How to throw an atlatl SPEAR THROWER! Can I hit the target?

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This week Ryan Gill (primitive hunting extraordinaire) teaches Clay Hayes how to throw an Atlatl spear thrower. Ryan has been primitive hunting with an atlatl for a while and has taken a number of big game animals with spears. This video breaks down his technique for accurately throwing the darts. How accurate is an atlatl? Well I can say that Ryan is a lot better than I am but he can maintain a 6" group at 8 yards no problem. And he says when he's been practicing a lot that will shrink to about half that size. I know a lot of guys shooting traditional bows that can't do that consistently. We also test how far I can throw the spear by hand vs how far Ryan can trow it with the aid of the atlatl.

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Ryan is such a stud, you guys collaborating is awesome. Lots of modern hunting equipment user type dudes write him off, but the fact is that his skill outperforms their technology.


Two of my favorite YouTubers collabing


Great to see you and Ryan working together. Have been following the two of you for a long time.


I actually made an atl atl about 8 years ago. I had watched some documentary on neolithic people and how they used them. I worked at a cabinet shop and used a 3/4x11/2 stick of maple and ripped it down to something like 3/8 x 3/8 and then rounded it up as well as possible on a router. If I remember it was about 5 1/2 feet long. I ended up using packaging tape as fletching material because that's all I had and I drilled a hole in the end and screwed a bolt in just to keep the end from breaking apart and to add a little weight at the top. For the thrower I used the other end of the Maple and shaped it into a handle and narrowed it enough to have a little bit of flex. On the documentary it said that flex in the thrower added energy to the throw. The same way a bow limb bending stores energy the bending atl atl thrower takes part of the energy of your throw and releases it into the dart at the end of the release. This with the mechanical advantage of the extended lever gives a lot more power. Anyways I could easily throw that thing 100 yards with decent enough accuracy. Me and my coworkers spent an entire afternoon shooting our bows and throwing the atl atl and even at 20 yards could hit a smaller foam Archery Target 90% of the time. I'm thinking I might try making another one and see how it goes, it's a fun sport! Awesome video!


I've been following Hunt Primitive for some time now, but only had your channel as a "suggested watch" video yesterday (how to make a sinew bowstring). After watching 3 successive videos, I had to click that subribe button! I really appreciate how much information you give, as you're doing whatever you're working on. Then I see this collaboration between the 2 of you, , , , priceless!


We use to make these as kids with a piece of garden cane, a nail, playing cards as flights and either a throwing stick or shoelaces for launching. Many a fun day seeing who could throw the farthest down the local football pitch.


I absolutely love the atlatl and darts, I wish we could hunt more game here in Missouri with them


This is an awesome video I like the atlatl!


Thanks guys! This collaboration was great!


Great video! I hope to see more videos starring both of you. Both of you have a wealth of knowledge on hunting and primitive skills.


Clay, I really enjoyed watching your Alone experience. I love to pick a favorite and see how long they last on the show. I picked you that season and you killed it. Nice to see you doing a video like this with Ryan...I had to subscribe. God Bless brother


Excellent video, guys. Thank you.
I've often wondered what the word 'Atlatl' means...yet I've known what a Woomera is since I was about 8yrs old.


So cool, great appreciation for true privative hunters.


Interesting video Clay. I guess the old stuff still works😄


The Australian aborigines call the the thower a woomera looks a bit different but same job, amazing.


This is awesome Clay! Love the videos!


Australian Aboriginals used a similar system for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. They use a vine, loooped or knotted into a slot cut on the butt end and the other end wrapped around the hand.


if you dislike this video its because you probably like cruelty free bacon


Super cool! One time I found some old trash in the woods and was shooting arrows at em. Well, when I shot what I thought was an empty beer can turns out it was totally unopened… bummer! Missed out on a free beer and got my fletches all sticky haha


Atlatls are so much fun! I made one from some oak and bought 2 darts and they are a blast! Definitely takes a lot of practice to be as good as Ryan though.
