Achilles tendonosis. I was in process of training for an ironman which is now out of question due to it being 6 weeks away. What would you recommend doing as far as rehab at this point for the tendon and would do you think it is ok to swim and cycle (easy) still while rehabbing it. As an FYI they have put me in a boot for 2-3 weeks. Thanks


I've done all the exercises necessary to strengthen this, I even went to physical therapy to stretch the tendon out. my Achilles has been this way for about 4 months now. It hurts to kick in anyway it hurts to fast walk and my calves cramp up. keeping in mind I properly warm up and stretch before and after any physically activity, I've also given it time to heal and have taken it easy in and out of the gym, I'm a football player so it is imperative that I fix this soon, is their anything I can do to relieve the pain on my heel?


I've had reoccurring Achilles pain for the past 2 years, I took off the first 7 weeks of summer workouts(football) to rest/ice it. It felt good as new. Now school has started and after a full week of football practice the pain is back...I have a great range of motion because I have stretched it everyday for the past year, and I ice it after every practice...what else can I do besides take off more time from exercise??? Any response will be greatly appreciated


@openuniverse2003 i sprained my ankle 3wks ago( jumped/landed & rolled inward), swelling went down, nothin left but pain in the achilles when jumping/landing, pointing toes out, and abrupt stopping after running. My Doc gave me an aircast to stop my foot from rolling. I've got volleyball season coming up and cant play like i want because i can barely jump. So in edition to the heel dips, would the Achilles massages be a good idea too? thnx


Is degeneration irreversible? As in is it fully healable or would your tendon not go back to 100% normality?


Do you think that stretching is a bad idea for an injury like this? I have heard that stretching will cause more damage than good by re-pulling the muscle fibers apart. If the cause of your tendinopathy is tightness in your calves then how would you rehab?


Certainly was a "A succinct look at Achilles Tendinitis" and exactly what I needed to understand the issue. Thank you for the video. 

Started to feel this ache in my tendon in recent mornings getting out of bed but dissipated during the day, but this morning it became more painful during a 20k run, and with a half-iron race in 10 days, I hope it isn't too late to fix.

First time I have ever got this.


I have had this for a long time. Im using the right footwear and feeling better since I been doing rehab training for the last month. I heard that even if the pain goes away, it still can come back if I dont keep doing the excercises. My plan is to go to asia in three months for kung fu training and som thaiboxing. How much can this effect me, and can I still do hard training if I mix it with the rehab excercises?


Are steroidal therapies feasible?

I'm 23 and seem to be prone to tendinopathy at various parts of my body despite a healthy, sportive lifestyle and regular physical therapy. It is allmost impossible to rest all affected parts, while maintaining a regular sports/gymnastic regimen. My imflammatory blood results are normal.


i dont understand ...they say dont do stressfull exercises, but you need to do tendon exercises and stretches....WELL I did alot of strecthes and at first it loosen up my foot where It had more movement, but after I woke up after doing streches the pain was significantly worse then before! so yea I dont understand?


I think i may have it because i play acellies doent hurt when im throwing or hiting but when i run i feel as if theres knife stabbing my acellies is it tendenitous


You can have a steriod injection into the achilles tendon. But these should only be tried after appropriate conservative treatment fails.


I tore mine and mine's bust open in it in that I got the bone in optic and I had to get surgery on
