5 Conversation Mistakes That Instantly Turn Women Off

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The 5 conversation mistakes discussed in this video are:

1. Always trying to say the right thing.
2. Being too neutral or too nice.
3. Showing serious romantic interest in her before making her feel attracted.
4. Hoping that she will lead the conversation.
5. Perceiving silences as being "awkward" silences.

To learn more about how to talk to women, how to keep conversations going and keep them interesting and how to get a woman to want you sexually and romantically, go to:

For more free tips on how to talk to women, watch this:

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mothers must teach there sons at an early age about the positive/negatives of female nature. the earlier he is prepared, the better-off he will be.


goddamit i do everything thats wrong in this vid :/


As a good looking guy myself I'll tell all you homers this, good looks don't mean shit. Nothing. I've never ever once gotten a single date because of how good I look. Number one thing is they want you to approach her, that's the biggest turn on. Being good looking can actually be a crutch that some guys lean on and don't develop their social skills. Being in shape is a different story, if you have muscles women will approach you. Having a clean beard women will approach you. But looking like a male model isn't going to help you one bit so don't worry about it, in fact it can be offputting because women think good looking guys are just looking for a hookup so it can be a negative, I shit you not. This average looking dude in the video has the same chances with women as me even though I can turn heads, turning heads is meaningless unless you close the deal.


When i was young i was extremely handsome and a pretty boy. I look back at school, college and the hottest girls flirted with me and made effort but i could not make a move to save my life - literally. I'd get catatonic. Why?
Cause i grew up with a Marine Corps dad that pretty much mentally destroyed my siblings and i from a very young age, my self esteem was shut down like fort knox.
Point being that yes, for sure some of us good looking guys couldn't get as many girls as we wanted - I think we sometimes became targets as young pretty boys, there's always those who want to break you if you have some natural gifts, i was loaded with gifts.
Took me a few years into college till i finally broke out of my shell, got girls etc - but i'm over 50 and recently stopped suffering from the immense mental abuse i suffered as a young child till 18.

In other words, be confident.


Happy Valentine's day to all the singles watching this video


Great point on why silence is not always bad.


Now THIS sounds like good advice. I've seen so many vids where these gurus where saying women want bad boys and acted like nice guys weren't real men, which pisses me off., but the part here about the neutral/ nice mistake actually makes sense.


The biggest mistake guys make whentalking with women is that they have not bought Dan's book.


8:08 Did you really have to post that one? lol


Hi Dan, what you said in the video is true but what would you say to guy like me who thinks its a waste of precious time to go through all the paradigms and illogical social conventions.I admit i would love to like to have a girlfriend and i sometimes go out and chat to women, the dates ends up being unsuccessful for a few specific reasons.One reason being that girls have expectations of how they expect you to react base on the social dogma that they have been fed, its sometimes called game or shit tests that they run on you and if you go counter to their expectations coz of the way you think, they see it as akward and get turned off.To someone like me who read a few books on dating and psychology, it comes across as dumb because i already know the truth behind it so when they do all the hard to get/or shit tests, i get turned off too coz to me thats super dumb.Do women think its wrong to be vulnerable and honest? i dont know, one may argue that they do all the crazy stuff because they are trying to see who is really serious about them then why do they end up with jerks and complain about relationships all the time? The answer to that could be the fact that guys who get through all tests and the mind games mostly have nothing to do with their time than playing games with women so its like a game to them too. One example, i have seen this trait in a number of women, when you text them, they usually take a very long time to reply in order to make you think they have something going on/busy when you technically know that they aint, its just so stupid to me honestly.i would prefer learning chinese online than playing these social childish games .Is there something im missing that  you think i need to know?


As someone who just became a fitness athlete and model I will tell you that looks are not anything to girls. Your personality matters way more! Just like guys are nervous to approach a beautiful girl girls are even more nervous to talk to a good looking guy. Girls also worry about involving themselves with good looking dudes because they are afraid of things such as cheating on them. Until my skills in conversation and text got better there was no better success because of my looks alone


This guy is a fucking genius. I would date him. Guys, look at the vibe he gives off. I wouldn't otherwise consider him attractive, but right now I consider him pretty hot. -An attractive woman


some women who don't really like at first see's you paying attention to some other women can get really jelous.


Just attract first by being a real man and let her feel like a woman around you..thats the only way to attract and then as Dan said that every good thing about you feel even more nice for her.


Ok, this is me basically. Initially i dont say much To strangers, women included. I need To get To know a person then i can really start show my social mettle. And how do i do this? Well in order for me To get To know someone it has To begin on a serious situation like work, being a womans coworker on serious project we are working on. Then i start To feel comfortable around her and If initially I was atrracted To her then my personality will blossom. That is just The way It is with me.


Damn this video just shows why I can't find a Girlfriend, I always thought it was my looks but, I've been doing it all wrong.


I have always said it. The first date is like a job interview; you have to give the best impression and pass the tests.


I wish I had this lesson in my 20s and 30s ..I lost a beautiful woman


Man this video really hits home for me. When I’m round a girl I’m not romantically interested in at all, I feel fine and I can say whatever. When I’m round a girl I do like, especially if it’s the first time I’m alone with her, sometimes my brain turns to mush and I behave more awkward than normal and can’t think straight half the time. I then end up fearing I’ve blown my chances. I am trying to make myself more confident around the girls I like and trying to let go of the fear of losing them right away


This video came up in my news feed, god knows why, but I thought "what the hell, let's watch it". I think it's great, really useful advice. I'm a guy who has just got engaged at the age of 34. All the things you list which guys shouldn't do, are the things most young men in their teens and 20s do. You talk a lot of sense, it's like listening to the best mate who always got the girls and we all watched jealously. 😂
