Rabbit about
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Sub Phylum....... Vertebrata
Class............. Mammalia
Kingdom......... Anamalia
The rabbit is a small sized animals of about 16-18 inches in length.
The whole body is covered by a soft uniform hairy coat or fur so as to keep the body temperature constant (38.8°C).
Body is distinctly divisible into head, neck, trunk and tail.
Head is large, pear-shaped and produced into snout or muzzle with fleshy tip.
Two large prinent oval eyes with movable upper and lower eyelids bearing very fine and short eye lashes.
pinna is large, prominent, movable, well developed. It can be moved independently and collect sound waves from any direction.
The female has 4 or 5 pairs of mammary glands with nipples or teats.
A small bushy or furry tail is attached to the hind end of trunk.
Fore limbs are used for digging burrows Hind limbs are mainly used in leaping.
2 pairs of incissors are present in the upper jaw.
Canine are absent, forming the space called diastema.
Toes bear claws.
Rabbit is viviparous.
Rabbits are herbivorous feed on green vegetation. They are consmopolitan in distribution. They are usually found in the fields, grass land, they live in burrows.
They are nocturnal in habit. They are gregarious.
Sub Phylum....... Vertebrata
Class............. Mammalia
Kingdom......... Anamalia
The rabbit is a small sized animals of about 16-18 inches in length.
The whole body is covered by a soft uniform hairy coat or fur so as to keep the body temperature constant (38.8°C).
Body is distinctly divisible into head, neck, trunk and tail.
Head is large, pear-shaped and produced into snout or muzzle with fleshy tip.
Two large prinent oval eyes with movable upper and lower eyelids bearing very fine and short eye lashes.
pinna is large, prominent, movable, well developed. It can be moved independently and collect sound waves from any direction.
The female has 4 or 5 pairs of mammary glands with nipples or teats.
A small bushy or furry tail is attached to the hind end of trunk.
Fore limbs are used for digging burrows Hind limbs are mainly used in leaping.
2 pairs of incissors are present in the upper jaw.
Canine are absent, forming the space called diastema.
Toes bear claws.
Rabbit is viviparous.
Rabbits are herbivorous feed on green vegetation. They are consmopolitan in distribution. They are usually found in the fields, grass land, they live in burrows.
They are nocturnal in habit. They are gregarious.