3 Wellness Teas with Incredible Health Benefits!

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These three teas are on my subscribe & save delivery and I don't know what I would do without them. I rotate through depending on the day/ my self-care needs, and 10/10 recommend giving one (or all!) a try:

TULSI MORINGA: I love a hot mug of Moringa in the morning - it has been proven to reduce stress, aid digestion, boost metabolism, and has anti-aging benefits. It also is loaded with antioxidants and is incredible for your immune system!

GUT HEALTH: This brand in particular is my favorite - it is by Tea Well and the cinnamon oat variety. Be sure to look for organic whenever you're purchasing teas (as many non-organic options have been sprayed with glyphosate). If you're having any stomach/bathroom issues, brew yourself a cup of this blend, take a few minutes to calm your body and mind, and I would be willing to bet it helps in the digestive department almost immediately ;).

DANDELION TEA: This is a MUST to be organic for reasons stated above. Dandelion tea has been used for its medicinal properties since the 17th century and is LOADED with super powers. It is an excellent detoxifier for the liver, balances blood sugar, fights chronic diseases, reduces inflammation, and boosts digestion and your immune system.

Which tea is first on your list to try? Follow @nixonpack for more wellness tips: well-blended for well-being!
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