Anakin Skywalker Denied Rank of Jedi Master [4K HDR] - Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

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The Following Footage is included in this Fan Edit:

- All of Revenge of the Sith film, save a very small number of shots.
- A Brand new Rewritten Opening Crawl for the Supercut
- 21 Minutes of the 2k3 Clone Wars Battle of Coruscant, recut to fit within the timeline and enhanced in with a new 4K HDR transfer.
- All 4 Episodes of the Siege of Mandalore Clone Wars Season 7 finale arc, recut seamlessly into the events of Revenge of the Sith in roughly chronological order.
- 5 Restored Deleted Scenes (and one new partially restored scene) - Newly AI Upscaled and Improved over the previous releases, just like the Episode I and II Extended Cuts
- The Restored 20th Century Fox Opening, matching the versions used in my other cuts.

The Total Runtime for the Cut is 4 Hours, 19 Minutes and 10 seconds.

Transitions have been tweaked and updated, both audio and video. At this point there are not any more refinements/tweaks I wish to do. I want this to remain the final version for the forseeable future unless a better quality (8K, for example) source for ROTS/Clone Wars is ever made available, or unless some element of the Kenobi/Ahsoka series truly belongs in this cut, but I find that to be unlikely. Frankly, I want this to be the best damned Star Wars film you've seen.

I will not be doing a version without the 2K3 series, or a version of ROTS Extended with only Deleted Scenes. There are other editors who have tackled those projects over the years. I have good reasons to include the footage I have chosen, as has been described in the previous ROTS release videos.

Footage from Bad Batch and Jedi Fallen Order are not included. I stand by my statements that they work much better in their respective original titles, especially since the Bad Batch Order 66 events are meant to be seen from their rather unique POV. I have also decided to keep the TCW final scene in its current placement. No Post Credits Scene in a Skywalker Saga film.

Use the following Google Doc to see the supercut for yourself, then follow the instructions there.

#RevengeofTheSith #CloneWars #TheSiegeofMandalore #EpisodeIII #SWTCW #4HourROTS #clonewarsfinale #clonewarsseason7 #AnakinSkywalker #ObiwanKenobi #MaceWindu #JediCouncil #JediMaster
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Use the following Google Doc to see the supercut for yourself, then follow the instructions there.


You: "Frankly, I want this to be the best damned Star Wars film you've seen.". Me: You're damn right.


Ahsoka: The chancellor has been a good friend and mentor to Anakin.


The council wants you to report on all the chancellor’s dealings. We want to now what he’s up to.


Obi-Wan: Ahsoka, the council isn’t always right.


I remember that is happening for Jedi temple


Poor Anakin. The Jedi Council treats him like garbage!


This is why I care more about Anakin’s feelings and emotions more than the Jedi code and rules


Windu: I’m sure that won’t bite us back in our ass


This was the final toll that turned Anakin


So selfish the Jedi Council is. They should have treated Anakin with respect and not treated so selfish. Maybe he wouldn’t turn to the darkside


“I swear to you, I didn’t ask to be put on the council.”

“But it’s what you wanted”

Why do I get the feeling Obi-Wan partially blames Anakin’s ambition to be on the council?


I’m sorry, but are people in the comments forgetting that Anakin is only here because Palpatine requested for Anakin to be made a member of the council? The same man who already has amassed a large amount of political power? The Jedi may not have known he was the Sith Lord at the time, but it clearly looks like Palpatine wanted to get in on Council meetings via Anakin. Also, nobody asks if Anakin has met the requirements to be a Jedi Master.

Anakin certainly is one of the most successful generals in the war. However that doesn’t translate to being a great Jedi. Sure, Anakin has been wronged by the Order when they faked Obi-Wan’s death and when they expelled Ahsoka from the Order, but we also know he has a dark side he has little control over. Everybody has this dark side, but Jedi are supposed to control it like we see with Yoda and Obi-Wan. But with Anakin, we’ve seen him be particularly brutal even for a Jedi in a war. Yes, the Jedi Order is shown to suffer from complacency and can be weighed down by their obligations to the Republic, but Anakin just doesn’t seem like Master material. Yes, this ended up serving Palpatine, but you can’t really say the Jedi Order was being unfair to Anakin in this case.


It makes sense why they didn’t grant Anakin the rank of master because you only become the rank of master and when you train a Padawan to knighthood, Asoka left the order so he never completed training one to knighthood


This scene never made any sense because he was ahsokas master!!!


I rather quit my job and get a new job


Personally think they were right to not give him the rank. Anakin is clearly spoiled and entitled and his response to being rejected proves why he didn't get Master rank. He clearly still had some maturing to do Mentally!


Those of you who have read the book know how outrageous and unfair this is. You also know why.


Anakin to be deserve be Jedi Master if Ahsoka stay. At least Luke redeemed him years later
